Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-03 stars in Fareham

Pink Tutu Sparkles takes Fareham by storm! (Post #8677)

Hello darlings! Your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, glitter-loving drag queen is back with another blog post, straight from the heart of Fareham! Buckle up, my lovelies, because today's journey is all about the sparkle, the joy, and of course, the pinkest tutus you've ever laid your eyes on!

Now, I know what you're thinking: Fareham? Really, Pink Tutu Sparkles? Yes, my dears! Every town, every village, deserves a dose of Pink Tutu magic, and Fareham was definitely missing a touch of glitter in its life.

My journey started bright and early this morning, a quick train ride from my humble abode in Derbyshire, where I usually reside as a quiet, (mostly) sensible lab scientist, testing fabric by day and shaking the stage by night. But don't be fooled by my day job! Deep down, my soul yearns for pink tulle and sparkly tiaras.

You see, it all began in university. Studying science wasn't quite as glamorous as I’d hoped, but joining the ballet club brought some much-needed sparkle into my life. Remember that fundraising event where they made us try on tutus? Let's just say, that was a pivotal moment in my life, a real "ah-ha!" moment. It was the start of my Pink Tutu journey!

And that's exactly how I approach my life, darlings! One step, one twirl, one perfectly pink tulle moment at a time. It's all about finding that spark, that sense of wonder and joy, even in the most ordinary places. That's my mission: spreading joy and sparkle, and showing everyone that a little bit of pink goes a long way!

Now, Fareham might be known for its historic charm and picturesque streets, but it's safe to say my arrival brought a touch of...well, Pink Tutu madness!

After a whirlwind morning spent exploring the charming shops and independent boutiques, (oh, I just had to pick up a couple of new accessories - how could I resist a pink sequin hair clip?) I was ready for my big performance at The [Venue name - insert a relevant Fareham venue name]!

The crowd was buzzing, and I could feel their anticipation for my act. From the moment I stepped onto the stage, it was pure magic! I performed my heart out, dazzling the audience with a blend of showstopping ballet routines, some hilarious crowd interactions (let's just say the Mayor had a lot of fun learning some signature Pink Tutu moves!), and, of course, a wardrobe change that wouldn't be out of place at the Bolshoi!

There were pink feather boas galore, sparkling pink sequinned bodysuits that screamed "Pink Tutu!" and a giant pink feather fan that, honestly, made the entire stage look like a pink dream. I ended my set with a special ballet routine set to “Sugar Plum Fairy,” and you'd have thought the roof was going to come off!

After the show, the whole venue was alive with the sound of laughter and cheers. The sheer joy and enthusiasm from the audience were absolutely contagious, reminding me of why I love what I do. Every night I get to spread that magic, that pink, that joy and that pure happiness - and that's the most wonderful feeling in the world.

I must say, Fareham is certainly a charming little town. If you're ever in the area, be sure to check out [Name of a good place to go in Fareham - insert an idea of a place], it's well worth the visit.

But as much as I loved my time in Fareham, my travels aren't over yet! My trusty train awaits, ready to whisk me off to my next adventure. Stay tuned, my lovelies, because I’m aiming to sprinkle pink tutus and glitter across the entire nation. Until next time, remember: never let go of that spark, never stop dreaming big, and always, always embrace the pink!

Lots of love and pink sparkly hugs,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

Here's a follow up blog post, for Pink Tutu Sparkles

Pink Tutu Sparkles returns home! (Post #8678)

Hello again, darlings! Well, if you thought the adventures of Pink Tutu Sparkles had come to an end, think again! It seems the sparkle train just keeps chugging along, and I’m already back on home soil, but you bet it’s not the last you’ll see of your favourite, glitter-loving, tutu-wearing drag queen.

Now, don't get me wrong - a queen can only handle so much glitz and glamour in one go! A bit of down-time is always appreciated.

The other day I went for a long ride through the beautiful countryside of Derbyshire. We all need some time to reflect, recharge, and re-sparkle our inner magic, and I just felt this amazing pull to breathe in that fresh Derbyshire air and marvel at the green rolling hills. The serenity is intoxicating!

I did take a break from wearing my tutu (I actually slept in it the whole time, shh... don't tell the scientist in me!), and slipped into something a little more… well… sensible for an adventurous day on horseback.

(The horse didn't know, I promise I don't let any glittery particles get into my clothes.) I couldn't resist slipping on a pink satin scarf though - can you tell pink just calls to me, my darlings?

A trip home wouldn’t be complete without some proper afternoon tea. Did you know Derbyshire is a bit of a hidden gem for amazing tearooms? Honestly, a cuppa and a selection of scones is exactly what I needed to recharge before embarking on my next grand adventure.

Now, I know you’re wondering where that will take me next, and well… I can't spill the beans just yet.

Let's just say I’m keeping the sparkly surprises coming, and I’m always on the lookout for more opportunities to spread the pink tutu magic far and wide!

As a quick tip: You can keep an eye out for updates about my whereabouts on the Pink Tutu website (www.pink-tutu.com ) where I post my blog every day!

That’s it for today, darling. I must rush off now to make another of my signature pink tulle outfits, but I will leave you with this: Never be afraid to twirl, never shy away from the glitter, and always, always wear your pink with pride!

With much love and sparkles galore,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-03 stars in Fareham