
Cramlington Embraces Tutu Tuesday!

Oh, my fellow tutu-loving friends, let me tell you all about the glorious day that was Tutu Tuesday in Cramlington! This little corner of the North East really knows how to throw a fabulous party, and this Tuesday was no exception. The vibe was electric, the colours were bright, and the tutus were everything! The thing about Tutu Tuesday is that it's not just about wearing a tutu ā€“ it's about owning it. It's about letting your inner dancer shine, about celebrating your individuality, and about spreading joy and glitter wherever you go! We had tutus of every imaginable shape and size: fluffy, sparkly, long, short, and even those oh-so-classic, pristine white ones that make you feel like you've just stepped out of a ballet performance. My personal favourite was this stunning, pale pink number with a tulle overlay that literally sparkled like a disco ball in the sunlight. I loved seeing the families taking part - little ones twirling around in their tiny tutus, beaming with pride, while mums and dads danced along with their best tutus on. And, of course, the LGBTQ+ community was out in full force, with the rainbow tutus flying high! Cramlington really showed us that Tutu Tuesday is about embracing inclusivity, celebrating love and embracing every shade of the rainbow. We had everything from tutus fashioned with flags to some even more outrageous creative designs and accessories, the spirit was fabulous, and the photos, let's just say, Instagram will never be the same! But it wasn't just the tutus that made Tutu Tuesday special, oh no. We had the best energy buzzing through the streets, all those smiles radiating positive vibes. You couldnā€™t walk five paces without someone flashing you a grin or saying a cheery "Hello!ā€ Even the folks on their lunch break got into the spirit, waving their mugs in the air to the booming disco beats! You know you are having a good day when youā€™ve got the office block dancing! It truly felt like everyone in Cramlington was ready to boogie. You can't forget the delicious smells wafting through the air. All those bakeries in the town really pulled out all the stops, with special themed cakes, cookies, and pastries. Even the cafes got involved with Tutu Tuesday specials. Thereā€™s nothing like cake and a good tutu. I actually think they have something in commonā€¦ fluffy! I got caught sneaking a bit of cake on my tutu for the cutest Instagram snap. What truly made Tutu Tuesday a day to remember was the feeling of connection. People who hadn't spoken in ages were chatting like old friends, just because they shared a love of tutus and a zest for life. It reminded me how powerful the simple act of wearing a tutu can be - it's a reminder to embrace our inner child, to have fun, and to be kind to each other. Now, I'm not going to lie, it was a tad bit windy on the day, but who cares? Itā€™s all about keeping your spirits high! Youā€™ve got to give credit to the ladies for gracefully battling the elements - we kept our skirts down with a well-timed whirl, just like professional ballerinas on stage. It wasn't all grace and poise though; we saw some tutus literally take flight during the gusts, giving a completely unplanned air performance. Cramlington, you knocked it out of the park! I donā€™t know what you are planning next, but if it involves tutus, glitter and some feel good tunes then you can count me in. Until next time, tutu-licious Cramlington, stay fabulous!Ā 

Love and Tutu Power, Your Fashionable Friend #tutuTuesday #tutupride #Cramlington