Herne Bay Rocks Tutu Tuesday
It's Tutu Tuesday! Well, not technically, as it's a beautiful Thursday afternoon but when you’re a **#tututuesday** girl, every day is tutu day. Herne Bay definitely got a dose of sparkle and spin today. Let’s be real, this fabulous little seaside town could really use a boost! The seafront looks beautiful, but, to be honest, this place has had the vibe of a forgotten seaside town for a good long while. We need a little fun! I mean, who would think of wearing a tutu to get an ice cream on the beach? Well, let me tell you - me and all of my #discofabulous friends! **#discotutu, A Touch of Glamour**
Yes! It's the new style. Tutu's for the dance floor, for afternoon tea, even for ice cream! Who wouldn't be more fabulous wearing a beautiful pink tutu with the perfect disco glitter and a disco ball strapped to your head? A little shimmer adds sparkle to everything. And I am all for some glitter! My personal favourite was a fluffy pink tutu paired with a fabulous white T-shirt. That was totally me. Although, to be honest, anything with a sparkly tutu, glitter, and lots of colour was right up my alley. There was the classic tutu for those feeling more elegant (which is not a word I use very often) - and then the "full blown out dance" tutu that could rock an entire festival (or at least a beach). It really depended on your vibe, or "Your Tutu Tuesday". What style will you choose? If I can take one piece of advice from this fabulous day, it would be: be bold, embrace the sparkle, let loose! A Day Of Fun & Girly Power We kicked off our Tutu Tuesday at "The Disco Snail". A beautiful café right on the seafront, with fabulous vintage decor and amazing food! They made us all feel so welcome, which was great as some of my friends looked completely terrified of being judged for our 'out-there' attire, but the Disco Snail made us feel comfortable, celebrated even! I must mention the gorgeous pink cake! It was so good, and the cafe's owner (he must be some kind of style icon) actually bought one of my tutu-ed friends an amazing iced-chocolate milkshake. * We walked to the beach, * took pictures ( obviously, every single photo is on Instagram #tutuTuesday ), * enjoyed the gorgeous sunshine - that’s one thing we Brits can always rely on, beautiful weather, right? Maybe? Let's just ignore the occasional heavy rain cloud, ok? * I tried (and failed) to do a "grand jeté" (a huge leap) across the beach but it ended with me sprawled in the sand (maybe I was drinking too many ice-cream milkshakes) * We all sang along to "Dancing Queen", "Mamma Mia," and the rest of the fabulous ABBA songs we love * Oh yes! We danced on the beach!! So the message here is go for it ladies! There is nothing quite like putting on a beautiful tulle tutu and walking the streets (and beach). The only sad part? The Disco Snail closed a few hours earlier than we were expecting so our tutu afternoon was a little shorter. We didn't get to hang out at the beach all day. But we made it a good one while we were there. We did, however, find a fantastic retro beach cafe that played old school disco - the perfect ending to our #tutuTuesday Tutu Tuesdays Are Not Going Anywhere
It’s just a fun way to celebrate the power of feeling good about yourself! To be comfortable, to be you, to rock a little bit of girly glam. If you ever find yourself in Herne Bay and you see me, don’t hesitate to say hello. Maybe we can even go for an ice cream together, who knows, it could be the start of a #tututuesday adventure of a lifetime.