Tutu Tuesday in Worthing: Glitter, Unicorns, and a Whole Lot of Twirling!

It’s officially Tutu Tuesday, darlings! The sun is shining, the seagulls are squawking (in a delightful way, of course), and the air is buzzing with a magical kind of excitement. You know what that means? It's time to break out the tutus, let the inner ballerina shine, and sprinkle some glitter wherever we go. And as your resident Tutu Queen and Worthing’s resident sparkle aficionado, I’m here to lead the charge!

Today's mission, dear friends, is a simple one: sparkle. Worthing, you're already beautiful with your quaint seaside charm and the gentle lapping of waves against the shore, but let's amp up the fabulousness just a touch!

Imagine a kaleidoscope of colours! Picture a vision of perfectly pirouetted twirls set against the backdrop of the glorious Worthing Pier. Now add in a pinch of whimsy and a dash of magic – the kind you only get from a unicorn-tutu combo. Yep, you read that right. Unicorns and tutus – together at last!

There’s a certain je ne sais quoi about a tutu. It's more than just a garment; it's a statement! And for Tutu Tuesday in Worthing, we’re all about making statements! From the classic, billowing tulle masterpieces to the sleek and stylish ‘ballerina chic' looks – every style of tutu screams "I’m here to twirl and sparkle!" Just think about it: a fluffy, layered Romantic tutu perfect for a beach stroll, or a fierce Demi tutu for strutting down Worthing High Street. The options are truly endless.

But wait, there's more! To elevate this #Tututuesday, we need to embrace the glorious, mythical creatures that are unicorns. Because who wouldn't want a little sparkle in their life, right? Imagine this: a pink Tutu adorned with a shimmering unicorn horn, shimmering with gold glitter, perhaps?

Now, I know what you're thinking – where can one find such majestic, unicorn-inspired tutus in the heart of Worthing? Fear not, my fellow fashionistas! While unicorns might not be roaming the streets, our fabulous local boutiques are ready to help us create a look that’s positively magical! Check out "The Dressmaker's Daughter" on South Street, with its amazing selection of delicate fabrics and vintage tutus, or "Little Miss Frills" down by the seafront, known for its quirky charm and adorable unicorn accessories. And, let's not forget our favourite online emporium for all things sparkly – "Tutu Dreams." With just a click and a swipe, you’ll have a magical outfit at your fingertips.

Now, let's not forget about the sound! Because what’s a Tutu Tuesday without some groovy tunes? Imagine yourself on the beach, the sea breeze tousling your hair, and the beat of 70's disco echoing from a portable boombox – oh yeah, this is how we do #Tututuesday in Worthing!

We're gonna throw some shapes, practice some fancy footwork, and maybe even throw in some air punches, because let’s face it: there’s nothing more empowering than twirling around with your bestie, wearing your favourite tutu, and feeling like the star of your very own dance show! And let’s not forget the smiles. Because those contagious, carefree giggles that happen when you're dancing in a tutu are truly magical.

So, my fellow Worthing glitterati, join me for a fabulous, unicorn-infused, Tutu Tuesday! Grab your tutus, grab your best friends, and let's dance our way through the afternoon. We’re gonna twirl, we’re gonna shine, and we’re going to make Worthing even more fabulous than it already is. Because let’s be real, when it comes to Tutu Tuesday in Worthing, we're all in it to glitter together!

tututuesday #unicorntutu #worthing #sparkle