
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-14 stars in Hampstead

Hampstead, My Tutu-ful Escape!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back for Post 8658 and a sprinkle of sparkly brilliance from Hampstead! Oh, my dears, this week has been an absolute whirlwind! Let's rewind, grab a cuppa, and step into the glittery world of Pink Tutu Sparkles.

It all began with a little bit of "toot toot" train travel. Now, you know me and my love of everything pink - and trains? Well, let's just say that my favourite colour was everywhere in the carriage! I always travel in full drag, of course, because you never know when an impromptu performance might be called for, but this journey felt even more dramatic than usual, fuelled by excitement and anticipation. You see, Hampstead, with its cobbled streets and charming shops, has long been on my tutu-inspired to-do list!

Firstly, a trip to the gorgeous Royal Opera House for some serious ballet inspiration. The elegant dancers, the dramatic music, the grandeur of the theatre itself - my inner ballerina, if there ever was one, was totally in her element. Honestly, I might just have shed a little sparkly tear or two! And the whole experience just makes me dream of being a graceful prima ballerina (in the most outrageously fabulous pink tutu, obviously!).

After my ballet fix, I had to get my fix of fashion, darling! Hampstead is a paradise for those who love to browse and buy - and me, well, let's just say my shopping bags were filled with delightful surprises! There's something so chic and elegant about the style in Hampstead, with just a hint of vintage charm - absolutely perfect for Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Later that evening, I felt like channeling my inner street performer, and Hampstead Heath became my stage. You'd be amazed at how much attention you get in a pink tutu and a glitter bomb! I even ended up inspiring a young girl who, at first, was shy to twirl but ended up giggling and showing off her dance moves - it melted my heart. Honestly, watching her enjoy herself just reminds me of why I do what I do - spreading that joy and sparkle, you know?

To top it all off, my evening ended with the most adorable afternoon tea at a quaint cafรฉ tucked away in one of those charming little corners of Hampstead. And of course, no afternoon tea is complete without a little pinky-swearing, because who doesn't love a bit of "tea time fun"?

But here's the real secret, darlings: I think Hampstead itself is the ultimate pink tutu destination! Its elegance, its charm, its quaint cafes - it's like a giant stage setting waiting to be filled with colour and light, just like a vibrant pink tutu does.

This trip wasn't just a journey through Hampstead; it was a journey through my own creative world, a reminder of why I love doing what I do, and how, through my sparkly existence, I can inspire a little bit of happiness everywhere I go. Now, who wants a dance in a pink tutu on Hampstead Heath? I'll be the one with the glitter on my toes and a twinkle in my eye, ready to embrace life with all the joy and wonder of a fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles!

And, remember, dear readers, you can find all the latest Pink Tutu Sparkles adventures, tips, tricks, and, of course, more pink tutus than you could possibly dream of, right here on www.pink-tutu.com - where it's always pink and sparkly, darling!

See you all tomorrow, for another dazzling instalment of pink tutu brilliance!

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-14 stars in Hampstead