Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-31 stars in Whitley Bay

Whitley Bay: A Tutu-tastic Trip to the Seaside!

#8705: Pink-tutu.com

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, back from a fabulously flamboyant weekend away in Whitley Bay. Oh, honey, this seaside town is absolutely gorge! Just picture it: miles of sandy beach, cute little cafes, charming vintage shops and...well, me, of course, prancing about in a glorious pink tutu, making the whole place sparkle.

It's been ages since I've been on a proper seaside trip, you know? With the busyness of performing, running the website, and making sure my lab experiments go perfectly, I often forget how much I miss just getting out there and soaking up the fresh air. And trust me, with this past week's autumn chill, that fresh air was truly a godsend.

This whole trip started with a delightful train journey. Let's be honest, I am a bit of a railway romantic, darling! Nothing beats that clattering rhythm of the tracks, the feeling of leaving everything behind for a bit, and just watching the countryside whiz past the window. I even found myself humming the "Flying Scotsman" theme tune as I enjoyed a cheeky pink milkshake from the cafe car.

Speaking of cheeky, the town itself was full of lovely vintage shops, where I spent an absolute fortune. My weakness? You know, those fabulous 60s dresses with full skirts. Honestly, they practically begged me to bring them home to give them a starring role in my latest wardrobe rotation.

Whitley Bay, oh Whitley Bay, you truly stole my heart! We explored the pier, played those retro arcade games (let's be honest, my talent for skeeball has always been top-notch!), and dined on delicious fish and chips. You know, the kind where the batter is perfectly crispy, the fish is flaky and the smell lingers long after you’ve devoured it. The air was divine.

My afternoon on the beach was equally magical, I just love the feel of the sand beneath my sparkly pink tulle. And did I mention the sunset?! My outfit totally contrasted with the fiery orange and pink colours. Fabulous doesn’t even begin to describe it, hun.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: "What does Pink Tutu Sparkles get up to in a seaside town?" Well, this little sparkler managed to sprinkle some glitter in a truly unique way: by participating in a fundraising dance-off for the local hospice. I'd heard about it while reading about Whitley Bay online, and simply had to take part. Now, honey, I can't promise I'm a professional dancer, but I definitely put my heart and soul into the routine, which involved a good amount of twirling and … of course… tutu twirls.

It's truly the best when I get to combine my passion for performance with giving back to the community, you know? There were a ton of lovely people there - it turns out even little old seaside towns can have a vibrant LGBTQ+ scene, I spotted more than a few glitter-lovers amongst the crowd. After my performance, it was an absolute flurry of hugs, kisses and well dones from all over, darling. It truly warmed my heart!

The next day, my travels led me to the gorgeous and totally charming Spanish City Dome. Now, that’s some architecture, honey. We wandered through the ornate halls and stopped for some lovely artisan snacks, followed by a relaxing afternoon on the beach.

Then it was back to the station to hop on the train back to Derbyshire, my heart bursting with memories and ready for a whole new collection of stories for my beloved pink-tutu.com website.

Honestly, this little trip to Whitley Bay has reaffirmed my belief in the sheer magic of putting on a pink tutu and heading out to embrace whatever comes my way. My mission in life? To make sure every single person has the courage to put on a pink tutu and experience the pure joy of sparkly self-expression. Because darling, you know what? It’s just so much fun!

See you soon, darlings. Until next time, keep sparkling, and most importantly...

Wear that Pink Tutu!

Yours always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

Pink Tutu Sparkles Social Links

  • Website: www.pink-tutu.com
  • Instagram: @pinktutusparkles
  • Twitter: @PinkTutu_Spark
  • TikTok: @pinktutusparkles
  • YouTube: @PinkTutuSparkles
  • Facebook: @pinktutusparkles

Stay tuned for more glamorous adventures! Don't forget to let me know if you've got a town or a local charity you think I should check out.

Psst! Did you catch that cute wink in the photo of me standing on the pier with my ice cream cone? ;)

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-31 stars in Whitley Bay