Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-01 stars in Bicester

Bicester Bound: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Oxfordshire Fair! 🩰💖

Hey darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-toting, twirling, travelling queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you blog post number 8736, direct from the heart of… drum roll… Bicester!

Now, you know I’m a queen of adventure, a lover of all things sparkle, and a total girly-girl, right? And guess what? This week’s escapade involved both pink tutus and Oxfordshire, in all its quaint, charming glory! This journey took me to the Bicester Craft Fair, where I found myself surrounded by handcrafted treasures and quirky, whimsical crafts, which, let’s face it, is my kind of scene. I couldn’t help but be reminded of the glorious creativity and the wonderful artisans all across this country. The craft fair, a riot of colours, smells and happy faces, really brought a smile to my face. You could tell there was so much heart put into each and every piece!

I love these local markets. It gives me a chance to reconnect with my roots, my roots as a performing artist and a Derbyshire girl! Now, some of you might wonder, what on earth is a queen like me doing in a market, amidst crafts and curious knick-knacks? Well, honey, let me tell you – my stage has no boundaries. When I see a stage, it could be a bus stop, a pub, a fair, even a field! You just need to unleash your inner performer, my lovelies, embrace it, own it.

My love for a good old-fashioned fairground, for a bit of nostalgic joy, for the thrill of the spinning teacups, the hypnotic glow of the shooting gallery lights – you wouldn't believe it, it all started when I was but a small child, venturing out to a fairground with my dad. This fairground nostalgia is a big part of my act; think carnival colours, bright pinks, whimsical, joyful, pure, bubbly.

So how do you go from a science lab to the colourful world of pink tutus, glitter, and high-flying performances? Well, it’s all about chasing your dreams, dearies. I’m not saying my scientific side has vanished – not at all! The ability to problem-solve, to analyze, and think critically… it’s essential! But it’s just part of me, the analytical, the thoughtful side, the Alex part. I learned that early on in my time studying science – I'm a fabric testing expert, I mean, I'm literally good at examining materials at the finest level – and the key? You never know when you might have to whip out that expert scientific eye and think: how can I apply this? I often apply this when constructing new, creative looks – “Could this fabric be improved for drag? Is this fabric strong enough to move in? Is this material best suited for a sparkly finish or a more dramatic, feathered finish?

And don't you worry, even as I explore the world, the lab will always be my home. My lab coats, however, can only ever be complemented by a pink tutu. It’s about finding a way to meld both, and this, ladies and gents, is how I became Pink Tutu Sparkles, a scientist with a passion for performing, and, let’s not forget, a penchant for a touch of pink and a dash of sparkle!

This weekend, as I was strutting through the crowds of Bicester in my glorious pink tutu, a pink tutu which is totally one of my own design – and believe me, there is a lot more to be said about how these are made, the materials I use, the way they are cut – I realized that the magic of drag is a real thing! I got to see the joy on the faces of children as they gawked at my fabulous ensemble, the curious looks from adults who had probably never seen a drag queen in their town before.

You know, I just love a challenge. It's what pushes me to reach new heights and inspires me to create! And speaking of reaching new heights, my most recent creation is a dazzling new pink tutu – a full, bouncy, and beautifully voluminous, multi-layered delight. You haven’t seen fabulousness until you’ve seen a Tutu Queen, my dearies! It was, after all, my signature pink tutu that allowed me to make the decision to start wearing it every single day – and who doesn't like a comfortable, fluffy tutu? I always go for comfy clothes. That's the biggest tip for any aspiring queen - don't let discomfort be a barrier.

My journey to Bicester involved a scenic train ride – oh, how I love the railways – with a view that only a good old British landscape could offer. The sound of the tracks, the whiff of diesel in the air, the rolling hills. My adventures aren't about just a stage or a set – my stage is everywhere! This was, of course, punctuated by a couple of visits to local boutiques in town, to stock up on some new fabric – there's just something about a bit of dress-up that just feels like the most glamorous thing ever, especially when you are able to find fabrics and materials to add a touch of glam. Bicester gave me an excuse to shop.

And as I make my way back to Derbyshire, my mind already buzzing with ideas for new pink tutus and new routines, I can’t help but reflect on this trip to Bicester – a journey of colourful inspiration! A trip I will definitely never forget. So, remember, lovelies, let's keep it sparkling! Stay fabulous, wear a pink tutu, and never be afraid to express yourselves, even if it’s a little… sparkly! 💕💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-01 stars in Bicester