Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-04 stars in Stratford

Stratford Upon Avon Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles' Travels, Blog Post #8648

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the glorious town of Stratford Upon Avon. You know I just love a bit of Shakespeare and this place just oozes that cultural magic! Plus, did I mention the beautiful buildings?!

Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes to the Rails

Now, I know some people scoff at train travel. They say it’s slow and boring. They have clearly not been on a train journey with me! I'm all about packing in a fabulous, feather-boasting outfit with my oversized pink glittery carry-on suitcase and getting swept away by the sights. My recent train journey to Stratford was absolutely charming, like a trip straight out of a period drama, except, obviously, a much more sparkly period drama. I've gotta say, even with all my layers of tulle and petticoats, I looked perfectly put-together and the friendly folk in the train carriage seemed genuinely delighted by the delightful display of pink sparkles.

Finding My Tutu Tribe

Upon arriving in this literary haven, I couldn't help but notice all the wonderful little boutiques overflowing with charming vintage finds. It was absolute heaven! You can imagine how much I enjoyed the delightful vintage clothes hunt! Of course, I’m always looking for new places to pick up a few lovely vintage tutus - and the Stratford shops certainly didn’t disappoint. Oh, my dears, I managed to score a be-dazzled pink one – with feathers! I just had to get a quick picture of it for Instagram – and my fans just loved the sheer beauty. I've got my eye on a local artisan market this weekend for some unique finds too, including maybe a gorgeous new fascinator - if it suits the mood!

From Stage to Street: The Magic of Stratford

Of course, what’s a visit to Shakespeare’s town without some theatre? I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be seeing ‘Hamlet’ at the Royal Shakespeare Company tomorrow. You just can’t beat seeing a classic play performed by such talented actors in such an atmospheric space! And you just know Pink Tutu Sparkles is gonna look extra amazing! Pink tulle will always be on point for this gal, no matter the performance. You know me – the more sparkles, the better the theatre experience!

And just yesterday, I found a fantastic ballet class in Stratford – and a charming little cafe for some yummy scones afterwards. A true girl’s afternoon. It was a bit strange dancing in front of some of these proper dancers with years of experience, but I guess my twirls in a full pink tulle were just too tempting for them to resist! I actually had several conversations after class, where I was chatting all things tutu and sharing my enthusiasm for dance. The girl's even gave me a few tips on how to make my next performance even more spectacular!

Finding My Inspiration Everywhere I Go

The beauty of travel, as a tutu-wearing draq queen, is that you find inspiration everywhere. You know I’m always on the hunt for new ways to express myself, and Stratford is just brimming with it. I'm even starting to think I need to incorporate more Shakespearian quotes into my stage routines! Imagine it: "To be or not to be…pink?"

Now, I don’t just want to tell you all about it. I want you all to come and enjoy the Stratford magic too! Grab your tickets to the RSC, find a lovely cafe to sit and admire the quaintness, and try a class at the local ballet studio. Don't be shy to flaunt your inner diva in the streets - trust me, the residents adore seeing something new and fabulous.

Pink Tutu Sparkles' Tips for Your Own Fabulous Travels

I can’t wait to hear about your own Stratford adventures. But for those of you who might be wondering ‘How can I have a trip just like Pink Tutu Sparkles?’, here’s my insider guide to amazing pink-tutu-fueled travel:

  • Dress for the occasion. Now, I know this one may seem obvious. But really – get into it! Nothing brings a bit of fabulousness like wearing something fabulous.
  • Embrace the unexpected. Don’t be afraid to go off the beaten path and wander into a cafe with quirky teacups, try the new local bakeries, or join an unexpected dance class.
  • Talk to the locals. I'm a real chatty Cathy when I travel and I just love learning about the local stories and culture. You never know what little nugget of inspiration you'll pick up.
  • Live in the moment. You can’t take photos of every single minute! Remember to actually enjoy your journey, to laugh, to learn, and to embrace every gorgeous, pink tutu moment!

I’ve got lots of other ideas to make your life sparkle – make sure you head over to www.pink-tutu.com and get your fill of everything pink and everything fab! And I want to hear your thoughts – where’s the most dazzling destination you've visited in a fabulous pink tutu outfit?

Sending love and sprinkles of pink!

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS: I just had the most wonderful conversation with a lady on the bus here who makes beautiful hand-stitched hats and fascinators. I had to grab a couple – because obviously, a girl can never have too many beautiful headpieces. If she has time tomorrow I’m gonna make some plans for an interview, but if not, I’m sure my readers are gonna love some more fun pictures!

To Be Continued....

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-04 stars in Stratford