Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-26 stars in Blyth

Blyth, Baby! 💅✨ Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the North East!

Hello darlings! 💖 It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, glitter-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! Ready to share another fabulous adventure with you all? Today, we're in Blyth, a charming little seaside town in the North East of England. This is post number 8700 on the www.pink-tutu.com website, and it’s packed with fun, frivolity and… well, more pink than you can shake a feather boa at! 😉

My journey to Blyth began with a train ride from Derbyshire, my home county. There's something truly magical about watching the countryside blur past, the world a symphony of greens and browns and little red brick houses. But, even better than the train itself? It was the opportunity to don my newest pink tutu. It's a magnificent thing, a tiered dream of ruffled tulle in shades of flamingo pink and baby pink, with just the right amount of sparkle. Needless to say, I turned a few heads at the station, my little posse of admirers including a lovely granny in a floral print dress, and a cheeky chap with a guitar case who gave me a wink.

Now, some folks might think wearing a pink tutu every day is a little… eccentric. But I say, why settle for drab when you can shine bright? Life is too short for boring outfits and dull colours, darlings! Think of a pink tutu as a reminder to always have a little bit of whimsy and joy in your heart. And that’s why I started www.pink-tutu.com. I want everyone to experience the fun, the freedom and the confidence of wearing pink tutus! It’s not just about the outfit, it’s about a feeling – the feeling of embracing your own unique spark!

In Blyth, my mission was two-fold: to spread the pink-tutu gospel and, of course, to soak up some of the seaside charm! First up, it was a delightful afternoon at a local crafts fair. They let me set up a little Pink Tutu Sparkles booth, selling my sparkly handmade pink tutus. Imagine: pink tutus with floral embellishments, tutus with iridescent sequins, even a special “Blyth Pride” tutu, just for the occasion!

I’m not going to lie, selling these beauties was easier than I imagined! A mother bought a tutus for her daughter and, next thing I knew, she was having a go at twirling and giggling and absolutely radiating joy. Her daughter’s eyes were so full of delight that even a jaded heart like mine couldn’t help but get caught up in the pink tutu magic. It was one of the happiest things I’ve witnessed in a long time, darling! You can only find that type of uninhibited happiness in the world of Pink Tutu! And for that, my journey to Blyth was well worth the train ride.

Once I had spread a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles joy, it was time to find some culinary delight. We’re talking, of course, a plate piled high with fish and chips. The aroma of fresh fries filled the air, mingling with the salty scent of the sea, a combination that truly awakens the soul. We enjoyed our feast while sitting by the pier, listening to the sound of waves crashing against the sea wall, the symphony of life that we all, sometimes, need to pause and appreciate. Life’s like a pink tutu – it can spin you around and around, but don’t let it go!

Now, no trip to the seaside is complete without a little dance. Luckily, Blyth's theatre had a special evening event featuring ballet stars and local dance groups. I mean, the very idea of a performance dedicated to ballet is almost enough to send this Pink Tutu Sparkles queen to a state of absolute joy! And let’s be honest, it is only fitting that we see as many ballets as we can, isn’t it?! After all, the ballet dancer's costume is essentially the precursor to the modern pink tutu.

And darling, oh my darlings, the show was divine! It was pure artistry: every step a graceful flourish, every jump a graceful arc across the stage. There were classic pieces from Swan Lake and The Nutcracker, performed with passion and grace by a young ensemble. One piece in particular, set to a jazzy interpretation of Chopin’s Nocturne, took my breath away. It had the perfect blend of beauty and bold expressions, truly capturing the energy of contemporary dance and demonstrating that ballet isn't just about tutus and tiaras, but a platform for emotions, for expressing the soul.

Then, it was time to head back to Derbyshire, the glow of the theatre still lingering in my heart. But the Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure doesn't end there, oh no! There's still more to share.

While Blyth might seem a small town, I discovered a treasure trove of places and people waiting to be explored.

  • The Secret Beach: Blyth is not just about the beach you see from the pier! There is a small secret beach tucked away in the cliffs behind town – a hidden jewel with pristine sand and beautiful rock formations. It's a little piece of paradise for anyone who wants to escape the hustle and bustle of the town. The sea is absolutely sparkling when the light hits it right, just like a million little pink glitter particles dancing in the air!

  • The Blyth Craft & Art Fair: It's more than just crafts! There's something special about these little, intimate markets where the crafts people really pour their hearts and souls into their creations. The local art studio has some beautifully rendered beachscapes and harbour views on canvas and the jewellery lady's “Pink Mermaid” necklaces made my heart sing!

  • The Blyth Bowling Green: I mean, I did say I love to travel by horse, but not in this way! This was a bit of a giggle, but such a relaxing change of pace. The Green itself is very old, established back in 1931, and the bowling club was welcoming and friendly – very kind for welcoming someone in a pink tutu to join them. I learned about the history of bowling green, watched them bowl, and even had a go myself – my technique could do with some practice but they were very forgiving!

  • The Blyth Aquarium: Okay, it's no “Secret Garden,” but the Blyth Aquarium was such a fascinating experience, showcasing an impressive collection of marine life, all swimming and swaying in colourful underwater displays. You really get up close and personal with sharks, starfish and seahorses! I was entranced by the clownfish, those delightful bright orange and white fish, they reminded me so much of the bright hues in some of my pink tutu designs!

But most of all, Blyth taught me a precious lesson: it's the people who make a place special. The locals I met – the shopkeepers, the craftspeople, the performers, the bowlers – they were all kind, welcoming and, importantly, genuinely intrigued by Pink Tutu Sparkles! They were genuinely amused and accepting, and made me feel at home despite being miles from Derbyshire.

The people of Blyth reminded me that my mission is more than just getting everyone to wear a pink tutu; it's about spreading a little bit of magic, a little bit of joy, and a little bit of sparkle in the world.

The next time you’re travelling, darling, think about leaving the familiar behind and embracing a little adventure. You never know what kind of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic you'll find in the most unexpected places. It could be a charming town, a hidden beach or maybe just a kind stranger with a wink! 😉

Stay tuned, darlings, for more Pink Tutu Sparkles adventures coming to your screen! Until then, keep twirling! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-26 stars in Blyth