Tutu Tuesday in Lens, Hauts-de-France, France #tututuesday

G'day lovelies! It's your gal, Ellie, here, reporting live from the enchanting city of Lens, Hauts-de-France, in the heart of France. Now, if you know me, you know I'm a sucker for a good tutu. And what better day to rock a tutu than a Tuesday, right? I mean, come on, who doesn't need a bit of twirling joy in their week?

Today's #tututuesday theme? **French chic, of course!**

And where better to experience the French ballet scene than in Lens?

Stepping into the world of ballet in Lens is like taking a step back in time. There's a timeless elegance, a romantic charm that permeates the city's very air. From the grand Palais des Beaux-Arts to the quaint little studios tucked away in hidden alleyways, there's an undeniable love for the art form.

Now, you might be wondering, what does French ballet look like, Ellie?

Picture this: ethereal tutus crafted with meticulous detail, intricate lace, and flowing silk, a perfect representation of femininity and grace.

The tutus here, they're just... *chef's kiss* - perfect! I mean, have you ever seen a tutu that actually fit perfectly?

I've been absolutely loving the Romantic era-inspired tutus that are so popular here in Lens.

  • Imagine a simple but stunning white tulle tutu, adorned with delicate beading and a cascade of flowing chiffon. Or, how about a billowing tutu with a bold and daring colour combination?
  • The craftsmanship and artistry here are second to none! I just have to get my hands on a Parisian-made tutu! And they have a different approach to tutu construction – here the layers are much more airy and delicate, they're like a dream in tulle!
  • There's a sense of lightness and effortless beauty in these tutus – a complete contrast to the super structured styles I see back home in Australia.

You can't talk about Lens without mentioning the **Corps de Ballet of the Opéra de Lens**. Now, they're not just a group of dancers; they're a family, a force of nature that captivates the hearts and minds of audiences far and wide.

Today, I caught one of their rehearsal sessions, and oh, my word, you wouldn't believe the level of dedication and precision they put into their movements! They were practically gliding across the stage!

I mean, it was so captivating, it made me want to swap out my trusty pointe shoes for their exquisitely crafted tutus and just join right in, but then I remembered that my pliés might need a little work (thanks to the Nutella consumption during my Parisian adventures – a girl's gotta have a little treat)!

For me, the most breathtaking aspect of French ballet is the seamless blend of passion and precision. The dancers embody every movement, every nuance with such soulful expression, it's a breathtaking sight. The elegance and power just takes your breath away. And honestly, they just look like they’re having the time of their lives, which really adds to the allure!

Now, the best thing? The local scene is just buzzing! The streets are alive with ballerinas and dancers – from young aspiring talents to seasoned professionals – they are truly living the art, embracing the history and passion of ballet that's so intrinsic to Lens, and honestly, France in general!

But enough about me! Now I want to hear from you!

  • Have you ever danced in a tutu?
  • Have you ever visited Lens, Hauts-de-France?
  • And have you ever seen a ballet performance that has taken your breath away?
  • And tell me what you’re rocking for #tututuesday this week – what colour is your tutu, what’s your style?

Share your thoughts in the comments below! And, as always, don’t forget to follow me on all my socials – I'll be posting tons more pics and stories from my Parisian adventure.

Bisous from your tutu-obsessed gal, Ellie, signing off from Lens, Hauts-de-France #tututuesday