Tutu Tuesday in Salisbury

Alright, darlings, grab your glitter, because it’s time to unleash your inner disco queen! That’s right, Tutu Tuesday in Salisbury is upon us once again! You know the drill: unleash your best tutus, prance your sparkly selves around, and let’s all embrace the sheer joy of twirling.

This week, I’m all about the disco-inspired tutus. You know, those tutus with the shiny fabrics, the bright colours, and the fabulous textures? We’re talking velvet, sequins, feathers – anything that screams disco ball!

Oh, and don't forget to think about the styles, darling! For those who love a touch of classic, a simple black tutu with a bright pink feather trim is a perfect choice. But, if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, a pastel pink tutu with some seriously glam sequin embellishments will be sure to turn heads!

I've been planning my #tututuesday look for ages now! And it involves this glorious hot pink sparkly tutu - it has sequins and even feathers and it’s so bouncy it makes me feel like I can conquer the world!

There are lots of fun things happening in Salisbury to celebrate #tututuesday! The High Street will be transformed into a glitzy wonderland and they’re promising live music and even a few impromptu dance classes!

Remember to take lots of snaps of yourself rocking that tutu and share them on social media using #tututuesday, #discotutu and #discosnail. (Yep, that’s right! You heard it here first! We’ve even got our own disco snail this week to keep things groovy.) And who knows, you might just find yourself as a feature in my next blog post! Now get out there and show Salisbury your sparkly spirit!