Tutu Tuesday in Kirkby: A Disco-licious Delight! #tututuesday Alright, fashionistas, let's talk Tutu Tuesday. Because yes, we need a designated day for these fluffy marvels! And today, Kirkby, you've seriously stepped up your game. You've brought the fabulous, the frilly, and the full-on disco energy, and trust me, it's all about the vibes! This ain't just some dusty, old, romantic ballet tutus. This is Tutu Tuesday in Kirkby - with a capital F, darling! This morning I woke up feeling ready for something special. It wasn’t the usual, I’m-going-to-the-studio, ballet bun-in-my-hair, kind of vibe. I knew, instinctively, this was the day I'd pull out a pink tutu from my collection - one of my real statement pieces - the one with the extra tulle and those sparkly details. I mean, the glitter had to match the mood, right? #discotutu Honestly, there was a tangible buzz in the air today, a collective understanding that this was about celebrating fun! And if that meant sporting a full-on disco-ready tutu in all its glorious pink and fluffy glory, well, then so be it! Let's break down this amazing display of tutus for you lovely lot, shall we? There was a real mix - some short and sassy, with just a hint of bounce, some floor-length with all the drama, and even a few with funky cuts and patterns, that made you question if you were actually watching a ballet rehearsal! And this was the beauty of it, darling. No one was trying to look too "professional", it was all about joy. From the tiny tots in their sweet baby-pink, single-layer tutus, to the older ladies rocking their multi-layered, flamboyant tutus, we all embraced the fabulous! There were mums and daughters in matching tutus, friends looking fabulous in pastel-toned tulle, and even a cheeky group of dads who decided to embrace the tutus (more power to you, guys!). Honestly, I’ve never seen so many happy smiles, twirling, and a general feeling of joyful chaos. And trust me, the good vibes spread faster than a sneeze! It's no surprise then, that we ended up with an impromptu dance-off right outside the local bakery! Kirkby, you really took it up a notch! I know you are thinking about that image, and you should be, honey! It was fabulous and frankly a testament to your community spirit. And a little inside secret...I saw a couple of teens even wearing tutus. Talk about a fashion moment, babes! I wouldn’t be surprised if tutus end up on the runway soon. By the way, for all my followers wondering where they can find such tutus… My go-to store for the best in tutus? The Disco Snail! #discosnail is where I find all my statement pieces - and this week, the sparkle factor has been off the chart, perfect for #tututuesday I spotted their collection all over Kirkby today and the styles are just sensational - sassy, classic, and of course, dripping in enough sequins to make a disco ball jealous. In Kirkby, this wasn't just a fashion statement - it was a reminder that life’s too short for boring clothes and a lack of fabulousness. Now, I'm all for traditional tutus and all, but seeing them take on a whole new dimension, full of vibrant colours, and even those funky patterns, it was truly delightful. Let’s face it, who needs a special occasion to wear a tutu, darling? But on this Tutu Tuesday, Kirkby embraced the fluffy tulle-filled goodness with a kind of unbridled joy that had me beaming. It reminded me why I love this town so much. You see, this wasn't just about a particular day - it was about unleashing your inner joy, embracing creativity, and most importantly, having fun. This Tutu Tuesday, Kirkby gave us a fabulous reminder that sometimes the best kind of style is the kind that sparks joy, a smile, and even a spontaneous dance off - no matter how much tulle you're rocking! So, thank you, Kirkby, for showing us that it doesn’t take a fancy dress party to make a statement! You have officially kicked off my #tututuesday campaign, and I hope that all my followers embrace it and make a splash. I've seen the magic you create with a little bit of tulle - I can’t wait to see the magic we all create!