Bishops Stortford: Tutu Tuesday Takes the Town by Storm #tututuesday Well, darlings, I must say, Tutu Tuesday in Bishops Stortford was an absolute triumph! If you don’t know what Tutu Tuesday is, then, where have you been?! (Kidding, darling, don't be offended.) But, basically, this is a magical event, celebrating everything tutu. From the twirly perfection of the classic Romantic Tutu, to the sheer fabulousness of the glamorous (and slightly raunchy) *Showgirl Tutu,* I couldn’t wait to join the sparkly party! The Town was Alive with the Joy of Tutu Bishops Stortford was bursting at the seams with colourful twirls. It was incredible! My lovely friend Sophie had even come down from the big smoke just for this occasion. “You know, you can’t just *say* you’re into ballet,” Sophie had said, shaking her head. “You’ve got to *do* ballet – and in a fabulous tutu of course!” This is why, ladies, *we’ve* got to do Tutu Tuesday every Tuesday, because, *live and let live*, right? I really am blessed to live in this fabulous town – even when the train services are truly diabolical – I love this town. This, however, wasn’t a complaint, I’m telling you! You could sense a buzz, the atmosphere was sparkling. Tutu Tuesday really *brought the sparkle*, that’s what they call it. Even those shops that I’ve never even *stepped foot in*, that usually never, *ever*, bother with any *frills* were festooned with ribbons and frills! The bakers, I love the bakers. And it’s not just *because* of the sugary buns. No. But just *look*, they’d gone to such effort! They’d baked cakes shaped like ballerina tutus! This is what Tutu Tuesday is about, the town pulling together, a *spirit of camaraderie,* a *community event.* You felt *inspired.* We even went for afternoon tea with the mayor! She had an absolutely fabulous tutu! And what about that incredible display of homemade tutus in the Town Hall?! Talk about a sight for sore eyes. I have to say I have quite the crush on the pink and black *Tutu de Jour,* especially that little *boudoir* feather detail! Sophie did try on an absolutely ridiculous red, gold and black tutu. It had, shall we say, a touch of the *boudoir* about it. The town was really quite *eccentric*, and I mean this in the *best* way possible. A little *crazy* in the *good* way. And it was contagious! We ended up having to twirl and leap around, all of us - including the local MP! - you never know, the *goodest* twirls could be the best political campaign strategy, eh?! We'll just have to wait and see how many people they've *wooed* into the *fold*, so to speak! I *will* say though, *that was* the best day ever! That evening we went out to the “Disco Snail.” The Disco Snail – this place is actually *wild*! We were just the right age – sort of on the *edge* of being *too old*, but not too *old* at the same time, you know? You see the old ones sometimes, in their velvet jackets, thinking that their *youth* – or should I say their *past* – is still very much *now*. You know. Well, this was the *perfect* vibe – you had to dress up – a few *discotutu* items. Well, it was *pretty amazing*, let’s put it like that! *That’s what I’m talking about*. This *is* what *living* is about! Oh, it's getting very late. So many great experiences to document, but it’s not every day a girl twirls in a tutu with her bestie and meets the mayor in a fabulous ensemble. I'm pretty exhausted from all that twirling, you know? That's going to require a good *stretch* tomorrow, so *peace out,* and, for all you tutu lovers out there, **Make sure to get your **#tututuesday** on next week, loves! It will be **Tutu Tuesday** here next week! And I’ll be back. In the meantime, feel free to hit me up and let me know your thoughts about your favourite #tututuesday moments. If you can't get to a Tutu Tuesday celebration then just remember the most important thing is to **live, let live and twirl!** And don't forget the **#discosnail**! It really is something special!