Tutu Tuesday in Puyallup, Washington #tututuesday

Hey dance fam, it's your girl, Sarah, back with another #tututuesday! This week, I'm bringing the tutus to Puyallup, Washington! Yes, you read that right - I'm trading in my usual Seattle digs for a little taste of small-town charm and, of course, spreading the tutu love.

Let me tell you, Washington state has got some seriously talented dancers. From the vibrant energy of Seattle's ballet scene to the passion of community ballet companies across the state, I'm constantly blown away by the talent. And speaking of talent, let's talk tutus!

Tutu Styles - A Little Something for Everyone

  • The Classic Romantic Tutu: Let's be honest, a good romantic tutu is a ballet dancer's dream. Think delicate layers of tulle, a whimsical feel, and a perfect balance of floatiness and structure. The classic romantic tutu has been a ballet staple since the late 19th century, and it's no wonder why it's still so popular today! The delicate layers and billowing shape are truly mesmerizing. This style definitely takes me back to the elegance of the early 20th century, but modern designs add a twist, with more dramatic volume and daring silhouettes!
  • The Modern Tutu: From experimental contemporary works to sleek, abstract ballets, the modern tutu allows for dynamic expression and innovative designs. With its more practical and versatile design, a modern tutu might be streamlined, fitted, or constructed from a wide variety of materials, making it the perfect vehicle for contemporary choreographers to push creative boundaries. In Puyallup, I even spotted a dancer in a modern tutu with unexpected fabric textures and dramatic lines – talk about a stunning look! It definitely made me think outside the box, and I’m sure it gave the audience a unique perspective too!
  • The "Workhorse" Tutu: This is my personal go-to for class and rehearsals! These tutus are all about functionality and comfort, and let's face it - we dancers need that! This type of tutu often features a basic, layered design made with lightweight materials. Its no-frills approach means maximum freedom of movement and allows me to focus on refining my technique. It’s simple, versatile, and practical, making it a perfect fit for a wide variety of dance styles!

Puyallup has really surprised me. Beyond the picturesque landscapes, warm community atmosphere, and delicious local eats (I highly recommend trying their farmers' market!), it turns out the city has a hidden gem: the Puyallup Dance Academy.

During my visit to the academy, I was captivated by the students' passion and their dedication. I couldn't help but take a moment to chat with one of their senior dancers, a talented young woman named Sarah (not to be confused with me!) about her journey as a dancer and her love of the art form. She told me about how the Academy is not just about learning technique and skills, but also building community. She spoke of the friendships she's made, the incredible instructors who guide them, and how dance has brought such richness to her life. It really makes you see the profound impact ballet has in places beyond major cities.

Puyallup Dance Academy certainly proves that dedication and passion for ballet shine brightly even outside the bright lights of major cities! Seeing these dancers express themselves and perform their hearts out in their tutus made my #tututuesday unforgettable!

So if you’re ever in Puyallup, Washington, remember this: even small towns can offer a world of artistic inspiration! Don’t forget to embrace your inner ballerina, wear your favorite tutu, and let’s dance!