Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-02-03 stars in Paris

Paris, Je T'aime!


Hello, my darling darlings! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, broadcasting live from the City of Lights, Paris! Ooh la la! My latest escapade has taken me to this enchanting metropolis, where even the pigeons strut their stuff with an extra chic Parisian flair. I've traded my Derbyshire fields for the cobbled streets of Montmartre, swapped my laboratory test tubes for a glass of delicious Parisian wine, and swapped my lab coat for - you guessed it - a pink tutu, naturally!

The journey, as always, was a bit of an adventure. This time I took the Eurostar. I don't think there's anything quite as delightful as whizzing through the Channel Tunnel in a bright pink tutu. Every now and then, I'd peer out of the window at the English countryside rushing past, and I couldn't help but imagine all the little fairies who were probably watching me from the hedgerows. Do you know what they say? "If you can't be a fairy, be the queen of the fairies." That's my motto!

Arriving at Gare du Nord was like stepping onto a film set. Everyone around me was so effortlessly stylish. The whole city just pulsates with an electric energy! I, of course, couldn’t resist taking a spin in the station's vast atrium - you know me, I just had to do my signature twirl and unleash a little pink sparkle magic.

As for the sights, well, where do I even begin? The Eiffel Tower was simply breathtaking. I was so mesmerized by its twinkling lights that I forgot to take a selfie! Thankfully, my loyal glitterati managed to capture a few snaps of me standing in front of it in my stunning pink sequined tulle tutu. Honestly, my dear readers, if that's not Parisian chic, I don't know what is!

But my journey to Paris wasn't just about the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and croissants (though, let's be honest, the croissants were divine!). It was about discovering a city bursting with creativity, an energy that ignites the imagination.

And what's more inspiring than seeing incredible art forms like ballet come to life right in front of you? Paris, as you know, is a haven for all things dance. So naturally, my love for tutus brought me to the breathtaking Opéra Garnier. The theatre itself was like a fairy-tale palace. I mean, can you imagine, glittering chandeliers, gold-leaf accents, red velvet seats - pure magic! I actually did a little tap dance in the foyer - just a teeny tiny twirl to pay homage to the magnificent building!

I even caught a stunning performance by the Paris Opera Ballet. Oh my goodness, the ballerinas were like graceful pink feathers floating on air. The choreography was like a delicate waltz in my mind - truly mesmerizing. And guess who got caught up in the beauty of it all? This Pink Tutu Queen right here! The next morning, I dragged myself (quite literally!) to a ballet class in a studio right off the Champs-Élysées. Let me tell you, even in Paris, ballet shoes are hard to master. I’ll be sporting those aching muscles in my pink tutu, but the sheer delight of the experience was worth every ache and twinge.

Of course, a visit to Paris is never complete without a shopping spree! You see, my dear readers, when it comes to tutus, I'm a bit of a hoarder, I'm afraid. I mean, who could resist? So many gorgeous creations in shades of pink - fuchsia, pale blush, cotton candy pink, every single one just screaming to be twirled. I actually had to call in a drag friend to help me with all my tutus - a bit of a predicament really, but I think they understood my predicament. It's hard to resist when your entire being practically shouts, “Get me!”

So, to recap, darling, my journey to Paris has been filled with the most amazing experiences! I’ve danced on the cobbled streets of Montmartre, strolled through parks while watching lovers twirl in the late-afternoon light, dined at adorable cafes, and explored hidden back alleys bursting with creativity. It’s been a feast for my senses, and, I confess, my little pink tutu has just absorbed it all! And I know, I know, you've been wondering all week what I’ve done with my time in this fabulous city. Well, darling, here's a secret: I had to share the joy. I took on my own little Parisian mission.

I embarked on a campaign, shall we say, to bring a little sparkle to Paris - by spreading the magic of the tutu! Yes, my darlings, I spent my days in the City of Lights spreading the pink tutu message with tutu-inspired performances, spontaneous street-corner dance-offs, and, of course, some pretty spectacular tutu fashion shows! It was glorious! And if I’m honest, my pink tutus have even become a hot commodity on eBay.

As I say good-bye to this magical city and set off on my next adventure, I leave you with this - let’s bring a little pink tutu magic into our everyday lives. You never know what might happen. You might just find yourself swirling in a pink tutu down the street. And if not? Well, my darlings, you've always got Pink Tutu Sparkles to set an example.

Stay sparkly, my dears!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles



#TutuQueen on 2024-02-03 stars in Paris