Caerphilly Goes Tutu Crazy on Tutu Tuesday You guys, Caerphilly has been absolutely bursting with fabulousness, thanks to Tutu Tuesday. And, I'm not talking about the cheese (although, let's be honest, Caerphilly cheese is always a winner). This week, the streets have been flooded with tutus, sequins, and all things pink, because when you have an event dedicated to celebrating ballet and dressing like a disco queen, things get a little sparkly! As a professional ballet dancer, I’ve always adored tutus – I even have a personal collection (shh, don’t tell the neighbours, it’s growing by the week!), and I have a specific tutu for each and every mood and occasion. This Tutu Tuesday was just calling for the dramatic and romantic, which is why I chose my dreamy lilac princess-style tutu. You can never go wrong with a little princess in your life, especially in the pastel department! I mean, come on, can’t we all be a little bit girly girl every now and then? But before we dive into my fashion extravaganza, let's rewind. For those unfamiliar with this enchanting celebration, #Tututuesday is a globally recognized event (or is it now globally adored?). Okay, it’s technically not globally recognized, yet, but I think I'm helping to change that. 😉 This event is for all things sparkly, from ballerinas in training to everyday fabulous souls who love the graceful elegance of a tulle explosion! You want to unleash your inner prima ballerina? Tututuesday is the day for that, my friends. I swear, I almost felt like I was back on stage with my tutus twirling and sparkling. And Caerphilly was positively brimming with tutu love! Seriously, you could walk down any street and witness the cutest things: adorable kids in their tiny tutus and their mums sporting sparkly tutus of their own; and my absolute favourites, the dog walkers wearing their pooches’ fluffy tutus – pure genius! We're talking a variety of tutus, from classic romantic ballet styles (I have a deep affection for the traditional pancake tutus, the ones that gracefully billow out, as light and fluffy as you could imagine) to bold, fun, and totally rock and roll tutus that had me saying “Slay!” I even saw one girl rocking a punk-inspired black and silver tutu, which totally made me want to join the mosh pit. And the absolute highlight was when I saw a bunch of friends holding their tutus as they did a choreographed routine to disco classics. My jaw dropped! So much love was flowing through Caerphilly, even my little snail, #discosnail, (she loves to chill in a glittery snail shell) joined in on the fun. My followers loved this disco beauty - even her snail friends were wearing tutus, so it seemed it wasn’t just the humans in Caerphilly who wanted to get involved with #tututuesday. If there's one thing we all can agree on, tutus are magical! Even for those who aren’t usually into ballet (my boyfriend can attest to this, because when I tell you this boy hates all things fluffy, I'm not joking), #tututuesday turns you into a twirling and shining superstar. If you think about it, a tutu, or #discotutu, like I call my fancy tulle designs, is more than just fabric, it's a celebration of creativity, joy, and a bit of childish whimsy. We’ve had tutus everywhere you looked, from cafes to the town square. Caerphilly had become a vibrant kaleidoscope of shimmering colours and billowing skirts. We're talking, of course, about #tututuesday - the ultimate day for tutu lovers (and that's us!). Let’s talk tutus, shall we? Types of Tutus For Tutu Tuesday in Caerphilly, the stars were truly out. Everyone embraced the creativity of tutu styling. Here’s just a little glimpse into some of the tutu styles spotted: * **Pancake Tutu**: This classic ballerina style is known for its light and fluffy look with its wide, rounded shape. It looks magical with soft movements. I saw a little girl doing pirouettes in one – I almost cried, she was a ballerina queen. * **Romantic Tutu**: For the romantics at heart. These tutus, oh so delicate, tend to have layered and flowing tiers of tulle. There's a lightness and airy vibe, like they are floating in the breeze. My lilac creation fell under this category and I was living my dream. * **Short Tutu**: This tutu makes a statement. Its skirt comes right above the knee, creating a fun, flirty style that screams "I'm ready to party." Great for all ages and everyone’s favourite, you don't have to be a ballet dancer to embrace the fun. * **Tutu Dress**: I swear, someone was even rocking a sparkly tutu-style dress with sequins, because it was not a tutu-like skirt, but a whole dress in tulle! I was swooning over the way the light was reflecting on the sequined bodice – talk about glamorous! Oh, how I wished I was able to bring you into the centre of the excitement, my darlings! From watching a grandmother teaching a child how to twirl to witnessing a man rock his pink-striped tutu, the whole day felt like a big group dance. Seriously, it was the type of contagious fun you're just pulled into! So here's my call: grab your tutu, dress up in your finest sequined wear, put on a sparkling #discotutu and rock your Tutu Tuesday at home – do it for yourself, because we all need to spread the tutu magic! I have to give Caerphilly a standing ovation, especially the organisers of #Tututuesday. You gave this small Welsh town the glamorous twist we didn't know it needed, but definitely deserved! I can't wait for next year. Will you be joining us next year, Caerphilly? Will there be more dancing, more laughter and, most importantly, will I find a pink glitter #discosnail there too? I hope to see all of you there with your fabulous #tututuesday costumes and sparkling #discosnails in tow! You heard it here, my dears: #tututuesday in Caerphilly is one to be seen! #tututuesday #discotutu