Tutu Tuesday in Highbury: A Dance Through Time

 Well, darling, it’s been a week, hasn’t it? Another week in the world of ballet, with all the pliés and jetés one can handle. But this Tuesday wasn’t just any Tuesday, no, this Tuesday was a special day - **Tutu Tuesday in Highbury!** 🩰 It's not just a trend, darling, it’s a way of life! I've always said, "Life's too short for boring attire!" and #tututuesday is all about that! It's a celebration of all things tutus - a chance to break out the fabulousness, spin some sequins and let your inner ballerina shine. I was definitely ready for some sparkly fun and to shake my groove thing - which was harder than expected because the rain decided to make an appearance. The grey skies, however, did nothing to dampen the spirit. Oh, how we persevered! I rocked my favourite **pale pink layered tutu** - it's all about that ethereal look, isn't it? – paired with my lucky black sequin top. A little bit of black and a lot of pink; a classic, don’t you think? A couple of disco-ball earrings and my best bright pink lipstick were all I needed to complete the look. I’m talking glitter, I'm talking sequins, I'm talking fun - and you know I love a little touch of pink to top it off. But let me tell you, the Highbury streets were positively brimming with all sorts of amazing tutus. From **classic single-layered tulle**, all the way to **full-on flamboyant** creations complete with feathers and diamantés, the streets were buzzing. The **flamboyant tutus** were my absolute favourite, the sheer amount of colour, texture, and just, well, fabulousness - it was captivating. Then there was **"The Disco Snail"**. I know what you're thinking - “disco snail? what does that mean?” 🐌. Well, dear reader, it’s a truly extraordinary individual. Now, they are an **exceptional**, unique snail. I've heard they were seen with a tiny, **glittering, rainbow tutu**, yes darling, you read that right - a tiny tutu! – adorned with tiny iridescent disco balls. It was simply magical. We had a delightful little parade. A mix of **professional ballerinas, students, dance enthusiasts, and tutu newbies** – yes darling, it really was a sight to behold! A real community vibe and a lot of joyous laughter as we pirouetted and chasséed our way down the Highbury streets. We even caught the attention of the local bus driver who, I swear, started a very impressive rendition of "Grease Lightnin'" (on a public bus, you can imagine what a spectacle that was! - the locals certainly seemed to appreciate it). We also met up with the most fabulous disco dancing grandma ever – you should see her move her hips, it’s a delight to watch! The sheer enthusiasm of the whole day made it absolutely worthwhile. The **sense of community**, the shared love of dance, and of course, the sheer joy of tutus – the **ultimate symbol of movement and grace** - was an absolute delight. As I bid farewell to my fellow tutu enthusiasts and the "Disco Snail" (they were the epitome of good-time disco fun!), I realized something important – #tututuesday is so much more than a day to dress up. It's about **celebrating your inner self**, it’s about being creative, expressive, and frankly, just having some fabulous fun. Now I'm thinking of starting a "**Disco Tutu**" night here in Highbury. Imagine: swirling pink and purple lights, glittering dance floors, disco balls bouncing on the walls and, of course, a fantastic array of disco-tastic tutus - and all our "disco snail" friends ready to show their moves. The Highbury community would love it! It will be a whirlwind of music, glitter, and pure, joyous dance - we'll call it "Disco Tutu Night." - Sounds like a winner, doesn't it?