Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-25 stars in Airdrie

Airdrie Adventures: #TutuQueen Conquers Scotland (Blog Post #8699)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite #TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the beautiful, bonnie, breezy, and slightly bonkers town of Airdrie, Scotland!

Oh my sweet darlings, this journey was absolutely FAB-U-LOUS! You know I always try to take the scenic route wherever I go, so this time it was a long and leisurely train journey to the land of kilts, castles, and... drumroll... pink tutus! Yes, I found myself a fantastic, vibrant pink tutu on my travels – the perfect companion for a whirlwind tour of Airdrie and the surrounding countryside.

As usual, my day job – you know, the whole science-in-a-lab thing – meant I had to be up at the crack of dawn (what is it with scientists and early starts, I tell ya?!). But my heart was aflutter with excitement for the adventure ahead. This time I decided to add a little more flair to my usual train-travel uniform – you know, the usual scientist attire (think: lab coat, safety goggles, comfy jeans, and of course, a touch of pink lipstick for a bit of sparkle!). Instead of my trusty canvas backpack, I opted for a cute little pink and silver carry-on bag with a frilly bow and a mirror to check my look! Honestly, it was almost like my entire bag was made of pure pink-tutu magic.

Now, getting a drag queen onto a train is always an adventure! The look on the faces of fellow commuters as I sashayed onto the train in all my glamorous pink glory was truly priceless! A sweet old gentleman sitting opposite me even told me how much he enjoyed my colourful and bubbly presence, bless his soul. As if I could say no to the old boy's lovely compliments, I pulled out a little travel-sized pink tutu kit. It's a real must-have for every drag queen on the go, complete with extra sparkly netting, a pink tutu emergency kit (it’s all about being prepared, you know), and of course, a portable sequined sewing kit. A bit of magic here, a touch of glamour there – and hey presto, that little ol’ gentleman got himself a mini tutu. He was absolutely thrilled! And me? Let's just say, it brought a tear to this queen's eye, the sight of this darling little gentleman wearing a pink tutu, looking fabulous, feeling happy, and definitely rocking the pinkest moment of his day. That, darlings, is what this #TutuQueen is all about. Spreading pink tutu joy one sparkly stitch at a time!

The journey was just as much about the company I kept as the sights! I met a couple of absolutely lovely souls: Brenda, a bubbly young woman from Dundee, with a hilarious stories about her misadventures trying to put on a kilt. It turned out, wearing a kilt is no easy feat, let me tell ya! Then there was Alistair, a friendly chap from Glasgow, with a genuine passion for theatre, music, and - you guessed it - pink tutus. He was fascinated by my stories about performing in my drag, and even shared his secret collection of vintage ballet tutus, hidden away in his little flat in Glasgow.

We all shared a pot of delicious Earl Grey tea – which you know, is one of my absolute favourite indulgences – and swapped stories about the wonders and quirks of travelling. There’s no better place for an amazing chat, some giggles, and some new adventures than a train ride, really!

When I finally arrived in Airdrie, it was a sight to behold. There was just something about the town, this lovely mix of old-world charm and vibrant modernity. I knew, right there and then, this little town was about to fall in love with my pink-tutu magic! I mean, you could feel the excitement in the air – a tangible buzz, just begging for a splash of pink, some sparkle, and a lot of fun! And wouldn't you know it, fate had other plans for my pink tutu…

Upon stepping out of the station, I was greeted by a real-life fairy tale! A whimsical fairground, adorned with colourful lights and bouncy castles, was held in the town square, and a little voice inside my head started singing the “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” song - my cue! This was my chance to showcase my drag magic in Airdrie! It had all the magic and whimsy of a traditional fairy tale, all I had to do was put on my biggest pink tutu smile, step up onto the makeshift stage, and let the magic flow!

And flow, it did. It’s been a while since I have performed in front of a truly excited and receptive audience. You know I love a good audience interaction – and oh, how those beautiful, kind people of Airdrie truly made me feel like a pink-tutu rockstar! They were singing, they were clapping, they were dancing, and my heart was truly, truly full. The energy, it was contagious, just like pink tutu magic.

You see, darlings, I was performing in my sparkly tutu, and everyone around me seemed to be instantly caught in a web of shimmering delight, even those who had arrived with the faintest of smiles on their faces! A real joy!

What a day it was, dear darlings, an absolute blast! My mission, to bring a splash of pink to Airdrie, was a complete success. But it wasn't just about the sparkles and the joy - it was also about finding out a little bit about myself, and sharing my joy, my pink-tutu magic, and a tiny sprinkle of myself with a lovely, warm and accepting community!

It’s funny, how being Alex, my lovely scientist, during the day, and Pink Tutu Sparkles by night has shown me a side of myself I didn’t even know existed! When I put on the tutu, I feel more alive than I’ve ever felt, and so do all the people I meet who embrace the magic. We really do make a team, the Tutu-wearing folk of this great land.

So, to all the pink tutu lovers, glitter queens, and rainbow warriors out there – never forget, darlings, you are magic. Believe in the power of your own sparkle, and always, always wear your pink tutu with pride. Stay fabulous! Until next time!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

x x x


Don’t forget to check out my lovely photos on www.pink-tutu.com! The pink tutu collection, of course, will be updated soon, along with the pink-tutu fairy-tale adventure diary. Until then, keep spreading the love and don’t forget: pink is the colour of happiness. Remember - we are all sparkling pink tutus inside.

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-25 stars in Airdrie