
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-02-07 stars in Berlin

Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes Berlin by Storm! (Post #8804)

Hello my gorgeous glitter-lovers! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the vibrant streets of Berlin, ready to spread some pink tutu magic! I'm so excited to share my latest adventures with you lovely lot. This is my 8804th blog post on www.pink-tutu.com and believe me, it's been one wild ride!

So, how did I get to Berlin, you ask? Well, as always, it was a journey filled with the sheer magic of tutus and the thrill of a fabulous drag adventure! My trusty steed, a gleaming crimson train (a little extra, n'est-ce pas?), took me across the countryside like a true queen, my tulle cascading around me. It was a delightful journey filled with music, laughter, and fellow travellers who, bless their cotton socks, were simply charmed by the sheer radiance of my pink tutu!

Berlin is a city bursting with colour, history, and an energy that simply vibrates. It's a perfect fit for a Pink Tutu Sparkles kind of girl! After a little snooze on my arrival, I went on a fashion pilgrimage - because, honey, you know I can't visit a new city without a bit of shopping therapy! Itā€™s always fun exploring local shops and boutiques and you just never know what magical finds you'll uncover. I scored myself the most adorable pair of pink lace gloves (yes, pink, darling!) and a silver statement necklace to add that extra ā€œoomphā€ to my outfits.

You know, Berlinā€™s artistic scene is positively breathtaking! Iā€™ve been soaking up all the incredible sights - from the Brandenburg Gate, that magnificent slice of history, to the breathtakingly modern architecture that paints the cityscape.

One highlight was definitely the Berliner Ensemble Theatre. Can you believe it? This legendary theatre has seen the likes of Bertolt Brecht and Helen Weigel grace its stage! The sheer history felt tangible, and it was an incredible experience to step into such a legendary place.

But speaking of legendary places, I just have to tell you about the Pink Tutu Dance School I stumbled upon - a true hidden gem nestled in a backstreet alley. They had classes for all levels, from beginner to advanced. I knew I had to give it a try! Let me tell you, it's amazing to dance alongside other pink tutu enthusiasts in this buzzing city! Just picturing the looks on the passersbyā€™s faces: total joy, a little shock, but mainly adoration, darling. And all those pink tutus swirling on the dance floor - talk about a visual treat! I could feel the pink tutu power coursing through my veins!

Naturally, my time in Berlin couldnā€™t be complete without embracing my love for ballet! Iā€™m obsessed with ballet - and let's be honest, I canā€™t resist a good pirouette, can I? Thankfully, Berlin offers a thriving ballet scene. I popped into the wonderful ā€œStaatsoper Berlin,ā€ this grand opera house with all its opulent grandeur, to watch Swan Lake - my all-time favourite. Honestly, it was mesmerising, every twirl and jump was absolutely magnificent, like watching ballerinas flitting like feathered dreams across the stage! The performance had my little pink tutu heart a-fluttering!

Being a drag queen, performing at any venue is always an absolute hoot! In Berlin, itā€™s a completely different kind of scene compared to my Derbyshire roots, and oh, the audiences, a riot of laughter and appreciation. I found myself performing at the most eclectic venues, from intimate cabarets to trendy bars with buzzing dance floors! The locals loved it - they were utterly smitten with my pink tutus, chanting, ā€œMore Pink! More Tutu!ā€. Every show has been a fabulous blur of glitter, confetti, and pure, unabashed joy. You see, my life's mission, darling, is to turn every heart into a pink tutu enthusiast, and in Berlin, I felt like I was conquering the world, one twirl at a time!

And when it comes to food, let me tell you, Berlin has been a gastronomical delight! They do an absolutely magnificent schnitzel, and their bakeries have the most amazing cakes. It's all about the sweets for me, darlings, my inner child is thrilled.

Before I say goodbye to this extraordinary city, I just want to share a tiny, little secret with youā€¦ Iā€™ve been experimenting with a brand new look for my performances - pink glitter lipstick! Letā€™s just say, the audiences have been absolutely delighted! And you know what, my heart? Iā€™m totally in love with it, too! I'm definitely going to be incorporating this dazzling new look in all my upcoming performances!

But it's time for me to pack up my tutus, give a final twirl on this magnificent cobbled street, and hop back on my crimson train carriage to the next adventure! My next destination, darling, is a secret, shhhh! Iā€™ll let you in on the next grand Pink Tutu adventure, soon, so stay tuned! Until then, wear your pink tutus proudly, spread that pink tutu sparkle, and keep your hearts filled with joy!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, xx

P.S. Have any of you lovely lot been to Berlin? If you have, tell me what your favourite things about the city were, in the comments below! Letā€™s share some fun memories, darling. Donā€™t be shy, the world's waiting for your sparkling opinions!

#TutuQueen on 2024-02-07 stars in Berlin