Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-05 stars in Bulwell

Bulwell: A Tutu-ful Adventure! (Post #8740)

Hello, my darling tutu-lovers! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another exciting installment from the fabulous world of pink tulle!

Today's journey takes us to the charming town of Bulwell, nestled right in the heart of Nottingham! Now, I know what you're thinking: "Bulwell? Isn't that a bit… erm… rough around the edges?" Well, let me tell you, darlings, there's magic to be found in every corner of this country, even in the unexpected places.

And boy, did I have a right time in Bulwell. My sparkly journey began with a lovely train ride. I swear, travelling by train is the best for people watching, and believe me, when you're wearing a pink tutu, everyone takes notice! The smiles, the curious glances, the adorable kids waving at the 'princess'… pure joy!

Upon arrival, Bulwell embraced me with open arms and an abundance of vintage charm. It reminded me of stepping into a page straight out of a fairytale. The local market buzzed with friendly faces and unique finds. And you know how much I adore unique finds! My handbag is practically begging for new, quirky treasures!

I decided to pay homage to the local history of Bulwell and made my way to the charming Old Library. Now, this building is steeped in history! It's a gorgeous building that would have been stunning even back in its heyday - imagine the tales these old walls could tell! You know me, darling, I simply couldn't resist twirling a bit for the cameras in front of it, all in the name of tutufyfying historical buildings. 😉

Speaking of tutufying, I found the cutest little dance studio tucked away in a side street. They held the most gorgeous class with these adorable ballerinas! Imagine my surprise when they invited me to join! You know, I haven't worn my pointe shoes for a good while (all that science work can make you stiff, you know), but those ladies inspired me to get back on my tippy toes! Let me tell you, it was such a liberating feeling! It was just me, a pink tutu, and a whole heap of fabulousness. I’m definitely returning to the dance studio. They need to be tutufied!

I can’t leave Bulwell without mentioning the food, darlings! It’s true what they say - you gotta get yourself a good Bulwell pie, a little piece of their delicious history! I even popped into a charming tea shop called 'The Tea Room' and sipped on the most lovely pot of afternoon tea. And the scones were divine - light as a feather, melt in your mouth deliciousness.

My final stop in Bulwell was the lovely Victoria Park. The colours of nature are the best for my pink tutus - think all those pretty shades of red, purple, and pink, just made for tutu glamour! Plus, the swans seemed quite intrigued by my pink tulle. I guess I do make an awfully striking picture.

It goes without saying, darlings, that my mission to tutufy Bulwell was a success. I can’t wait to come back! Every time I travel to a new place, it’s about finding those unique pockets of joy that life offers. The little things - like the way a good cuppa warms you from the inside, the feeling of grace as you twirl, or the joy in watching the world smile at your fabulous tutu - that’s what makes it all worthwhile!

Now, let’s all raise our teacups to the power of pink! To adventures, to glitter, and to spreading that tutu love all across the world!

Yours truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

(Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for even more exciting tutu-filled adventures! )

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-05 stars in Bulwell