Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-11-10 stars in North Shields

Pink Tutu Sparkles Travels to North Shields! (Blog Post #8715)

Hello my lovely darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to sprinkle a little bit of glitter and pink magic all over your screens! It's been a whirlwind week, packed with enough excitement to make a rainbow jealous. I've been buzzing ever since I finished packing my latest set of tutus and prepping for my journey up north!

You see, my latest adventure took me all the way to North Shields, a charming seaside town brimming with history and…well, even more charm! My heart, already beating a sweet little ballet tune, fluttered even more at the thought of sharing my love for tutus and a bit of pink magic with this delightful community.

Now, I've gotta admit, travelling to North Shields wasn't exactly a straight shot from Derbyshire! It was quite the adventure, my dears! I chose to travel by train, a method of transport I've grown particularly fond of. You see, there's something wonderfully magical about a train journey. It's a chance to get lost in the passing landscapes, to chat with strangers (sometimes wearing tutus, you'd be surprised!), and to just…breathe. You wouldn't believe the lovely ladies I met on this particular journey – one even had a matching pink fluffy bag, I tell you, a real vision!

The train ride, despite the beautiful views, seemed to zoom by as I imagined my performance at North Shields. I was heading to a beautiful local theater, an art deco gem right on the waterfront. The stage was bathed in soft lights and there was a delicate sweetness in the air – the scent of fresh popcorn and anticipation! My dress, a stunning tulle creation of layered pink, with cascading butterflies adorning its hem, had a heart beating within its silky layers – my heart, pounding with excitement.

I'd already had a whirlwind day! From my science lab, testing fabric, I dashed back to my apartment to slip into my magnificent drag costume and pack my entire bag of sparkly goodness. It's all a little bit glamorous for a girl who started it all wearing a tutu she found on a charity stand while at university. Studying science at Derbyshire University is pretty darn practical, don't get me wrong, but you wouldn't catch me wearing anything but a pink tutu on a Saturday night!

And my oh my, my little darlings, that performance in North Shields…I still get goosebumps just thinking about it! My stage name might be Pink Tutu Sparkles, but North Shields warmed my heart with its love for all things glitter and pink! The crowd was fabulous - a mix of children's bright smiles, giggling teenagers, and proud parents! It's so special seeing their joy! Every show brings something unique, and North Shields brought such incredible energy and love for the art of dance!

After my dazzling performance, the audience insisted on showering me with compliments, gifts, and even some fluffy pink pom poms! It felt like I was floating on a cloud of love, with enough glitter to keep a unicorn in rainbows for a year! The real highlight though, was meeting a young girl dressed in her own pink tutu, beaming at me with a contagious joy. You see, that is my dream: to inspire every single person, big or small, to embrace their own personal sparkle and wear a pink tutu with pride!

Later that night, after all the glitter had settled, and my sparkly makeup had been carefully removed, I sat on the train, back towards my quiet life in Derbyshire. My head buzzed with memories, my heart overflowed with the North Shields magic. There were little souvenirs I picked up - a delicate pink starfish shell I bought from a seaside shop, and a whimsical seashell painting, adorned with sparkly accents! They now sit on my dresser, reminders of that wonderful weekend, a symbol of that infectious joy I shared with all those wonderful people!

As the landscape zoomed past, I thought of the future, all those potential opportunities for fun, pink and glittery events, a whole life brimming with tutus! I already know where I’m headed next: to the beautiful Scottish Highlands. But you’ll have to wait for tomorrow’s post for all the exciting details. So remember my darling readers, stay sparkly and wear your heart on your sleeve! Or your tutu. We all know which one I prefer.

And until tomorrow, don’t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com where we keep this whole journey sparkling!

Lots of Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2023-11-10 stars in North Shields