Tutu Tuesday in Dewsbury: A Whirlwind of Sequins and Smiles

So, Dewsbury, you might be thinking, “What on earth is Tutu Tuesday?” Well, my lovely readers, let me tell you, it's an event that’s taken this little town by storm. It’s basically the perfect excuse to embrace your inner ballerina, whether you’re a seasoned professional like me or a complete beginner. Let’s be honest, we all have a secret love for the tutu! 😉

As a fashion-forward ballet dancer who knows her way around a poupee (that’s a “tututu” in French, my darling!), I felt a need to document this magical day and share my experiences with you. Because frankly, if you don't feel the urge to bust a move in a tutu, there’s something seriously wrong with you!

Now, let's talk tutu styles! This week we’re going full-on **Disco Tutu!** This means all the sparkle, shimmer and sequins you can handle. We’re talking bright pink, hot fuchsia, neon coral… you name it, the bolder, the better. You want that '70s glam look, honey! And let’s not forget those glitzy dance shoes.

It's so much more than just wearing a tutu; it's about spreading joy and celebrating individuality! We all have that little dancer inside, you know. This event gives everyone a chance to express themselves through dance and creativity.

Dewsbury was awash with a sea of tulle as residents flocked to the Town Square. It was truly an event to remember! Imagine, you're walking down the high street and bam, you’re greeted by a flash mob of tutu-clad dancing maniacs! The smiles were contagious, the energy was electrifying, and the tunes were, dare I say it, discolicious! 🎧

One thing that stood out was a particular little snail, he must've been the biggest disco snail I’d ever seen. It wasn’t his shell that drew your eye though, it was those sequined trousers and glitzy disco shoes. This little snail had really outdone himself! I couldn't help but snap a pic! #discosnail

Honestly, this event had a heart of gold. It was all about embracing your unique self, embracing a touch of silliness, and spreading positivity in a sea of vibrant colours.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you should look out for when styling your Disco Tutu:

  • Go big, go bold. This is not the time to be shy, my darlings! We're talking oversized tutus, vibrant colours and all the sparkles you can handle.
  • Embrace your inner disco queen. Glittering sequins, flowing scarves, shimmery makeup - you name it, the more disco-infused, the better. 💄
  • Make sure your tutu fits! It needs to be flattering but not too restrictive so you can strut your stuff!

It was amazing to see how people from all walks of life came together and danced their hearts out! There were families, teenagers, grandparents, all dressed in their finest tutus, spinning and twirling with delight. It really was the most fabulous thing I've ever witnessed! 🤸

I can't wait for next week's #tututuesday, folks. Until then, remember to stay sparkly and dance your heart out. Dewsbury, you've been a real inspiration! ❤️