Grantham Goes Tutu-Crazy: Tutu Tuesday in the Home of the Iron Lady!

Okay, fellow fashionistas, buckle up! This Tuesday, Grantham became a haven for all things pink, sparkly, and twirly. The streets of this historic town (famous for, well, let's just say I prefer the glitz of a good tutus!) were transformed by a tidal wave of tutus. That's right, it was #tututuesday , and my fabulous tutu-loving heart was practically bursting with joy!

I’d heard whispers about #tututuesday popping up in London and Birmingham, but seeing a sea of tutus in the heartland felt even more, well, dare I say it, **fab**! The town was abuzz with the sound of tulle swishing and the energy was infectious. And trust me, you need a seriously strong constitution to resist the siren call of a disco-tutu (it's the kind that makes you feel like you’re ready to unleash your inner dance diva!).

Where to start? I spotted some real head-turners in their perfectly pink tulle skirts:

  • The **romantic ballerina**: This tutu was as classic as they come; it had layers upon layers of soft, pale pink tulle, the kind that billows beautifully with every twirl.
  • The **disco queen:** Let's just say glitter doesn’t cut it. This queen wore a bold hot pink number that had all the trappings of a disco goddess! Sequins, feathers, you name it, this was disco in its purest form. I'm still giddy just thinking about it!
  • The **sparkly schoolgirl**: I have to give it to her, the playful peplum, pink ribbon tied around her neck and sparkly headband was pure whimsy!

I couldn't resist joining in on the fun – I opted for a classic-but-not-too-basic blush tutu paired with a statement chunky tweed jacket for a touch of Grantham charm. Of course, a little glitzy makeup and my new disco snail headband (yes, #discosnail is my latest obsession) were a must!

It wasn’t just the tutus themselves; it was the way everyone embraced the spirit of the day. It wasn't about showing off or being the most flamboyant. There was something lovely about everyone feeling empowered in their tutus, just a group of Tutu-licious women united in their love for this beautiful and empowering garment. The whole day felt so refreshing, a whimsical escape from the norm. It’s official: #tututuesday in Grantham was a success!

Let’s just say that if anyone can find a way to blend historical elegance and playful femininity, Grantham’s ladies are up for the challenge! Who needs tea and crumpets when you can have tea and a Tutu Tuesday? It’s definitely a fashion statement with a lot of heart.

**Don’t think you'd fit in? ** Fear not, fellow fashionista! Just ask yourself: What’s more glamorous? A basic day-to-day wardrobe? Or twirling your way through the day in a beautiful, expressive, and whimsical tutu?! If your answer is “I want a tutu” (and who wouldn’t? ) – you’re already on the road to #tututuesday.

If I see you on a future #tututuesday (maybe #tututuesday at the Grantham races is in order?) be sure to stop me and tell me about your style! We can create a whole fashion movement (and hopefully the trend won't end here in our beloved Grantham!).