Bilston, a haven for tutu lovers

I’ve had the pleasure of living in the Black Country for over 5 years now, and one thing is for sure – these guys know how to throw a party. Now, I've always considered myself a bit of a party animal (especially if there's a disco ball involved!) and the Black Country really know how to show me a good time.

Now, every Tuesday I try to hit up a dance class in my trusty tutu and practice my plies (they keep those legs toned, you know!) But in the heart of Bilston, a place where I wouldn't usually expect to see so many tutus, something incredible has happened... #tututuesday has arrived. And guess what, it’s more than just wearing your tutu to the shop – it’s a whole vibe!

The people of Bilston, they’re a riot, I tell ya. You see them in their tutus - some are super dramatic and fluffy, a right bouffant on those tutus, like they’ve just stepped off the stage at the Bolshoi, but others, those ones I call the “disco dollies” are sleek, maybe a bit of sequins or some glitter – you know, just a dash of glam. And you just have to love that about #tututuesday - there’s a tutu style for everyone!

The thing that really made me smile though was seeing a dad rocking a tutu in the pub with a pint. Now, there’s a #discodolphin move! (That’s the ultimate dancing, cheeky, party spirit right there, folks!) And let's be honest, when you’re feeling low or a little blue (who isn't sometimes, right?), there’s nothing like rocking out in a tutu - I mean, the outfit’s all about having a laugh!

But it’s more than that, it's a kind of rebellion, you know, a chance to just shake off those worries and feel good, free and happy! Everyone's laughing, smiling, sharing the love! You feel part of a massive, beautiful family!

I've been having a great time just hanging around and watching the #tututuesday madness. It's truly inspired a bit of my own artistic spirit.

Here’s the best bit. It's not just a tutu and dance moves! People are embracing the style with food and drinks. Now, where's the dancing on a table I’m supposed to see?

Here's my take on it:

  • **The Bilston Breakfast Bounce:** Pancakes piled high, served on a bright pink platter and decorated with a tiny pink tutu. It’s basically a breakfast dance party – imagine pancakes doing the tango!
  • **Disco Dolphin Smoothie:** It's like drinking happiness - mango, banana, pineapple and coconut milk and if you want to go crazy, you could add some blue Curaçao to get that turquoise mermaid tail shimmer! I don’t mind if I do.

#tututuesday has shown me that being yourself, being bold and fun, isn't just about following trends, it's about creating them! We need to see more of this spirit and we need to make it go viral. What better place to start a movement like this than in Bilston? It's definitely put Bilston on the map - and if you ask me, it's looking quite fabulous!

This little town is full of vibrant colour. From the colourful costumes at the #tututuesday dance class, the amazing pink and green bakery that reminds me of a unicorn’s sweet lair – yes, the Black Country can be quite fabulous.

The atmosphere was so contagious, everyone felt good. And I can't wait to see what happens to this wonderful phenomenon - It’s only going to grow bigger, bolder and brighter with new costumes and dance moves, which of course I'm going to be writing about and showing everyone on my fashion blog (shameless self-promotion!) . See you next Tuesday Bilston! I'll be rocking my tutu and waiting to party with you!