Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-25 stars in Norwich

Norwich: Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the Norfolk Coast! (Blog Post #8791)

Hello darlings, and welcome to another fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure! This time, I'm taking you with me to Norwich, a gorgeous city in the heart of Norfolk. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Norwich? Isn't that just a bit... beige?" Well, darlings, you couldn't be more wrong! Norwich is brimming with history, charm, and a touch of Norfolk's quirky coastal magic that's sure to capture your heart.

My journey began, as always, in my favourite Derbyshire town. After packing my wardrobe of tutus - yes, there was an entirely new set of pink, shimmery wonders, and a dazzling peacock blue creation just for the evening - I bid adieu to my little grey tabby, Patches. My journey this time would be by rail. There's something so utterly romantic about settling in to a plush carriage and allowing the landscape to whizz by - just me and my pink fluff!

My arrival in Norwich was, frankly, dazzling! The city's railway station is something out of a fairy tale. You know, a charming mix of brick and glass, all sparkling with the warm Norfolk sunshine. From the station, a lovely gentleman drove me to my lovely hotel. It was a cute, quaint place in the heart of Norwich, all exposed brick walls and antique chandeliers. It felt like a cozy little doll's house!

First Stop: The Norfolk Broads!

My first day in Norwich, and it was time to explore! After a morning of catching up with some delightful, local queens - who are now sporting my favourite, vibrant fuchsia pink tutu! (Mission pink tutu almost complete!) - I made my way to the stunning Norfolk Broads. You see, my darlings, this amazing network of waterways is something special. The whole place feels almost untouched by the world - just rivers meandering through reed beds, picturesque bridges, and little villages clinging to the water's edge.

The Norfolk Broads was such a treat! I just HAD to hop aboard a boat, and after finding the most divine boat - a lovely vintage vessel all painted in soft shades of pink and turquoise (with a sweet little white tea-cosy on the teapot, I mean, adorable!), we chugged down the broads, me and a lovely chap from the local rowing club who just had to borrow my signature pink feather boa for a spot of fishing!

Later, we made our way to a delicious cafe overlooking the marshes - I’d love to tell you all the details of their exquisite crab sandwiches, but honestly my dear, they are truly a secret worth savouring!

Norwich: A Delightful History Tour!

Norwich, as I've said, is brimming with history. The next morning, I woke up to the most delightful pink and gold sunrise streaming through the windows. Such an excellent way to start the day! We headed to Norwich Cathedral - its imposing silhouette on the horizon is a glorious sight! They say it was built 900 years ago, my dear, a real testament to history! And within these magnificent walls are stories untold - of monarchs and battles, of artists and artisans, and a little sprinkle of that charming, Norwich magic! I found myself humming a beautiful hymn, truly captivating... even I could feel myself being transported back through the ages! We even found time to pop in to The Bridewell museum to witness how prisoners and their families coped with daily life just 100 years ago. The starkness of their reality put the extravagance of my pink tutus into an almost unimaginable perspective, yet these strong souls truly embraced their lives - it really touched me.

Tutus & the Theatre - Norwich's hidden gems!

Being in Norfolk, I couldn't resist visiting Norwich Theatre Royal. Now, this is no ordinary theatre. It’s got this magical aura. There are still gas lights inside - how glamorous! We watched a truly amazing performance of "The Sound of Music". (Oh my! those gorgeous melodies and costumes.) My dear, my tutu, and I were transfixed, the entire place seemed to glow, bathed in the vibrant spotlights and with the laughter and cheers of the happy crowd echoing across the historic building. You know, I can still hear the haunting notes of that iconic "Do-Re-Mi". Simply heavenly!

Evening Adventures: Sparkle & The Lanes

That evening, it was time for some glittering drag, of course! My fabulous friends had put together a little private performance for some wonderful locals in the heart of Norwich's beautiful shopping streets, a maze of winding little lanes called 'The Lanes' . I donned my new dazzling green and pink number, paired with a glorious pink feathered headdress. Oh, let me tell you, I gave Norwich a show they won't forget! It's truly amazing to feel the power of dance and song reaching out to new hearts. That night, I swear I could have heard a murmur of applause rippling right across Norwich’s iconic cobbled streets! It was truly exhilarating, I even discovered a new little bar - called "The Birdcage", and, of course, I wore my gorgeous turquoise pink number as I entertained them all with a cheeky song or two!

Goodbye Norwich!

So, as the sun rose once again, my time in Norwich had to end. It's not easy being Pink Tutu Sparkles and juggling that with a day job testing fabrics (even though they are amazing silky satins!). But I know my darling, that this Norwich escapade will linger long in my memories. Norwich: a magical blend of history, culture and some amazing folk. I even left some pink tulle around to keep the pink sparkle going even when I was long gone - my little legacy of glittery love!

Till next time, dear darlings! I can’t wait to see you in my next pink-tutu filled blog adventure! Don’t forget, the next stop is going to be quite a dramatic one - Paris! See you there!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, out!

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-25 stars in Norwich