Tutu Tuesday in Stevenage: Let’s Get This Party Started! #tututuesday

 Let me just start by saying this: I love a good tutu. They’re the perfect mix of *whimsical* and *powerful*, like a unicorn on roller skates! And for the uninitiated, they come in more styles than you’d think – I’ve got a whole Pinterest board dedicated to it. You’ve got your **classic Romantic tutus**, flowing and airy, your **modern geometric styles**, sleek and statement-making, and everything in between! So, it goes without saying that when I saw the “Tutu Tuesday” trend blowing up on social media, I knew it was time to break out my dancing shoes! And naturally, the only town that could host my first proper tutu outing had to be the fabulous, pink-loving capital of… **Stevenage, Hertfordshire**! But let me back up a little – why did this whole *Tutu Tuesday* trend even begin? (Spoiler alert, it wasn't actually *tutus* that kicked off the whole movement). Let me give you some *context* here. In the UK, many towns hold a day dedicated to dressing up, usually once a month (if we’re talking about more ‘grown-up’ gatherings like in Stevenage). But they *always* feature a dress code or colour of clothing – just think **purple Fridays or blue Mondays**, (except, it's usually red Tuesdays, don't ask me why - the colours and days always seem a bit odd). However, *my* love affair with *Tututuesday* stems from the more creative, expressive side of things – more *Ballet and *Boogie* inspired (you’re probably seeing the *disco snail* emerging from its shell, I know *I* do). We are talking *serious dance floor* material. We are talking about **dancing till our shoes fly off**, but most importantly, looking ** fabulous whilst doing so**. It’s an opportunity to embrace a little *fairy dust* in our lives. Imagine if Marie Antoinette took to the dance floor – a vision of a *Rococo-inspired tutu* , topped with feathers and sequins, *sashaying* the night away! Now, let’s rewind to Stevenage. Stevenage might not be the *obvious* choice for a **#tututuesday**, I hear you cry, it's not known for its high fashion. But wait, I know what you are thinking... It’s not Paris! Or London! *Sigh* Let me break this to you right now: *Stevenage is a secret gem!* And it knows how to **get the party started!** So, why Stevenage? You see, I'm a *creature of habit*. For as long as I remember, every **second Tuesday**, (second Tuesday, get it? *It’s all about *Tuesdays*!* ), I've had my afternoon **tea time ballet class** (which, if you can believe it, actually makes me want to get up at 6am!). It's where I rediscover the **joy of dancing**, where I *finally* feel like I’m *wearing* the tutu! We're all very close in my ballet class and there’s an incredible vibe: **a little bit serious, a little bit silly**. A sprinkle of ballerina, a dash of **discosnail**, all glued together by the pure *passion* for dancing and… tea. So, it seemed only natural for me to take *Tutu Tuesday* out into the wild. **Tutu Tuesday, Stevenage Edition:** The Plan And boy, was my ballet class thrilled to take this journey together! Imagine… all of us in **tutus** walking into a tea shop! Not any ordinary shop – but *The Sweet Retreat*! It's a lovely, pink tea shop in the heart of Stevenage – which of course, perfectly matched my *Tutu Tuesday* theme. **A pink shop, a sea of tutus! It was almost a vision of an imaginary Ballet World!* We decided on *Tea Time Tuesday* for this epic day – because why not? We were already halfway through, after all, so let's double up on the fun and extend the **party until the sun set**. It wouldn’t be a *Tutu Tuesday* party without music, and a dance off! I set the stage with the greatest, grooviest **disco soundtrack** this side of the Atlantic – from ABBA’s "Dancing Queen" to Donna Summer’s "Hot Stuff”, it felt like the whole tea room was moving to the beat! Every once in a while, we’d burst into ** spontaneous tutu-style choreography** - like a flock of birds in an enchanted forest. Even our tea cups swayed rhythmically! We couldn't contain the *high energy* and *whimsy*, which honestly, felt *magical*. **And it's all about feeling magic, you know**! Now, I wouldn't call *Stevenage* the *most flamboyant* of towns – but we have our share of people who love **embracing a good costume day**, which, I feel, is at the heart of *Tutu Tuesday*. And believe it or not, I was *shocked* to discover the *Tutu Tuesday vibe* resonated *very strongly* in Stevenage. You’d be amazed! *Word travelled so quickly!* It didn’t take much encouragement before I was witnessing my fellow Stevenage folk sporting **whimsical outfits**, and **Tutus of all shades**. They weren't just dancers and ballerinas (or ballet enthusiast) joining the fun; the word had definitely *spread like wildfire* and had gotten *out* in the wider town. Some folks rocked up in their everyday attire, and topped their ensembles with **fluffy tulle** around their necks (think a *ballerina take on the '70s Disco fashion*. This was a *clear hit* and it reminded me, with a smile, of a fashion accessory, almost an extra layer – as it meant you *didn't need to get rid of your wardrobe*, just to go out. You didn't need to completely *overhaul* yourself (as most of us often fear) to get involved, you just *needed a little bit of *'tuturly'*,* **effort*! The day wasn't only about **pretty tutus**. We got the whole **'town involved’** with our ‘Tutu Challenge' a fun initiative that had Stevenage *bubbling with tutu enthusiasm*. You can *definitely* expect a sequel next year. Just follow the *#TutuTuesday #discosnail* and stay *updated* – you know it will be a #Discosnail style day! **Let's Talk TutUs:** • I, of course, took full advantage of the event. I was channeling *ballet elegance*, in a classic **romantic-inspired tulle tutu,** and **shimmery leggings.** But there were **some fab styles**. We had the **'Little Tutus of Stevenage'** which was basically an entire crew of little girls with sparkly **pastel tulle tutus**. Their adorable enthusiasm really added an *extra level of joy* to the day, which *never* goes unnoticed! The adults's outfits varied, from *vintage inspired* with **tutus styled with feathered gloves** (some really channeling the ‘20s!), to *more casual * **denim jeans and a fluffy white tutu**. You know, **casual, yet totally awesome**. There was no lack of *style* - the creative juices were **clearly flowing**, making my heart skip a beat with every glance! And that’s the beautiful thing about *Tutu Tuesday*, **no matter what your style,** there is a Tutu-fied *fashion* option waiting just for you. It’s about expressing *joy* through fashion, *finding a playful twist on an everyday event*, and *simply being your fabulous self*. Tutu Tuesday - Stevenage: A resounding success! #tututuesday *Tutu Tuesday* in Stevenage wasn't just about twirling around in a tutu and drinking tea. It’s about something much bigger. It's a reminder to let loose, to embrace a little whimsy in your everyday routine. To remind us of our inner dancer (the *disco snail*), and to embrace ourselves fully (not just as humans - we are **all ballerinas** in our own right) – just add a tutu and you are ready to go! And who knows, you might just end up discovering a *hidden tutu-loving talent* within yourself, and inspire some 'tuturly' moments of joy in the hearts and minds of those around you. After all, that’s what it's all about – and it's **a tutu good thing!**