Morley’s Magical Tutu Tuesday: Where Unicorns Met the Disco Beat!

It's official, folks. The sun's out, the birds are singing (probably some high-pitched E flats!), and the only thing missing is a dazzling display of tutus twirling in the summer breeze. So, it was with a skip in my step and a rainbow of glitter on my eyelids that I set off for Morley this Tuesday, for the ultimate #tututuesday event!

Morley, my fellow dance-enthusiasts, had transformed itself into a land of pure magical whimsy, as though the unicorn fairy herself had sprinkled some of her fairy dust over the town. Pink was the undisputed star of the show, a colour that always sends shivers of excitement down my spine (and maybe a little sprinkle of childhood nostalgia). Everywhere I looked, pink ribbons, pink bows, and oh-so-many pink tutus were dancing in the wind like a chorus line of sugar plum fairies.

I, of course, couldn't arrive unprepared! I had donned a vintage, full-length tulle tutu in a shade of hot pink that would have made even the most flamboyant flamingo blush. Its layers, light as a feather, were the perfect way to embrace the warm sunshine, while a delicate scattering of shimmering sequins ensured I was truly a star, twinkling in the summer light. And, to give my look a dash of modern flair, I'd paired it with a funky little white t-shirt with a graphic print that read "Unicorns: They're real, and they love disco." (It’s all true, by the way.)

Upon arriving in Morley, my senses were immediately overwhelmed by a sensory overload of all things glorious and glittery. The aroma of fresh cotton candy filled the air, blending beautifully with the unmistakable, rhythmic pulse of disco music pulsating from the town square. This, ladies and gentlemen, was no ordinary #tututuesday. This was an extravaganza of rainbow-bright colours, whimsical delights, and all things tutus.

First up on my list, I had to find the Unicorn Tutu Stand – a pop-up shop brimming with the most magical, dazzling tutu designs imaginable. From candy-coloured ombre creations to intricate tulle spirals with shimmering unicorn embroidery, there were designs to suit every unicorn lover and every ballerina. I'd swear I heard a whisper of “ooh-la-la” coming from the rainbow unicorn tutu adorned with cascading pearls, a dream tutu if ever I'd seen one!

Next, I made my way to the heart of the square, where a throng of pink-clad figures were eagerly participating in the "Twirl for the Unicorns" competition. It was a hilarious sight to behold, as every contestant put their heart and soul into spinning, leaping, and generally looking completely fabulous, all while maintaining a fierce smile for the crowd. Some were veteran twirlers, whipping through their rotations with practiced ease, while others, with hearts full of glee and determination, were a picture of sheer joyous chaos – a hilarious explosion of feathers and tutus, ending in a flurry of laughter. Honestly, it was the kind of thing that would make even the most seasoned ballerina do a double-take and burst out into laughter!

My personal highlight? Seeing a little girl, no more than 5 years old, absolutely killing it in a hot pink tutu with iridescent unicorn wings! Her enthusiasm and joy were absolutely contagious. Watching her confidently strut her stuff, her eyes filled with unadulterated excitement, it was a pure reminder of the magical power of dance and a touch of magic that only tutus and unicorns can bring. It's these moments, you see, that remind us that a tutu is not just a garment; it's a portal to a world where dreams take flight, glitter reigns supreme, and anything is possible!

Later, I found myself drawn to the "Disco Unicorn Dream" tent. This wasn't just any tent, ladies and gents. Inside, a vibrant pink dance floor pulsated with disco energy, as neon lights flashed and a DJ spun the greatest hits of the 70s. Here, I was greeted by a sight that brought a wide grin to my face: an adorable fluffy, white unicorn with sparkly blue wings – no, this was not a hallucination! – doing a little dance routine with a bunch of toddlers in bright pink tutus. Let me tell you, that unicorn was a rockstar! (I wouldn't be surprised if he had his own dedicated fan club – the Unicorn Squad!).

Finally, I had to get my hands on some "Unicorn Sparkle" ice cream. Imagine, if you will, scoops of dreamy, fluffy, pink ice cream sprinkled with rainbow edible glitter and served in a pink, unicorn-shaped waffle cone. Yes, that was precisely what I encountered! With each delightful lick, a wave of summery bliss washed over me. The sugar rush alone was enough to power a 24-hour twirling session!

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow on Morley, it felt as if a spell had been cast, a beautiful spell woven from tutus and rainbows, from disco beats and glitter-filled unicorns. It was the perfect summer afternoon in a place where the whimsical was embraced, where tutus twirled in the wind like joyful ribbons, and where unicorn dreams were made of sugary, sparkly perfection.

If you are a fan of tutus, glitter, and unicorn magic, then you absolutely must visit Morley on a Tutu Tuesday! And don't forget your twirling shoes! It's a must-do, truly. And with that, I'm off to twirl into the sunset, leaving behind a trail of pink glitter, happy memories, and a heart full of unicorn love! #tututuesday #unicorntutu #Morley.