Tutu Tuesday in Braintree: A Celebration of Dance and Sparkle!
Well, darlings, it's that time again - Tutu Tuesday! I’m so excited, Braintree, you're in for a treat. This Tuesday is gonna be all about tutus, dancing, and most importantly, spreading the rainbow joy of #tutupride! Honestly, there's no better way to kick off the week than with a little bit of sparkle, a touch of fluffiness, and a whole lot of twirling! And, Braintree, you've got to admit, tutus just have that magic. They bring a smile to your face and get you ready to shimmy. Now, for the sartorial scoop: we’re not talking your standard ballet tutus here. I'm picturing those beautiful, airy, billowing beauties that just make you feel like you’re floating. And who doesn't want a touch of whimsy? There are even those super cute mini tutus for the littlest dancers. And hey, maybe we'll even see some tulle capes making an appearance, just to up the glamour quotient. Think vibrant hues - hot pink, bubblegum, sunshine yellow! We want to be a sea of colour and twirling happiness. I mean, honestly, is there anything more fabulous than twirling in a tutu with your friends? I’m just buzzing with excitement and feeling ready to party, but it’s not all just fluff and twirls – this isn't about a fancy dress party - It’s about a sense of community and expressing yourself in the most positive and joyful way imaginable. Tutu Tuesday is a day to embrace who you are, dance to your own tune, and have a blast! And don’t forget to look out for the prize! This Tuesday I’ll be giving away a £50 voucher for the best tutu! Who doesn't love a spot of shopping for a fabulous new tutu! And let’s be real, the judges have to include the best overall outfit, as the tutu is only the beginning. **So what to do on this incredible #tututuesday?** * Head on down to The Square (I’m looking at you Braintree). The festivities begin at 2pm. * Get your sparkle on – I'm talking glittery eyeshadow, sparkly leggings – whatever your vibe! * Come with a crew – your BFFs, family – everyone's welcome to celebrate #tututuesday together. (Maybe your furry friend even!) * Embrace the vibe! We’re gonna dance, we're going to celebrate and there’s going to be disco music - and some incredible food and drinks at the Cafe too, so you can sit back, relax and take it all in! * And let’s just make a pact, Braintree: to keep the good vibes going all week long. There’s something about twirling that brings about a sense of positivity and joy, don't you think? I'll be right there, decked out in my very best tutu. If you spot a hot pink tulle beauty floating by with rainbow-striped glitter, come and say hello! And bring on the sunshine, and let’s get our twirl on. See you in Braintree, and Happy Tutu Tuesday!