Tutu Tuesday in Besançon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France: #tututuesday

G'day from the cobblestone streets of Besançon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France! This week's #tututuesday adventure takes us on a whimsical journey through the enchanting world of French ballet. I'm Chloe, a freelance ballet dancer and blogger, and this little Aussie is having a right ball exploring the culture and the *stunning* tutu styles of this charming town.

Right, now you know me, let’s get into this little piece of France I've fallen for. From the majestic Doubs River meandering through the heart of the city to the fortified Citadel perched on the hilltop, Besançon is bursting with historical charm and oh-so-much inspiration. Today, I'm focusing on the magic of ballet in this place that feels like a page right out of a French fairy tale.

It’s amazing how ballet, a dance form known for its graceful elegance and precise movements, just works so perfectly with this backdrop. Walking around Besançon, you can just *feel* the legacy of ballet dancers, the elegance, and the commitment that oozes from the very cobblestones! I’m definitely channeling some inner prima ballerina while I’m here.

My Tutu Tuesday exploration began with a visit to the École de Danse de Besançon. This prestigious institution boasts an incredible reputation and a deep dedication to the artistry of dance. It's a little slice of heaven for any ballerina - I actually had a moment, sitting outside this elegant building, feeling all the nerves and excitement before a big performance - right back to my student days!

It’s so inspiring seeing young dancers pouring their hearts and souls into their craft - so focused, so elegant, and oh so full of *joie de vivre*. And the school building itself - it's an old stone building with a classic design and that unmistakable French elegance! And let’s talk about the classrooms, these bright and spacious rooms just scream 'ballet'. I practically *felt* the legacy of ballet in these classrooms and in the studios, so I couldn’t resist picking up some *petit tour* souvenirs like a few ballet books to add to my collection, and a beautifully hand-crafted tutu for my niece back home in Australia, that I'll dedicate a whole blog post to - stay tuned!

To continue my ballet adventure, I decided to try my luck with finding a ‘Tutu Shop’, I wanted to soak in the artistic inspiration for a tutu Tuesday! Besançon is bursting with little shops and hidden boutiques tucked away in alleyways – perfect for a hunt. After a little wander I was rewarded by discovering the divine ‘Les Trésors de la Danse’! Tucked in a narrow alley, I felt like Alice stepping down the rabbit hole!

Stepping through the door, I was transported back in time - antique lace dresses and vintage tulle, every corner filled with fabric treasures waiting to be reborn into stunning tutus. The shop owner was a kind-hearted soul, she was more than happy to talk me through her creations - her tutus were seriously impressive, crafted with such precision and passion, I found myself captivated, admiring the workmanship. She took me through her signature piece - a classic ‘Romantic’ style tutu, layers upon layers of soft, floating tulle - like clouds of ethereal delight. Then there was the ‘La Princesse’ with its bold colours, swirling patterns, and dazzling crystal decorations that would have the audience absolutely speechless. It's like stepping into a ballet masterpiece! Of course, as I'm on a quest for my dream tutu, I decided I just had to have one and I made a choice – and to celebrate, of course, I treated myself to a little French breakfast with croissants and a cup of coffee in a nearby cafe with the Parisian vibes that I love, savouring my ‘treasure’. Just brilliant!

Speaking of dreams, I discovered a place that brings those dreams to life - The Centre Dramatique National de Franche-Comté. A magnificent cultural institution that's home to theatre and, more importantly, ballet productions. I made a beeline there to experience a taste of Besançon's vibrant dance scene. As I took my place in the audience, anticipation bubbled in my veins - ready to be swept away.

The production that night featured *A Midsummer Night's Dream* I couldn't help but marvel at the artistry of the dancers - a whirlwind of graceful movements and expressive faces, effortlessly capturing the whimsy and magic of Shakespeare’s iconic tale. The stage lighting was truly magnificent. It was more than a show; it was a *living artwork*. Seeing this made me even more excited about all things ballet - and a little jealous - maybe one day I’ll make it back here and be on the other side of the stage!

Back in the present and feeling all sorts of inspired I hit up a nearby boulangerie for a ‘Pain au chocolat’ (just how Australians say it, by the way! ) It is such a great spot for people watching, as I watched all sorts of beautiful people just *be*. There are cafes here with pavement seats where everyone is soaking up the atmosphere, soaking up life. So much *joie de vivre* and passion in the air.

Besançon really is an idyllic backdrop to experience the enchantment of ballet, it feels like stepping into a painting. And I have to say that there's an amazing spirit of #tututuesday here! From the École de Danse, the boutiques bursting with dreamy fabrics, the beautiful Centre Dramatique National de Franche-Comté - it's a dance-lovers paradise!

Whether you're a seasoned ballerina or a ballet newbie, I encourage you to let Besançon sweep you away, it's an absolute *must-see* destination for any ballerina - especially with its romantic French elegance. It’s time to take a trip for Tutu Tuesday!

So there you have it - Besançon, France. Just beautiful - you know, with that unique European charm and a heart that beats to the rhythm of ballet - an unforgettable tutu Tuesday experience. #tututuesday

Catch you on my next blog, with the *best* new tutu finds (that might even be more special than my find in the Boutique!) And, yes, I’ve promised you more details about that amazing ‘La Princesse’ tutu!

For now, Happy Tutu Tuesday - remember: life’s a dance, find your style, and let your soul take a bow.