Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-02-04 stars in Warrington

Warrington Sparkle-tastic! #8801

Hello my gorgeous darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the glitz and glamour from the wonderful world of pink tutus! It’s your favourite queen, ready to make you smile with another fantastic post, this time all about my recent trip to Warrington! I can already feel the magic in the air – the tutus, the sequins, the sparkling anticipation! This town is a true gem!

Warrington, my lovelies, is truly a town that just embraces all things wonderful, which is a real bonus for me. I just feel right at home. Imagine: the canals, the green spaces, a lively cultural scene… It really ticked all the right boxes! Let's go!

First up, the train journey itself. Now, I may not have taken a carriage this time, but I’ll tell you, I was quite happy in a plush, first-class seat on the train. Watching the countryside glide past is so calming – especially as I was heading up from Derbyshire, that land of lush green hills! I think the colour green must actually be pink as I saw a flock of pink flamingos on the way too! That must have been a real treat. Who’d have thought flamingos would travel by train?

Now, this whole travelling business does come with its little stresses, of course, but nothing that a sparkly pink tutu can’t fix, let me tell you. I have it with me, of course, hidden under a rather fetching pink and sparkly jacket, and trust me, nothing catches an eye like a hint of a pink tutu! It even works wonders at getting those ‘urgent toilet break’ announcements!

I arrived in Warrington with my little sparkly head held high. And, of course, there were people already sporting those fabulous, eye-catching outfits! A few girls had bright pink trousers on - lovely - and the shops on the market had pink accents on display – this place had a lovely charm about it.

Right then, off I went to find my performance venue. They are, I must say, quite the lovely people in Warrington. You know, very friendly, they let me know which way to go and they all complimented my outfits – just darling. There's just something so enchanting about a pink tutu – it just opens people up and makes them want to dance! I've noticed. You get a lot more people asking to dance with you when you’re wearing one. I can always trust it to get me chatting to new people! And with so much great shopping to be done - Warrington definitely knows how to entertain! I’m a real shopping addict! It’s an illness really, one that makes my card groan but I’m hooked! I can’t wait to head off again on Saturday. I just can't resist!
And I absolutely must go shopping tomorrow, or the next day, or next week… Who cares! Shopping in a pink tutu, there's just something about it that makes life just so perfect.

One of the highlights of my time in Warrington was a truly sensational ballet show at the stunning Warrington Town Hall! My absolute dream! Honestly, my lovely readers, this beautiful old hall has a gorgeous history and these dancers? Exquisite. They were leaping and twirling with such effortless grace! It was just breath-taking! And, of course, a great deal of my performance, and my entire blog, revolves around ballet and the magic it creates in the world. In fact, as many of you know, it’s where the love for pink tutus came from - that amazing moment in the uni ballet club. Who knew it would end up turning my whole life upside down!

To top off my absolutely splendid weekend, I was fortunate enough to be able to grace the stage myself! You lovely Warrington folk had so much fun with me! Such brilliant smiles, the lovely warmth of the community. You gave me all the motivation I need to bring joy to all those beautiful places all over this beautiful island! I really love that, I don't even know where it comes from.

It’s this infectious spirit and that positive energy that's really the true sparkle of Warrington!

It wasn't all glitz and glamour, of course! We all need a bit of balance, right? I have to remind myself, all that excitement can sometimes leave you feeling pretty spent. Especially with such a busy day planned! The morning was packed - that’s when you’ve really got to remind yourself - you’re on holiday! I found my secret peaceful corner: a delightful little tea room, hidden amongst all those lovely shops, filled with books and comfy armchairs, it's truly divine, perfect for getting that all important tutu break! Just that quiet time helps me get all refreshed and ready to carry on! I mean who can resist a good slice of lemon cake and a pot of tea?

The beautiful thing about Warrington is that they're not all glitz and glamour - It's about the little things. Just that warm cup of tea in my cosy corner really helps ground me, and helps me appreciate those extra sparkly times that I know will follow. You never know, it could involve an even pinker tutu next time!

But, before you leave, lovely readers, a few little tips to add your own sparkle! Take a moment, even if it’s just for a quick trip to the tea room – or maybe even better - find a local bakery and tuck into a lovely warm pink iced bun! If you do get chance to pop along to Warrington, you've got to see the shops, take in a performance. You're all lovely people and there’s no reason why you can’t join me for a chat! And the best thing of all? Embrace your sparkle! Every single one of you has the power to make the world a more sparkling place - don’t forget it!

As always, your darling Pink Tutu Sparkles sends you her warmest love, big sparkly hugs and kisses! You truly are fabulous! Until next time…


#TutuQueen on 2024-02-04 stars in Warrington