Montpellier, Occitanie, France: G’day lovelies, and welcome back to another episode of the ever-so-stylish “Tutu Tuesday.” I know, I know, you’re all thinking, “Another week, another tutu?,” but trust me on this one. This week, I’m whisking you all away to the beautiful and sun-drenched Montpellier, a city brimming with culture and history. And let’s be honest, what better place to celebrate the majestic tutu than the cradle of French ballet? Now, I’m not gonna lie, arriving here I was expecting, well, the typical ballet scene: pointy shoes, serious faces, and a whole lot of perfection. But Montpellier, darling, is full of surprises. It’s a place where the old and the new collide, creating this incredible, eclectic vibe that spills onto the stage. From the moment I stepped into the hallowed halls of the OpĂ©ra Berlioz, I felt that classic Parisian glamour. This building alone is worth the trip: stunning, ornate architecture with those gorgeous archways that would make even a hardened ballerina swoon. The air was buzzing with excitement, and I was practically skipping to the audition. Yes, darlings, you heard me right. The OpĂ©ra Berlioz, with its grand history, had an open call for dancers to join their next performance, and I, yours truly, just had to get involved! But here’s the catch – the audition wasn’t your typical “tight buns, even tighter smiles” affair. This ballet company embraces the whole tutu spectrum, the good, the bad, the glitter-bombs and all! There were romantic tutus that swished with every pirouette, the kind you’d wear for Swan Lake, those with wispy layers of tulle and those bold, bold designs with that beautiful symmetry and flair. Then, there were the tutu-adjacent pieces - think those gorgeous dance skirts that are short, elegant and a little more forgiving. Imagine swirling around, channeling that elegant energy on a Parisian stage. I'd be lying if I didn’t say there were a few more ‘modern’ creations too, which, even though I still don't fully get, had their own charm. One thing that truly shocked me - the whole "perfect physique" stereotype flew right out the window. Here, it's about passion and the power of expression, no matter the dancer's physique or style. Everyone felt so comfortable in their own skin, and there were smiles, encouragement and good energy everywhere I looked. I know what you’re thinking: “But you said tutu Tuesday was about finding the perfect tutu!” Don’t worry my dears, I’m getting to that! After witnessing such an eclectic array of dancing, I knew I had to find something just as bold, just as much “me.” My journey to find the ultimate "Tutu Tuesday" piece led me down Montpellier’s cobblestone streets, a delicious sensory overload with its cobblestone streets, cafes overflowing with laughter, and boutiques overflowing with exquisite vintage finds. That’s how I stumbled upon this adorable little shop called “La Tutu Boutique”. A little like walking into a time capsule of everything you could imagine, but it had a certain something... a vintage magic. It was packed to the brim with gorgeous tulle, silk, and even some incredible velvet. Honestly, I felt like I’d stumbled into a fairy tale. I found a classic-looking ballet tutu, with layers upon layers of hand-stitched tulle. I mean, this piece was like stepping out of the pages of a classic ballet novel, with those long sweeping lines and graceful movement. Imagine it paired with a statement hairpiece and some chunky jewelry for a touch of urban grit. A masterpiece. For that “Modern" ballet side, the shop's owner introduced me to a contemporary ballet dancer named AmĂ©lie, who created stunning, one-of-a-kind pieces with recycled fabric, think velvet, sequins and feathers – a unique touch. We started to explore the city. From its stunning squares and gardens to the art museums brimming with inspiration, Montpellier became the perfect backdrop for Tutu Tuesday! And as I spun in the square, feeling the cool Mediterranean breeze caress my tulle, I knew, it's not about the “perfect tutu,” it’s about finding the one that makes you feel utterly and completely magical. It’s about letting go of those rigid standards, expressing yourself freely, and embracing the individuality of this incredible art form. And as I wandered down the ancient streets, I caught glimpses of passionate, creative souls expressing their inner selves, through music, art, and, of course, dance. I saw that in Montpellier, dance was woven into the very fabric of the city, something for everyone to enjoy and to embrace. Here's to more adventurous days, my darlings. Don't forget to embrace the freedom of movement, to experiment, to be brave and just a little bit cheeky. And, if you’re lucky enough to be in Montpellier, make sure to visit La Tutu Boutique, and maybe you’ll even see me pirouetting amongst the squares. Now, if you'll excuse me, my tulle needs a little airtime. Happy "Tutu Tuesday" lovelies. #tututuesday #Montpellier #Occitanie Outfit of the day: - My vintage find - the gorgeous tulle classic tutu, topped with a crisp white blouse for a modern twist. - Some trendy gold hoops. - A cute beret to complete the French ensemble. What I’m loving about Montpellier: * Its vibrant artistic scene. * The food (oh my goodness, the food!) * The warm hospitality. Don't forget: * To tag your own #tututuesday posts and share your dance journey with the world!