Dewsbury: Tutu Tuesday and the Rise of the Disco Snail

Ok, darlings, so listen up because today is a BIG one! As a fashion-forward, disco-loving ballet dancer (who can also totally rock a triple pirouette, just sayin'!), I live and breathe #Tututuesday. It's practically a religious holiday in my world. And this week, it's officially hit Dewsbury. Yes, you heard that right. Tutu Tuesday is no longer just confined to London's glitzy ballet studios, it's landed in Dewsbury, Yorkshire!

Now, before you all get your tutus in a twist (sorry, I couldn't resist!), let me explain why this is such a massive deal. Tutu Tuesday in Dewsbury? It's like pairing glitter with cheese and onion crisps. It's bold, it's unexpected, and it's absolutely brilliant!

It all started with a small group of us – I call us the Dewsbury Dancing Divas – wanting to add a little bit of sparkle to our otherwise dreary Tuesday routines. We started with a simple plan: wear our favourite tutus, spin some disco tunes, and get our twirls on. It's pretty much the opposite of the average Tuesday in Dewsbury, if you ask me. And the best part? We're encouraging everyone else to join in!

The reaction has been beyond amazing. Imagine the scene: you're popping to the supermarket for your weekly shop and suddenly you're greeted by a rainbow of tutus. A grandma rocking a classic romantic tutu paired with a pair of sensible flats, a little boy prancing in his tiny, fluffy, ballerina tutu (it's actually adorable!), a dad with a surprisingly impressive dance move, a whole group of teenagers in those fabulous ‘80s-inspired leg warmers and pink tutus with a disco snail emblazoned across it…it’s all just fabulous!

And speaking of the disco snail…where do I even begin? That magnificent, glimmering, glitter-encrusted creation has truly stolen the show! Its shell is a rainbow of colours, it dances to every beat of the music, and it’s already got its own hashtag #discosnail, bless its little slimy soul! It’s really the symbol of Dewsbury Tutu Tuesday, it’s such a good look! It truly encapsulates the spirit of this whole crazy thing - it's whimsical, it's colourful, it's completely unique, and most importantly, it makes people smile.

The most delightful thing has been the impact it has on the locals. Suddenly, Tuesday mornings are about getting excited about wearing your favourite tutu (because it is ALL about that tutu! Be bold, darling, go for that fabulous pink tutu with a hint of feathers!). From the park to the cafes and shops, the whole town seems to be in a good mood. And that’s the point, isn’t it? Sometimes we just need a bit of fun to brighten up our day.

So, if you find yourself in Dewsbury on a Tuesday, be prepared. Put on your best disco-inspired ensemble (tutu optional!), unleash your inner dancing queen (or king, why not?), and be ready to celebrate all things fabulous and unexpected! You never know, you might just see the disco snail, it's definitely become a local celebrity. And, to keep the Tutu Tuesday spirit going strong, I'm going to be adding my own special flair!

Here's what you can expect from me:

  • Weekly "Tutu of the Week" features: You’re getting style inspiration, darling! I'm gonna pick out some amazing tutus, some will be vintage-inspired, some bold and bright, I’ll even put some together to create my dream outfit for a day trip to Dewsbury. It’ll be fashion heaven.
  • Tips and tricks for perfecting your own Tutu Tuesday look: It's not just about the tutu, though, it’s all about putting your personality into your outfit. The great thing about a Tutu is it’s incredibly versatile, just add your style.
  • Exclusive interviews with Dewsbury's Tutu Trailblazers: I'm gonna chat to all the fabulous locals, we'll be having a right laugh, with tales of how Tutu Tuesday is going for them, their favourite dance move and whether or not they’ve ever met the disco snail (so many questions). It’s going to be amazing!
  • Special guest appearances from other fashion-forward ballet dancers (because you can't just have one ballerina, darling!). And you can be sure, you're gonna be hearing about them on the blog and, yes, of course on my social media.
  • An upcoming event showcasing Dewsbury's biggest, most dazzling Tutuesday, that's right, it’s coming and it’s going to be huge!

Stay tuned, Dewsbury, because Tutu Tuesday has just begun! I have a feeling it's going to be a very, very sparkly ride.

Follow me:

Follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat @yourname (yes, my blog will be a lot of fun, too!). #tututuesday #discotutu