
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-06 stars in Cumbernauld

Cumbernauld Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on Scotland! πŸ’–

Hey darlings! πŸ‘‹ It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another sparkly post for you, straight from the dazzling, and frankly slightly bonkers, town of Cumbernauld! πŸ€ͺ This is post number 8650, folks, can you believe it? 8,650 blog posts about life in the pinkest tutu in the world!

Today, however, we're venturing outside of the realm of the familiar, outside of the usual glitter and tulle that usually makes up a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog post! 😲

Why? Well, because I, your girl, the fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles, am actually...in Scotland! 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Yes, you heard that right, darlings, your favourite Derbyshire diva has hopped a train and headed north to explore this magical land! And how do you know this is true, you ask? Because, obviously, I'm rocking the cutest, most frilly pink tutu you've ever seen! It's all ruffled, tiered, and glittery and I might just have picked up a wee (British English, everyone!) bag of bonbons just to go with it. It's absolutely bonkers! 🀩

So how did I end up here, you might be wondering, all the way up in Cumbernauld, far away from my usual London, Paris, or even Derbyshire shenanigans? Well, you know how I love performing, and I got word of this fabulous event in Cumbernauld, a big summer fete full of people looking to celebrate, laugh, and of course, see a bit of a show! πŸ˜‰

Naturally, with my extensive travelling experience (ahem, those three times on the train to London) I couldn't possibly pass this up. Besides, who says you have to go far to have an adventure? Isn't there magic to be found in every town, every corner, and even a small summer fete in Scotland? That's what I thought! And oh, have I found it! πŸ˜„

It all started, as all the best things do, with a trip to the train station. Now, my friends, you know I have a bit of a... thing... for train travel! It's something about the rhythm of the tracks, the swaying of the carriages, and of course, the chance to stare out the window in absolute glam and sparkly perfection! πŸ’… The perfect time to practice my fabulous runway walk and strut my stuff! The fact I almost got knocked over by an overly-enthusiastic teenager in a trackie bottom is a story for another time... 😜

As for Cumbernauld itself, well, my darlings, let's just say this: I've seen things... πŸ€” But I mean that in the best way possible! I think the town, with its lovely hills, open spaces, and a certain kind of charm, has really inspired my creative juices! (Think, what could be a better stage than the open fields for a dramatic monologue in a sparkly pink tutu?). And then there was the lovely cafe I found! They actually had a pink strawberry cheesecake. Honestly, you couldn't write this kind of stuff. πŸ˜‚

Then there was the fete, oh the fete! 🎈 It was amazing! 🎈 🎈

There were games and stalls, all manner of delightful goodies, a bouncy castle for the little ones, a live band, and of course, drumroll please...Pink Tutu Sparkles performing on stage! πŸ™Œ You can’t imagine how many tutus I spotted in the crowd, some were even pink! Pink Tutu Sparkles truly does work magic, haha! πŸ₯°

Speaking of my act, darling, I have to tell you, Cumbernauld loved it! I threw in a bit of cabaret, a dash of sassy sass, and naturally, a sprinkle of dazzling dance moves for the audience. Even got a few brave souls up to join me in a tutu-wearing conga line - a delightful surprise! πŸ’– You can see it all on my YouTube channel, my dear darlings, and for you super fans, I’ll have some backstage gossip in the exclusive videos that I upload to Patreon. But, you'll have to subscribe, naturally... πŸ˜„

The best part about it all? You guys, you really had me smiling. A kind old lady who I found in the audience came up to me after and said: "You've brought such joy to our little town today!" Honestly, my dears, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing the twinkle in people's eyes when you're wearing a pink tutu and having fun! And of course, getting the opportunity to encourage people to let go, celebrate life and their inner pink tutus. That’s what it's all about, my loves! ❀️

But what’s next for the dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles? Well, I'll leave you with this, my friends, as always, keep your eye on the pink! πŸ’– And keep a tutu close by! You never know where it might lead. πŸ˜‰

See you next time! πŸ’‹


Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS - I may have a new motto for Cumbernauld: Cumbernauld – it's not just the hills that make you happy! πŸ˜„

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-06 stars in Cumbernauld