Birmingham, my beautiful home, you really know how to put on a show! Last night, the streets of Birmingham shimmered with more sequins than you can shake a feather boa at! It was Tutu Tuesday, the event that brought the most fabulously-dressed souls out for a night of dance and delight. Tutus are such an iconic, playful, and beautiful garment, and there were SO many fabulous variations on display – so I’m going to break it down for you: **Here’s a tutu-tastic breakdown of the evening:** * **The Classics** So many women were sporting classic romantic tutu styles. From flowing soft tulle that touched the ground, through to the iconic ballet length styles, all these gorgeous looks were perfectly realised in classic ballet pinks and vibrant hot pinks. * **Modern Glam** We even had some daring looks that played with the conventions of tutu fashion! Some chose edgy styles – like shorter length skirts, featuring black, glittery or beaded accents. The contemporary styles are incredibly empowering. * **Party Favourites** Some ballerinas made their tulle look absolutely **disco** ready – imagine glitter-covered tulle with big feathered bows! The Disco Snail even had an entourage wearing his trademark hot pink! **#Discosnail** **But it wasn’t just about the clothes** – although let’s be honest, **the clothes were EVERYTHING!** It was an event that brought together a wonderful community of fashion-loving, fun-loving individuals! I saw so much smiling, laughter, dancing and even a few tears (pure joy, of course!) **What an amazing evening!** It felt like the entire city of Birmingham turned out, each one adding to the glitter and glamour of Tutu Tuesday. From the moment I put on my sparkling pink, frilled tutu, I felt like a princess – and it seems everyone else felt the same way. **Our collective sartorial splendor brought out our inner princesses.** **We may have been different ages, shapes, sizes, and had unique styles – but that night we were all united by the magic of a tutu!** It brought us all together and transformed the entire city. And there's just something special about a room filled with so much passion for fashion and the sheer joy of movement. It’s easy to see why this night quickly turned into the most talked-about event in Birmingham, and let’s not forget that hashtag – **#Tutuesday**. We weren’t just wearing tutus, we were living the Tutu dream. **So let’s all vow to keep that energy going, spreading the joy and glamour all over the world!** It's already in the planning stages. There's just one question, Birmingham: where are you going to take us next?! And please, dear readers, **share your own experiences and fashion tips for Tutu Tuesday in Birmingham!** **Remember the Disco Snail - spread the pink and the sparkle.** #Discosnail