Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-03-22 stars in Dudley

Pink Tutu Sparkles in Dudley! (Blog Post #8848)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I'm practically bouncing with excitement to tell you about my latest adventure! It's time to spread the sparkle, because I'm finally in Dudley!

Now, let's be honest, a scientist by day, drag queen by night from Derbyshire isn't exactly a typical travel itinerary. But, let me tell you, ever since I discovered the joy of pink tutus - you know, the kind that twirls you into a cloud of happy dreams – life just became way more exciting.

My love affair with pink tutus began at uni, where I was totally obsessed with the ballet club. Remember that charity fundraising event where they made us all try on tutus? I’ll never forget the way it felt - twirling under the spotlight, knowing that even science nerds like myself could feel like prima ballerinas. It was a turning point, and my world suddenly became a stage!

Now, you may be wondering, how does a science grad who’s all about pink tutus and glitter travel around? The answer is, well, like most other drag queens: by chasing down any performance opportunity that pops up! From local festivals and pubs, to school events and even some rather eccentric weddings, the Pink Tutu Sparkles act is on call. Trust me, my bank account may be more colourful than my wardrobe, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Oh, and when I'm not flitting across the country on my Pink Tutu Sparkles tour, I'm working in a lab… testing fabric! It might sound strange, but I can’t tell you how much my scientific knowledge comes in handy for, you know, ensuring that my tulle is perfectly iridescent. My boss still doesn't know about my nightly exploits…

But I digress. We're here to talk about Dudley, a little town brimming with history and charm, that truly deserves its own dose of pink tutu magic.

Arriving in Style

It's not enough to be a pink tutu queen. No, we gotta go the extra mile for style points. That means travel by train, darling! My first choice is always a steam train, if it’s possible, all smoky puffs and nostalgia. This time though, a good old fashioned locomotive chugged me straight to the heart of Dudley, which is actually not so bad, it’s almost as thrilling! But nothing beats the feeling of watching the countryside flash by, knowing you're about to spread some pink tutu sparkle!

When I’m not travelling by train, it's all about horseback riding. Just imagine, me in my pinkest tutu, riding through rolling green fields… like something out of a fairytale, only way more fabulous! Sadly, horses weren’t available today, so a trusty Uber picked me up, but no matter - I can create a fantasy of horseback riding as I float my tutu-clad self into my chosen destination…a fabulous ballet studio!

Dance like no One’s Watching (and some may be watching!)

Oh, let's not forget the reason I love travelling: the magic of sharing my passion! What's better than inspiring aspiring dancers? Why, performing alongside them of course! You know me – I couldn’t stay in a new town for more than a few minutes without adding a little Pink Tutu magic. So, naturally, my first stop was at a local ballet studio. Those dancers, darling, they were all ears!

I whipped out some old ballet tricks I learned in university, even demonstrated some ballet street dance moves – you know, how a tutu should dance, right in the middle of a busy street! That always goes down a treat! And naturally, there were pink tutus for everyone, because what better way to celebrate ballet than with a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles! They were thrilled to learn how I adapted ballet for the stage.

Turns out the locals had never seen anything like my "Ballet meets Broadway" routines. You can just picture it: glittery make-up, pink tulle cascading, a little sparkle, a dash of camp, a good bit of humour and a whole lotta fun. We had everyone giggling and cheering – which really is the best part, isn’t it?

### From Ballet Studio to Dudley Zoo!

I simply had to stop by the Dudley Zoo while in the town! Those amazing red pandas are always up for a bit of sparkle, so I stopped in and paid them a little visit, just a brief drop-by really, because who wants to miss a fabulous opportunity like a drag queen performance! This is after all, my favourite thing to do…spread the pink tutu magic everywhere I go.

Making Every Day a Fairy Tale

Did I mention that I love to buy dresses and skirts from any market I stop by, and it’s never a good visit unless I can snag a few amazing pink tulle additions. Dudley market did not disappoint! In between my afternoon dance-off and an unforgettable performance later that evening, I was busy hunting for more pink tulle for the Pink Tutu Sparkles wardrobe. Believe it or not, my collection is always growing. Every town I visit adds a beautiful tutu story to my ever-growing stash, and of course, each one reflects the essence of its location! And let me tell you, the one I found today… divine. We’re talking delicate silk and feather trimmings. So decadent, perfect for the next town… and for showcasing those Dudley zoo red pandas, who have already become best buddies.

It's times like these, when I'm exploring a new town, spreading the love of all things pink and sparkly, that my heart truly swells with joy. Yes, it’s not all fancy shows and dazzling costumes. I love the moments where my tutu becomes more than an outfit; it becomes a symbol of inclusion, a testament to finding magic in unexpected places, and, let’s be honest, just plain fun. It reminds me why I travel: to make those ordinary days a little more fabulous!

I know what you’re thinking, and yes… Dudley, you’re officially in my list of "Most Fab Towns to Visit"!

Catch You on the Next Stop

Well, I must be off. This Pink Tutu Sparkles needs to catch the first steam train out of Dudley, destination: unknown! Maybe Brighton, maybe Scotland. It depends on where my pink tutu heart wants to wander next!

And darling, don’t be afraid to make every day a tutu day, no matter where life takes you. And of course, feel free to join me! I love nothing more than seeing your favourite pink tutus out there making the world a little bit brighter. Now go on, be you, embrace the sparkle, and remember, the world's your stage.

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💖

Keep following my blog on www.pink-tutu.com - it’s going to be a super-sparkly, pinkly-fabulous adventure, I promise.

#TutuQueen on 2024-03-22 stars in Dudley