
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-11-19 stars in Wigston Magna

Wigston Magna: Tutu Tales and Twirling Treats - Blog Post #8724

Hello my darlings, and welcome to another exciting edition of Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ travel diary! Today, we're whisking you away to the charming town of Wigston Magna, a little slice of English charm nestled in Leicestershire. Now, if you're a regular reader of www.pink-tutu.com, you know I have a thing for the beautiful towns of Britain. Every town has something to offer, and this one didnā€™t disappoint. But more on the town later - first, let's talk about getting there.

The journey, like every adventure I embark upon, started with a touch of sparkle. As a girl who believes in a touch of magic even in the mundane, I decided to journey to Wigston by train! Now, you may think train journeys are a bit...unfashionable. But don't underestimate the joy of gazing at the ever-changing landscape, listening to the rhythm of the rails, and maybe even having a little twirl down the carriage (don't tell the conductor)! I love train journeys - and donā€™t tell anyone but Iā€™m secretly tempted by horses too - maybe Iā€™ll try a horse and cart next time - just a thought.

I knew getting to Wigston would involve a quick change in my wardrobe. My lovely new lavender tutu with the shimmery sequins seemed too extravagant for a day at the theatre so a trusty pink number and a fetching floral dress for the train it was! But, the moment I set foot in Wigston, I felt that magic was in the air. My senses were bombarded by a sweet symphony of scents ā€“ the floral bouquets spilling out of shop windows, the freshly baked bread from the local bakery. Everything just felt right for a tutu-rific time. Wigston Magna was ready for Pink Tutu Sparkles and I was ready to bring the sparkle to Wigston!

Wigston's streets felt alive with local charm - imagine a perfectly-preserved Victorian heartland filled with colourful independent shops and cafes - a feast for the eyes for a fashion lover like me! Wigston's unique combination of history and vibrancy resonated with me in a way I hadn't anticipated, it truly embraced a spirit of fun, laughter, and a genuine appreciation for life's little pleasures. I knew this would be a fabulous performance! I took to the streets, my pink tutu swaying like a flag of happiness and started my quest to bring a touch of glitter to every corner of Wigston Magna! I managed a great photograph in front of the local historic market with a lovely farmer holding a basket of vibrant tomatoes. Oh, and he let me hold a bunch of roses. It is so important to spread joy, isnā€™t it?! I felt such an overwhelming desire to bring this charming town, its people, and its streets to life. My inner Pink Tutu Sparkles had an epiphany! It wouldn't just be enough to bring the magic to this delightful corner of England - I would invite everyone in Wigston Magna to celebrate life and themselves! My stage-coach in motion!

I envisioned a spectacle, an ode to the joyful celebration of everything beautiful in the world. It would involve vibrant hues, fluttering pink tutus, laughter, and an unforgettable spectacle that would weave its way through the heart of Wigston Magna, from the market square to the local theatre. Oh! How I love this town! As the evening crept in, the twinkling fairy lights of the town came on and they perfectly reflected the glittery stars in my Pink Tutu. I went to a fabulous cafe in a side street called "Twinkle and Dine" and, guess what? My drink was called "A Fairyā€™s Kiss". I think this town just gets me! This cafe became my haven. I ordered some gorgeous finger food and had the chance to write the first part of my blog post! A dream! How could a day be so wonderful!

Now, some of you might know I started my tutu obsession when I was at University. Being in the university ballet club gave me the chance to wear tutus, just for a laugh of course! As a science student who's by day in a lab testing the weave of fabrics, the more flamboyant side of me has to come out somehow, right? As I sit here with my finger food and an absolutely delightful pot of tea, I just had to think - thereā€™s science in fashion too! So much creativity! So much flair! I am just so happy to live the dream.

As the sun began its descent and the hues of dusk started to paint the sky with mesmerizing strokes, my inner ballerina felt a yearning to be on stage. My opportunity for the grand finale, the magnificent dance, and a chance to shine under the spotlight ā€“ and my chance to win over Wigston Magna ā€“ was in a theatre performance right next door! As I stepped onto the stage, I felt the vibrant energy of the crowd pulsate around me, a testament to their eagerness to embrace the whimsical world I was about to create!

My set was inspired by the sheer beauty of Wigston itself, with twinkling lights mimicking the night sky above this charming town and vibrant pink curtains reflecting the blooming rose bushes. I couldn't resist taking inspiration from Wigston's stunning medieval architecture and local nature trails, with graceful dance moves echoing the graceful curves of nature and the architecture, whilst a little bit of jazz infused a sassy vibrancy, reflecting the modern day spirit of Wigston. For my final curtain call, I did something utterly unexpected - I surprised the audience with an invitation to join me in a tutu dance. Can you believe they said yes?! It was just incredible - a room full of smiling, laughing people all doing a grand ballet routine with their arms in the air - it was amazing!

So, after that final, unforgettable curtain call, as the crowd showered me with love, and I floated back into the stage wings feeling enchanted by the magic of it all, I knew this wasnā€™t just a show, this was about connection. About spreading that love, that acceptance of oneself and others thatā€™s so important for me and the message of the ā€œPink Tutu Revolutionā€ Iā€™ve set out to create.

With a wave goodbye to my Wigston admirers and my heart full of gratitude, I knew this day wouldnā€™t just remain a memory, it would become another piece of a truly magical puzzle - my Pink Tutu World. As I sat on the train, looking at the fleeting scenes of Wigston Magna disappear into the distance, I was lost in contemplation. It occurred to me that my mission - my dream of inspiring the world to embrace the joy of pink tutus - didnā€™t just lie in winning over towns and cities but winning over hearts. And that, my dears, was the true magic of it all.

So, with my heart brimming with joy and a few new fans for my ā€œPink Tutu Revolutionā€, I said goodbye to Wigston, a little bit more vibrant, a little bit more fabulous, and, yes, a little bit more sparkly, because thatā€™s what I bring to every place I go, and this charming English town won't forget Pink Tutu Sparkles! Don't miss next week's post where I'll be revealing my latest exciting travels and maybe you'll be inspired to embrace the magic of a pink tutu too. It really can change your life.


Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxox

#TutuQueen on 2023-11-19 stars in Wigston Magna