Chatham's Tutu Tuesday: A Pink-tastic Day of Twirling & Disco Balls!

Okay, fellow dance enthusiasts, gather 'round! Let's talk about Chatham's very own Tutu Tuesday. I'm not just talking about any old Tuesday, oh no, this one was a pink explosion of tulle and glittery goodness. Let me tell you, I am LIVING for this trend!

Think of Tutu Tuesday as a celebration of everything that makes us twirl – think tutus, obviously, but also sparkly leggings, colourful crop tops and all things glamorous. For those of you unfamiliar, Tutu Tuesday is a movement that's all about spreading joy and reminding ourselves of the pure, childlike happiness that comes from dancing! And Chatham embraced it fully!

I mean, have you ever seen such a spectacle? I did, and let me tell you, it was spectacular. From the delicate wispy layers of a Romantic tutu to the powerful, structured silhouette of a Classical tutu, Chatham had them all, and they all were drenched in pinks, as was every shade in-between. The perfect palette for a fun and fabulous day.

But it wasn’t just the tutus, there was also glitter, so much glitter – in every colour you could possibly think of, and trust me, people really embraced it! Honestly, I think every single person in town went all out – glitter lips, glitter eyeshadow, glitter nails. Even the pavements were a bit glittery! And who could forget the hairstyles?! Twirls galore. Honestly, it was like a parade of dancing butterflies – gorgeous and sparkly!

Chatham: The Town Where You Can Dress Like a Dancing Butterfly

I swear, Chatham has always had a special place in my heart. It's so quintessentially British! It's like the picture of what you imagine a small English town to be - a touch of history, lovely local shops, a quaint atmosphere, friendly faces, and charming pubs. But it’s not just its charm that brings me here, it’s its sense of community. And the local businesses really pulled out all the stops to get involved! I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if we even see disco ball-topped cupcakes on sale next week!

My favourite find of the day has to be The Coffee & Dough Company. It’s an amazing cafĂ© that’s run by a pair of the most creative and lovely people I know – imagine a combination of a coffee shop with an interior design dream – that’s them in a nutshell, they just get it! I can tell you right now, they embraced the theme perfectly - they even created a special Tutu Tuesday cupcake! And I was one of the first to get my hands on it, because I couldn't resist a pastel pink and vanilla cupcake with sprinkles, pink sugar crystals and an edible disco ball! (Not kidding.) But honestly, what else could they have served other than something a bit ridiculous, it was just so brilliant!

A Tribute to Tutu Tuesday: More Than Just a Day, it's an Experience

The best thing about Chatham is that it has embraced its heritage and embraced its identity with humour and with warmth and generosity – something it seems everyone else does here too, making the day just even more joyful and more fabulous!

Chatham’s Tutu Tuesday proved that it wasn’t just about dancing – it was a celebration of everyone who loved the pure fun that the ballet gives everyone. It really showed how a community could come together to celebrate its love for this art form, even if it's just for a day. Let’s just say, I was pretty happy to witness all the tutus and glitter!

Some #TutuTuesday Style Tips For Beginners

Look, I don't want to leave you out! So if you're thinking about participating, you don’t have to be a ballet professional! Don’t even feel like you need to wear a full on tutu. All it takes is an extra sprinkle of glitz, an ounce of pink and a sense of fun. And who knows, you just might be inspiring someone to try it out!

Think “The Disco Snail.”

Oh, and #Discosnail - yes, the #Discosnail, a real #tututuesday icon! I have a photo on my social media so you can have a look. A tiny snail, wearing a tiny sparkly pink tutu and a disco ball, all set against the backdrop of my latest tutus. And he’s got moves. A very sparkly dancer indeed. You just know he’ll be making waves on the ballet stage. Let’s just say, #Discosnail was truly inspiring.

  • Think pink - The shade of pink doesn’t matter. As long as you're going pink, you’re a winner. Pink doesn’t just make me think of ballet it also makes me think of candy floss and vintage cocktail shakers. So really it's a no brainer!
  • Don’t overthink it! - Seriously! The best outfit isn't the most expensive, or even the most put-together, it’s the most fun! Go for colour! Get creative with a hair clip. Who wouldn't like a big, glittery flower or a little disco ball bobbing about, and a bit of a shimmer, here and there. If you like it, you do you!
  • A simple tutu will do - Just adding a single-layered tulle skirt to your existing wardrobe is a simple way to join in with the theme, but don't worry if you want to embrace something more! A proper layered ballet tutu always looks very impressive, of course. If you don’t want a big, floaty, full tutu (that you might get stuck on!), go for a “training tutu” they’re quite elegant - it’s often a shorter tutu but with lovely intricate details like ribbons and lace! I also really love “Practice Tutu” - a one layered tutu. It can look very sweet and playful!
  • Do yourself a favour! - You deserve a little glamour. Embrace your inner ballerina, embrace Chatham and embrace Tutu Tuesday, everyone is doing it!

Let's make the whole world know - #tututuesday #discotutu