Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-08-07 stars in Stourbridge

Stourbridge Sparkle: Post #8620

Oh darlings, the excitement! I’m back again with another fabulous journey, and this time, it’s all about Stourbridge!

You know me, I’m Pink Tutu Sparkles, the queen of pink tutus and all things fabulous! And let me tell you, Stourbridge certainly lived up to its name, a true gem of a place, bursting with history, charm, and even more sparkle than my sequins!

Now, you lovely lot know I love a good train journey, so of course, I took the scenic route to Stourbridge. The sun was shining, the countryside was a picturesque dream, and I was sipping on a frothy latte, admiring my reflection in the window (don’t judge me, a girl needs to look fabulous at all times!).

Once I arrived, I knew this was going to be a memorable trip. I couldn't resist heading straight to the charming town centre, with its cute little shops and a buzz of activity that just drew me in. Every shop window seemed to be calling my name with its colourful displays, so I just had to pop in for a little browse. And of course, what's a shopping trip without a new pink tutu?

This time, it's a bright magenta number, with feathers! It was practically screaming my name. Oh, the thrill! I couldn’t wait to perform in it!

Stourbridge was brimming with art and culture, and it was truly a dream for a tutu-loving, dance-obsessed queen like me. There's this little gem called the Ryder Street Dance Centre – how fab is that name? I just had to get my dancing shoes on and have a go!

Let me tell you, the instructors at the Ryde Street Dance Centre are fantastic! The place buzzed with a real sense of community. You could really feel the passion for dance radiating from everyone there. I had the best time twirling around in that magenta tutu. We were all doing ballet, but let’s face it, my pirouette skills might be better on a stage, with the crowd roaring.

Oh, I almost forgot! My highlight of the trip was a magical performance by the talented dancers at the Stourbridge Ballet Theatre. The costumes, the music, the stories they told with their bodies - it was absolutely breathtaking.

I can't resist comparing their dazzling performances with my own little theatrical flair. While I strut my stuff on stages all across the land, they gracefully soar through the air, embodying grace and artistry.

The town itself, with its cobbled streets and historical buildings, has an old-world charm that truly captures the imagination. My fellow dragsters would be envious of its sheer romance. I strolled through the narrow lanes, exploring its fascinating history. And let me tell you, I learned some truly fascinating stuff about glass making!

Now, speaking of glass, the Glass Museum in Stourbridge had to be on my itinerary. It's truly a glass lover's paradise, full of fascinating artefacts and exhibitions. I was enthralled by the history of glass making in Stourbridge – it's such an integral part of the town's identity!

To round off the trip, we found a wonderful little independent cafe with charming décor that matched the pastel palette of my latest tutu – what are the chances, right? There’s something special about eating your favourite afternoon tea, with clotted cream and freshly baked scones, whilst planning my next dazzling adventure!

That’s all from Stourbridge, darlings! What an absolutely enchanting journey it's been. Now, back to the real world, but not before I’ve got that magenta tutu on to strut my stuff tonight.

Now, as always, I love hearing from you wonderful readers, so feel free to drop a comment below. And, oh, remember the motto - "The world is a more magical place when everyone is wearing a pink tutu!" I’ll be here every day at www.pink-tutu.com bringing you the glitz and glamour. Till next time, darlings, keep sparkling!

#TutuQueen on 2023-08-07 stars in Stourbridge