Hanwell’s Tutu Tuesday: A Dance Party for the Ages!

Let me tell you, it’s officially #Tututuesday and the streets of Hanwell are buzzing! From the whimsical pouffe of a classic Romantic tutu, with its wispy layers of tulle and perfect symmetry, to the bolder, more expressive contemporary styles, every tutu in the borough is on display today. Think cascading swathes of chiffon, architectural designs, and a whole rainbow of colors.

I’m talking about tutu magic - a vision of tulle, sequins, and smiles that could make even the most cynical passer-by grin. There’s something so wonderfully absurd and delightful about a tutu. It's the perfect antidote to the daily grind.

So, what's this #Tututuesday all about? Hanwell has really stepped up its game and decided to have a full-fledged tutu party, embracing the whimsical joy of dancing in the streets. The atmosphere is vibrant, buzzing with that unmistakable energy that comes from dancing freely. And, let's be honest, everyone loves a good reason to dress up and twirl!

Let me tell you, Hanwell is full of enthusiastic tutu-wearing people today! Everyone is just bubbling over with excitement, embracing the tutu spirit! I spotted a group of friends all dressed in coordinating pink tutus. One even had a beautiful floral head wreath! Absolutely adorable! Another group of dads, let's be real, the dads really own this thing! They are sporting the tutus with pride! My favorite was a group of senior citizens doing a conga line in full ballerina regalia.

A highlight for me? An impromptu flash mob of young kids at the Hanwell Town Centre! It was pure joy, those young ballerinas in tutus leaping and twirling in time with disco music. And don't forget, you can’t forget about those incredible tutus! They were flowing and fluttering as the dancers spun and skipped, a kaleidoscope of color and motion! Just wonderful!

What was even more inspiring? There was a real mix of dance styles here! Ballet dancers with their traditional tutus, some with beautiful floral headpieces, were mingling with folks rocking contemporary styles. Think edgy jumpsuits and a touch of cyberpunk!

Oh! There's another reason to adore this event. Hanwell's #Tututuesday is all about bringing people together. A shared passion for dance and a shared love for a touch of fun – there's something magical about that!

But don't think for a moment that Hanwell has forgotten its history! Right in the heart of the town centre, perched on the local cafe’s window display, is a huge banner celebrating the history of Hanwell's connection to dance, highlighting local ballet stars of yesteryear! And yes, this event wouldn't be complete without a splash of history.

I spotted a woman holding up her pink fluffy tutu and her phone, capturing this extraordinary display! Her phone was practically vibrating from the #Tututuesday buzz! #Tututuesday - spreading like a good old fashioned fashion-ballet pandemic.

Now, Hanwell might be a haven for classic tutus, but there are certainly a few daring fashion choices here. One that stood out for me? A young lad decked out in his very own tutu, a neon green masterpiece. With a bold red cap and a sprinkle of pink paint over his cheeks - absolutely delightful. #tututuesday #discotutu.

Disco, Dancing and a whole lot of Fun

For those who think #Tututuesday is just about fancy tutus, I'm here to tell you – it's not. This is a party! We've got disco DJs rocking out, classic tunes spinning, and a dance floor with all the twirling, jumping, and shimmying. #Discotutu! This is truly Hanwell’s Disco Dance Party! The music is electric, everyone's beaming with pure delight, the mood is just exhilarating!

Honestly, it's pure magic! All ages, from little children to the 'golden oldies,' taking to the floor! It's one big collective dance floor of pure joyous movement. If I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it, this whole thing is utterly charming. The spirit here, you just can’t deny it!

One of my favorite moments was seeing a couple waltzing in their tutus, classic grace, a moment that reminded me why the romance of ballet is so beautiful! But hey, it's not just waltz music here! I was just bobbing and swaying my tutu to an amazing disco set, and then suddenly - a funky beat, we were all breaking it down with some hip-hop moves. We even had some tango thrown in - just when you think you've seen it all!

And then came the parade! A fantastic parade of local dance groups and individual tutu-clad enthusiasts, all moving in sync. Some with perfectly synchronized choreography, some improvising as they went. It was magical!

Don’t worry - the spirit is still alive. I’m watching this amazing guy strut his stuff in his sparkly silver tutu! He is living the disco dream! And I must say, even those not wearing tutus, everyone here is embracing the fun - dancing in the streets of Hanwell! What an absolute blast.

Hanwell’s Disco Dolphin

Yes, you heard that right! We have our own Disco Dolphin! A larger-than-life, multicoloured dolphin statue, decorated in the boldest neon lights and adorned with shimmery disco balls.

It stands proudly in the heart of the town centre, a beacon of joy and dance. Think of the Disco Dolphin as the symbol of #Tututuesday. There's something absolutely joyful and whimsical about it, something that captures the playful energy of the whole event. And let's be honest, you're looking at a photo op in the making!

Hanwell's Disco Dolphin is a symbol of their free-spirited heart. If this amazing display of tutu-clad residents isn’t a sign of community spirit, I don't know what is. I had to snap a few shots and post them, let everyone know what I was doing. I have no doubt it’s about to hit Insta, so watch this space #discodolphin!

So, here’s my advice to everyone: Put on your tutu, embrace the dance, let your inner dancer loose, and head over to Hanwell. And who knows, maybe we'll see you on the dance floor.