
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-24 stars in Northampton

Northampton: The Pink Tutu Sparkles Takeover! (Post 8790)

Oh darling, gather 'round and listen close, because you simply have to hear about my adventures in Northampton! As a seasoned traveller of the finest kind (we're talking train journeys with champagne, not budget buses, you see) Iā€™ve made it my mission to sprinkle my unique brand of sparkle on every corner of this fair isle.

This journey, however, took me further than usual - all the way from my humble abode in Derbyshire, which you may recall, is basically a stone's throw from the Peak District (well, almost). I mean, Derbyshire might not be known for its glamorous nightlife, but hey, the countryside has its charms. A bit like a dusty, forgotten ballet shoe tucked away in a dusty old trunk - beautiful in its own way.

So, onto Northampton. This place has been a hidden gem for me, a hidden gem that needed a splash of pink tulle. You can't really expect a small town to be full of rainbow flags and sassy dance-offs now, can you? You see, Northampton is pretty much known for its shoemaking heritage and its football team, Northampton Town. The shoe connection did pique my interest! My fellow tutudists, imagine my excitement! This was the town where I'd be able to not only sprinkle some of my glitter magic but also potentially score some fabulous new ballet shoes - if you get what I mean! I'm telling you, nothing says ā€œIā€™m fabulousā€ quite like a new pair of sparkly pointe shoes or even a well-worn pair of tutu-compatible slippers.

Speaking of slippers, let me just digress for a moment to share some vital footwear advice. Ever been to a dance studio where everyone else seems to have their slippers looking so perfectly pristine? Like theyā€™ve only ever touched the most pristine of ballet floors, havenā€™t had so much as a little scuff from a stray pirouette? Don't be fooled! You wouldnā€™t believe the transformative power of a good quality, properly broken-in pair of dance slippers. I have some absolute beauties I've lovingly aged over the years, a touch like the wrinkles that adorn my dearest Aunt Prudenceā€™s face. A fine example of beauty through age and use. But Iā€™ll talk more about footwear next timeā€¦ this blog post is already longer than I intended, back to Northamptonā€¦

Right, so, after a rather charming train journey through the green hills and valleys (remember, I love travelling by train! I find a lovely train carriage feels so much like stepping onto the stage for a show!), I finally reached the heart of Northampton, the rather un-sparkly, but functional Northampton Station.

No one would ever mistake it for a grand stage for a performance, not a single twirl of a ballerina or a glamorous pink tutu in sight, I can tell you that. But even with a shortage of shimmering lights and glittering costumes, I knew this would be the perfect backdrop for my next chapter! I could feel the magic bubbling beneath the surface, ready to explode with my flamboyant flourish! (And it most certainly did).

But before we get into thatā€¦ lets talk about how I get my adventures going. Well, you see, a Tutu Queen like me doesnā€™t have a ā€˜typicalā€™ career in the same way you do, honey! In my humble yet totally awesome home town of Derbyshire, I juggle life in a science lab - thatā€™s right, by day, I analyze the chemistry of fabrics, but come nightfall, I transform into my true self, Pink Tutu Sparkles. Talk about leading a double life! Not like a Bond villain, but much more glitter, and lots of glitter.

Being a scientist helps to pay the bills while I do what I love - dazzling audiences with my shows, entertaining children at parties, or brightening up dreary corporate events with a much-needed dose of sparkly pink and tutus! Itā€™s like a perpetual fashion show that doesnā€™t have to end at the office doors! I'm lucky, that way. And believe me, there are not many career paths that will allow you to combine lab coat work and flamboyant tutus. A bit of scientific logic, coupled with creative chaos, and a dash of pink? Thatā€™s the formula for my success! I love finding ways to combine my scientific side and my flamboyant drag queen persona. It is the perfect balance of left brain and right brain! The lab helps keep me grounded (although sometimes literally when someone spills a beaker), while the stage keeps me dreaming big (or rather, dancing big, which can get rather complicated in a laboratory!)

I like to think of Pink Tutu Sparkles as the champion of those fabulous dreamers like myself, those who dared to be bold, who loved dancing in their underwear to ABBA or wearing pink to any occasion (just kidding... I'm wearing pink right now)! But I have always been a little different! You know, being an introvert with a love for performance has always been a little incongruous, a bit like wearing a rainbow wig in the laboratory, a dash of the unexpected. Thatā€™s how I got my name! Let's take it back to that time when I was just a fresh-faced, normal, undergraduate studyingā€¦ of all things, chemistry (still loving it BTW! But if we're talking colours - pink all the way.) It was during a university ballet club open night when I tried on a pink tutu. For charity, they were asking people to put on a tutu, you know, for a bit of light-hearted fun, to get people interested. I think it was only Ā£1 a tutu or maybe it was more like 50p or a pound a person to take part! Itā€™s so hard to remember all the way back then!

Anyway, all that matters is, that one tutu, I swear to you, it felt perfect - I felt instantly glamorous, like a dancing dream had taken flight within me, the sheerest, softest material swishing as I twirledā€¦ I canā€™t really explain it but something changed for me on that night, I felt it deep in my soul - this pink tutu was destined for more than just a fundraiser, more than just a whimsical dance. It felt like the spark of my future, it was truly life-changing, in a good way!

And the rest, as they say, is history! Itā€™s been a journey of pink tutus, glitter, travel, performing at venues of every size (though I confess to a soft spot for intimate village halls!) ā€“ the dream! And a huge part of that dream was about empowering other people to embrace the joy of life! What could be better than spreading that message of freedom, joy and positivity? Just don't blame me if you start wearing tutus on your daily commuteā€¦

Anyway, Northampton! Where do I even start?! My journey here began on a bright Tuesday morning at 7am ā€“ thatā€™s a pretty early time to be putting on make-up, darling, and trust me, a stage look like mine needs its fair share of glam. I actually made an extra effort as a way of greeting the good people of Northampton. I was going to need all my best moves if I wanted to give this town a truly memorable show, to spread my tutu-filled message. You wouldnā€™t believe what happened when I arrived.

Well, I had the brilliant idea to get myself to Northampton as quickly as possible. I have the most adorable pair of high-top Converse that were absolutely screaming to go on this little road trip with me. That morning, there I was, decked out in full pink tutu mode (and my new high-tops) striding towards the train station to catch my morning commute! The good people of Derbyshire were just waking up from their slumber and their dreams as I danced my way to my chariot to the land of Northamptonshire, I literally started the morning in my own little ā€˜I'm fabulousā€™ procession, spreading a pink trail of glittery happiness behind me! Of course, I have my secret trick up my sleeve (a very long, silky, pink scarf with a touch of shimmer for some serious flow as I make my way through stations!), but I promise I did try to behave myself in the queue at the stationā€¦ Mostly.

There was a slight snag! It would have been so fabulous to simply hop onto my chosen chariot - a majestic train ride, all the way from the North of England, down south - however, that was where I came across a bit of a glitch in my pink plans! You see, a cheeky chap in front of me, not unlike my beloved pet terrier, Monty ( who always barks at my ballet teacher at ballet class!), started to bark at the train company. All about delays! Apparently his life literally depended on the train arriving at precisely the appointed timeā€¦ oh, the dramatic intensity! So of course, I couldn't let any delay throw off my vibe. I danced my way around the frustrated crowd and managed to grab a cup of coffee! It turns out itā€™s a great ice breaker in a crowded train stationā€¦ not to mention, a wonderful excuse to share some sparkle (who doesnā€™t love glitter on a cold morning, right?) I literally felt myself giving that little pop of positivity! A perfect Pink Tutu Sparkles style intervention! I even thought I heard him chuckle as he saw my little performance.

My chariot arrived and I set off on my journey! It turns out all the delays in the world couldn't stop my unstoppable march of joy!

And speaking of the journey, that is something that would need a whole other post of its own. As you may well know, I just adore train journeys, that feeling of anticipation, of adventure, as I find my carriage all to myself to read and do some last minute practice of my routine! This journey did take a bit longer, you know the way it is when they keep getting in and out of the station and just chugging around... but, as they say, good things are worth waiting for! Itā€™s my way of living, as a true Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Now, onto Northamptonā€¦ I mean I had to really let this small town in Northamptonshire have it! My journey wasnā€™t all glitter, it's true - but this blog post is! This was the beginning of a whole new adventure, one filled with dancing, tutus, and a whole lot of unexpected delightā€¦ because a sprinkle of Pink Tutu Sparkles goes a long wayā€¦

But that my dears, is a tale for another dayā€¦ because my blog, just like my wardrobe, is about shining brightly every single day. The more colourful my world is, the better, darling.

Keep sparkling.

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-24 stars in Northampton