Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-02 stars in Fleet

Fleet, Hampshire - Tutu-ing About My Journey! 🌸💖🩰

Hello darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from sunny Fleet, Hampshire! ☀️ This delightful little town has stolen my heart (and my wallet, thanks to the gorgeous vintage boutiques!), and I’m here to tell you all about my fabulous adventures! ✨

Blog Post Number 8676 - Don’t Forget to Check out Pink-Tutu.com for all my Fabulousness!

So, how did I get here, you ask? Well, you see, darling, I’m on a mission, a pink tutu-driven quest, if you will! You see, my name is Alex (though you’ll all call me Pink Tutu Sparkles) and I'm on a quest to bring joy and sparkle to the world, one pink tutu at a time. You could say I'm obsessed with pink tutus – I practically live in them, whether I'm in the lab (by day I'm a scientist testing fabric!), in the ballet studio (my love affair with ballet goes deep, you know!), or, of course, performing on stage (every chance I get, that is!)

Now, you might be thinking, “Alex, you're a scientist! What on earth possessed you to become Pink Tutu Sparkles?” Well, I’ll tell you! It all began during my university days when, amidst the textbooks and lab coats, I found solace and joy in the university's ballet club. 🩰 We were doing a charity fundraiser, and for some bizarre, completely divine reason, they decided to let the lads try on tutus. 💫 Let me tell you, it was a glorious day. The first time I twirled in that pink tulle, it was like a magical bolt of lightning hit my soul. From that day on, I was a tutu devotee. It's like wearing sunshine, don't you think?

Anyway, back to my adventures! My travels often involve a journey on the train (I do adore the scenery rushing past!) or sometimes even a horseback adventure (I’m getting braver with riding, thanks to the amazing people at the local riding school – let’s just say I’ve taken a tumble or two, but still, gotta love those four-legged friends! 💖). Fleet is definitely the kind of place where you want to explore by foot or by bicycle, so I’ve been making the most of that beautiful Hampshire countryside.

Fleet is just teeming with delightful boutiques filled with everything a tutu-loving queen like me could desire. Vintage clothing stores, bespoke designers, and even a tiny, charming hat shop! You haven't lived until you’ve strutted down the High Street in a fluffy pink tutu with a fabulous vintage hat, darlings! 👑

Yesterday I managed to score a vintage Chanel suit (absolutely divine, and so my style!) and an incredible straw hat, trimmed with silk flowers (naturally pink). Today I’m thinking about indulging in a new pair of dancing shoes. These feet of mine deserve a treat! 😉

But my travels are not just about shopping (although, to be honest, that’s a big part of it, haha!), it’s also about the joy of discovering new places, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures, whether that’s in the vibrant markets of London or in the charming local pubs here in Fleet. I love soaking up the atmosphere and chatting to the locals, all the while sporting my signature pink tutu. Some people just look at me a bit oddly (which makes for good stories!), and then there are those who just smile, you know, because a bit of sparkle can go a long way, don’t you think?

But what is this all for, you ask?

Simple, my loves. It's to show you all that you can be yourself, regardless of what you’re wearing, and how you embrace the world. It's about inspiring others to embrace their inner sparkle, even if it’s a little bit quirky, or a lot bit dramatic (that’s where the pink tutu comes in!).

There’s so much more to tell you about my time in Fleet – I went to a fab ballet show last night at the local theatre and I've even been to a horse riding class this morning, which was surprisingly exhilarating. More on that later, I need to edit these photos! (They’re absolutely glamorous, if I may say so myself – that vintage Chanel is looking fantastic!)

Stay tuned for more, darlings, I'm still not done with Fleet (there’s just something about these towns with those quintessential high streets), but I do have so much planned for you over the next few days:

  • More photos from my fabulous vintage shopping spree
  • A video of my dance lesson with my new pink tutu (I did a little twirling for you)
  • A blog post all about the delightful people I've met in Fleet (those British personalities are so colourful!)

So keep checking back for all the latest pink tutu magic!

Love and pink tutu hugs, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖🌸🩰

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-02 stars in Fleet