Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-09 stars in Portsmouth

Portsmouth: Tutu-ing Around the Harbour! 🩰👑

Hello darlings, it's your TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you for blog post number 8775! And oh, what a week it's been! Imagine: Portsmouth, sunshine, salty sea air, and a glorious pink tutu that just screamed, "I'm ready for an adventure!"

Let's be honest, sometimes, the only cure for a case of the "too much lab time blues" is a dash of sequins and a train journey down to the coast. You see, as much as I love testing fabric samples for a living (who doesn't get a thrill out of tensile strength?), there's nothing quite like swapping out the lab coat for a sequined bodice and some seriously fluffy feathers.

So, this week, I packed my suitcase full of pink tulle and dreams, grabbed my favourite feather boa (it's got a whole history, that boa does!), and headed to Portsmouth on a vintage steam train. Talk about a fairytale entrance! I could practically hear "Chariots of Fire" playing in the background, and the wind just whipping those tulle layers in the most dramatic fashion. Oh, and my fellow passengers? Absolutely captivated by the glorious pinkness, I might add. Turns out a tutu-clad drag queen in the middle of the carriage makes even a train journey a whole lot more exciting!

The highlight of my Portsmouth adventures, though? That's gotta be the performance I did at a bustling local fair, surrounded by brightly coloured candy stalls, towering funfair rides, and of course, the intoxicating aroma of warm, crispy doughnuts. Just picturing that fluffy cloud of sugary heaven fills me with pure delight! I decided to channel a very Victorian theme for this one, my tutu was a cloud of shimmering pink taffeta, my bodice a structured masterpiece of ivory lace and satin, and the pièce de résistance? My headpiece, darling, it was a magnificent creation of blush pink roses, cascading feathers, and, oh, a giant pink bow. The crowd was swooning! There's truly no greater feeling than the energy of a crowd responding to your performance - and my pinkness certainly seemed to be a big hit!

Portsmouth, of course, is famous for its historical attractions and the historic HMS Victory, and, naturally, I couldn't resist indulging in a spot of tutu-clad tourism. After all, you just can't walk around a naval museum without adding a touch of glitz! I even managed to snag a photo of myself perched on the top deck, complete with the "I'm ready for sea" attitude - and a stunning pink backdrop of the harbour and a perfect pink sky to match my outfit, obviously!

While Portsmouth had plenty of maritime attractions, I couldn't leave the area without paying a visit to the wonderful Mayflower Theatre. Ballet is my passion, after all! Seeing the intricate beauty and artistry of these performers on stage just sets my heart ablaze! I might even say that it's inspired a couple of my tutu designs for my next performance. There's just something so graceful about a swirling, twirling tutu, it truly reflects the movement of a dancer on stage.

Talking of movement, have I told you about my new ballet class? I've been getting serious about perfecting those pirouettes and relevés. You know, perfecting the "ballet in drag" style. A touch of sass and sparkle sprinkled with classic ballerina movements? Honestly, it's quite the recipe for an explosive dance routine. My goal? To teach everyone to move and spin like they’ve got a tulle-licious cloud attached to their waist. You see, ballet has a way of expressing so much more than just movement. It's an embodiment of grace, elegance, and a little bit of magic!

But of course, my time in Portsmouth wouldn't have been complete without some serious shopping. I mean, a drag queen's got to have her wardrobe fix, and a pink tutu queen, well, you know it’s double or nothing when it comes to finding the most fabulous fabrics and sequins. I found the most divine vintage shop bursting with lace, ruffles, and every shade of pink imaginable. It's going to be a masterpiece for my next performance. Can you say enchanted?

This week's adventures in Portsmouth? It's been a whirlwind of fun, sunshine, and enough pink tulle to make a mermaid jealous! Don't worry, darling, you know I'll be back with more of my adventures - be it a trip on a galloping horse through the Yorkshire Dales, or another journey on the "Tutu Express", bringing you the most glamorous stories from the heart of the UK!

Remember, wear your own unique flair with a touch of sparkle, be bold, be confident, and embrace the beautiful world of tutus!

Until next time, darlings,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-09 stars in Portsmouth