Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-05 stars in Folkestone

Folkestone Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Embarks on a Whimsical Adventure!

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and you'll never guess what – I'm in Folkestone! Yes, my fabulous journey through the magical world of drag has led me to this charming coastal town, and my heart is filled with so much excitement and joy! This post marks number 8649 on my website, www.pink-tutu.com, so get ready to dive into another sparkling chapter of my life!

This whole adventure started, as you all know, with my love for pink tutus. Remember when I told you about trying one on for the first time during my science degree? Yeah, that day changed my life! I realised that I had to be a beacon of colour and sparkle, not just in the laboratory, but for the whole world!

So here I am, a scientific mind by day and a shimmering, tutu-wearing queen by night. It's the perfect balance of logic and pure, unadulterated fun. And don’t even get me started on the outfits! There’s just something about combining a glamorous, flowing tutu with a laboratory coat that tickles my funny bone!

Getting to Folkestone was half the fun! I just love the rhythm of a train journey. Watching the world roll past my window, listening to the comforting clickety-clack of the tracks, sipping my hot chocolate with an extra swirl of cream… Pure bliss! Though, I must admit, a horseback ride might be a tad bit faster...

Folkestone itself is delightful! This beautiful seaside town boasts an air of genteel charm that I can't get enough of. It's almost like a glimpse back in time, with its quaint Victorian architecture and cobbled streets, but with a modern vibrancy! And let's not forget the incredible views of the Channel, offering a breathtaking panorama of sparkling blue waters. I could stare out at that ocean for hours and never tire!

Oh, speaking of views, did I tell you about the dress I wore for my performance here? It was an absolute dream! I got it at a fantastic vintage shop nestled amongst the charming lanes – so many sequins! It was inspired by the seaside and the bright, cheerful seaside attire I find so enchanting! It felt like something straight out of a ballet, and I twirled like a dancer under the spotlight!

Folkestone has the most fantastic little theatre I've had the pleasure of performing at. The walls are adorned with the most beautiful old-world paintings of dancers in glorious, swirling costumes. Honestly, it's enough to inspire even the most hardened cynic. And the audience was just wonderful – full of so much laughter and appreciation, and they sang along to all my favourite songs! They loved the big, bold, fluffy pink tutu, especially!

There's something truly magical about sharing the joy of performance with others, and I love how it connects me with different communities. Everyone was so warm and welcoming here in Folkestone – from the theatre staff to the locals who stopped for a chat before the show. I love that sense of camaraderie and unity. Of course, we all know that the real stars of the show are my tutus! They're not just a costume for me – they're a symbol of joy, a reminder to live life to the fullest and celebrate the vibrant beauty of the world around us!

Oh, I simply cannot resist mentioning the incredible dance class I took in a quaint little studio here in town. The instructor was a wonderful old dear – I’ve heard she was a professional dancer in her younger days. It was absolutely delightful learning ballet moves from someone who has lived a life immersed in the magic of the stage! I swear, my body felt like it was floating!

I have a feeling I’ll be back to Folkestone – I’ve got my eye on another amazing antique shop on a side street filled with fabulous pieces to transform my wardrobe. Oh, the possibilities!

Before I bid you adieu, darlings, remember – every day is an opportunity to unleash your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles. And don’t be afraid to wear that pink tutu out and about – you never know who you might inspire! Stay glamorous, stay sparkly, and always believe in the magic!

Lots of love and twirls, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Make sure to check out my latest collection on www.pink-tutu.com – all new designs that are ready to sparkle their way into your heart. Just like the new designs in Folkestone have mine! It was a great opportunity to pick up some great inspiration for the next tutu collection! See you next time, lovelies!

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-05 stars in Folkestone