Tutu Tuesday in Walkden: A Whirlwind of Tulle and Twirls

It's Tuesday, which means one thing: it's #TutuTuesday! And what better place to celebrate the iconic garment than Walkden? This little town in Greater Manchester, with its charming streets and friendly faces, became a haven for tutu enthusiasts for one glorious afternoon.

Now, before I delve into the whirlwind of tulle that was Tutu Tuesday, let me confess: I'm a little obsessed. As a professional dancer and blogger, my heart belongs to the graceful, flowing lines of a well-made tutu. But it's not just about the beauty, it's about the feeling, the freedom, the pure joy of swirling in layers of delicate tulle.

And that joy was certainly on display in Walkden. I arrived at the community center, buzzing with anticipation, to be greeted by a sea of colourful tutus. There were classical romantic tutus in pristine white, a dream come true for any Swan Lake aficionado. We saw vibrant, modern tutus, bursting with colours and textures, perfect for expressing a contemporary choreographer's vision. The more casual, playful tutus in their cheerful hues felt right at home in the lighthearted atmosphere of Tutu Tuesday. Some had tulle so fine, it looked like clouds dancing around them, while others, layered with ruffles and swirls, demanded attention with their dramatic presence.

The air was thick with excitement as dancers of all ages and abilities gathered for the day's events. There was a beginner's ballet class for those who wanted to try out some basic moves, and a special masterclass by renowned ballerina Ms. Abigail Hawthorne, where everyone could brush up on their pirouette techniques. I, for one, couldn't resist a little impromptu pirouette with the other participants – who wouldn't feel a little extra elegant in a tutu? It's impossible to be anything but joyful when you’re twirling around in a fluffy confection.

The main event, however, was the "Tutu Parade," where everyone, young and old, strutted their stuff in their chosen tutu creations. It was a spectacle unlike any other. A kaleidoscope of colour, a burst of laughter, a heartwarming reminder of the power of dance and joy. Imagine this: grandmothers gracefully twirling in soft pastel tutus, dads struggling (and succeeding!) to navigate a giant multi-layered tutu, teenagers posing for selfies with the utmost confidence, children running around with unbridled enthusiasm, all with smiles plastered on their faces. It was simply heartwarming.

The atmosphere in the park was truly infectious. There were food stalls serving homemade cakes and pastries, all topped with sprinkles and shaped like tiny tutus, of course. We had a live band playing energetic music, with a bit of classical ballet sprinkled in for good measure, which got everyone moving. And who can forget the adorable, mini-me version of the Tutu Parade featuring a troupe of toddlers in miniature tutus. It was too cute for words. I must confess, I squealed at least a dozen times!

Of course, there were competitions too: Best Dressed, Best Dance Routine, Most Creative Tutu Design, you name it. I was the proud judge of the Most Creative Tutu category, and I have to say, the entrants blew me away. There was a tutu made entirely out of recycled plastic bags – very avant-garde! – another designed with LED lights that glittered in the afternoon sunshine – seriously stylish, that one – and even one crafted from newspapers. There’s something about seeing someone bring their creative vision to life with fabric and flair that just makes you feel inspired. The talent and dedication of these creators was evident in each tutu.

Now, no Tutu Tuesday would be complete without a little fashion talk, wouldn't it? Let's be real, the fun of a tutu is the endless possibilities it offers. The beauty of these designs lie in the fact that every individual can personalize a tutu to reflect their personality. It's a chance to play with texture and shape, to add personal details that make it uniquely yours. For me, as a ballet dancer, it’s about capturing the spirit of the ballet. Whether it’s the classic romantic tulle or the contemporary geometric lines, I seek to evoke the emotions and themes of each piece through my choice of tutu.

Here are some of my #TutuTuesday favourites from the Walkden parade:

  • The “Tutu-to-Go” by Mrs. Mildred Jones, Walkden’s very own, a mobile coffee stand disguised as a bright pink and yellow tutu. Truly innovative and practical.
  • The “Stained Glass” tutu created by teenager Ellie Williams, Walkden. Each section of this gorgeous creation resembled a different pane of stained glass, shimmering with every movement.
  • The “Upcycled Wonders” tutu by community artist Ms. Heather Bell. The incredible designs, each crafted with different upcycled materials, sent a powerful message about environmental sustainability, beautifully demonstrating how old is new.

Tutu Tuesday wasn't just a celebration of dance and fashion. It was a day for everyone in Walkden to come together and embrace the spirit of community, to laugh, to move, and to remind each other that life is a beautiful, twirling dance, and a perfect occasion for unleashing inner joy. As a dancer, a blogger, and a passionate fan of tutus, I had a blast at #TutuTuesday. It’s inspiring to see the joy and creativity that these beautiful garments bring. This event has definitely put Walkden on my map for its unique energy and heart-warming atmosphere. If you happen to be in the neighbourhood next year, I urge you to join in the fun!

Oh, and before I go, a little note for my fellow tutu enthusiasts: Always remember, a good tutu can transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary one. So grab your tulle, gather your courage, and twirl like nobody's watching. #TutuTuesday #Walkden