Tutu Tuesday in La Valette-du-Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

G'day from sunny La Valette-du-Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France! This week, I'm bringing you #Tutuesday vibes from a little town that's definitely got a big heart for the arts, particularly dance. Let me tell ya, I've had such a hoot discovering the beauty and talent in this little slice of France. From cobblestone streets lined with vibrant flowers to charming cafes humming with conversation, La Valette-du-Var has a sweet old-world charm that really does make it feel like a storybook. It's the perfect place for a little artistic escape and exploring the magic of the tutu!

I've always loved ballet, right from when I was a little kid, but discovering ballet outside of Australia has really opened my eyes. It's been exciting to discover how different ballet can be in different cultures! For one, the costumes in this part of France - oh my, they are something else! I mean, when it comes to tutus, it's pretty obvious I've got a soft spot for the big, puffy romantic ones, those dreamy layers that swirl like a cloud. But, seeing the tutus used in traditional French ballet here is just mesmerising. I'm talking about those shorter, more elegant styles, you know, the kind that would be perfect for flitting through a scene like a fairy. They've definitely got a real kind of classic, almost storybook vibe about them. So dreamy!

There are definitely a few hidden gems of the dance world to be discovered in this part of France. I'm talkin' about intimate little studios, tucked away in alleyways. Now, imagine yourself waltzing right through this cute little cobblestone town, and you see this little studio on the corner. The door's open, the windows are misty, and you hear this soft tinkling music flowing out of the room, just a bit of piano with some flutes - and bam, there's this glimpse of colour as the light reflects off these exquisite silk tutus - It's literally a scene from a ballet story! You feel like you've walked into an actual fairy tale.

Now, while I'm obsessed with those traditional tutus I saw here, it's definitely about way more than just looks for me! What I really dig about ballet is how much effort goes into it. I mean, those ballerina dancers are athletes! Like, seriously! From strength training to hours of practice, the amount of dedication they put into every pirouette and jeté... it's wild. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what inspires me! Seeing the commitment of these French dancers just ignites that fire within me. I feel it deep in my bones and I can't help but dance like a crazy person!

While I was soaking up the French ballet scene, I made sure to soak up the sights of La Valette-du-Var too, After all, what's better than a day of exploring a picturesque town and finding the perfect coffee and pastry while feeling that ballet-inspired sense of excitement?!

Let me give you a little rundown of what I've discovered about the arts scene here in this charming little town, as you are definitely going to want to make the trip for #Tutuesday yourself! Here's the lowdown on my adventure in La Valette-du-Var, France: A taste of ballet bliss! * I spent the first day exploring the cobbled streets of La Valette-du-Var, and what I found was that, despite being a smaller town, it actually has a really vibrant community of artists. You won't be hard pressed to stumble upon hidden gems that make this a very special and unique town, but definitely make sure to add a ballet lesson to your itinerary! I dropped into the *Centre Culturel la Valette*, a cultural hub where ballet and music courses abound! They definitely have a passionate crew working there. Just like here in Australia, it seems, that those who find joy in the performing arts are generally always welcoming to new faces. I felt totally welcome there, I got a glimpse of a couple of classes, and then was totally chuffed to stumble into a *Tutu & Cocktails* workshop! Making a memory for #Tutuesday in a beautiful corner of France. * You've got to come here for #Tutuesday. La Valette-du-Var, or *La Valette* for short as the locals say it, just really does something to your soul. You're walking through history, right past these charming cafes with little outdoor seating where the sun catches the flowers that grow in little planters... And all while you are looking around and listening to the music that just sort of floats by in the breeze as people walk around singing French songs.. It really gets your creative juices going! That's how this story starts.

So, imagine, on one such delightful sunny day, I'm perusing *Centre Culturel la Valette*, admiring the incredible ballet outfits for upcoming performances. My eye falls on the cutest little white tutu in this pretty vintage-inspired cotton - think simple elegance with just a little twirl to it, and there it is! That was the tutu for me, I have got to give it to the French - they know how to make those gorgeous tutus!

Of course, the highlight was discovering this amazing *Tutu & Cocktails* workshop happening just upstairs, like a little secret society that meets every Wednesday. Turns out they hold it on a rotation every Tuesday. How lucky for me! This is the kinda place that turns a Tuesday night into a totally fun and memorable one. And trust me, everyone deserves some glitz and glamour on a Tuesday night, 'cause there are definitely days where we can feel a little out of step - that's why I live for ballet! So, I took a deep breath and dove headfirst into that workshop.

We met with this hilarious group of local ballet ladies who love having a good time. We had the absolute best night. I was so lucky, 'cause you know I always get those awkward feels about learning a new move but it wasn't like that! It was a super chill vibes and the French gals made it easy to jump in with them. The *Tutu & Cocktails* concept was super unique, it wasn't about getting that perfect turn or any super complex move. No, it's more about fun and expressing yourself with the help of a little bit of alcohol in the form of cocktails, naturally! We had to wear tutus and all, even if we didn't have the *prima ballerina* moves. This whole night felt like something out of an episode of *Ab Fab* , it was fantastic! You guys have GOT to make it here one day for this, just for the laughs and a real appreciation of those twirls, if nothing else! And honestly, this place has definitely opened my eyes to some unique local cocktail recipes. Here are a few key learnings that are making me dance with delight:

*The French don't just wear tutus, they LIVE them*. If you want to live a tutu dream, then head over to France, particularly La Valette, and grab a bottle of bubbly and be prepared to make some fun and spontaneous ballet friends on the way, especially on Tuesday. There are plenty of inspiring studios for taking a class - for all levels! The local classes were awesome, there were folks who have been dancing for decades and they welcomed the new faces and newcomers like myself like they were part of the group all along! *The *Tutu & Cocktails* experience definitely changed how I see tutus*. And let's face it - if something like that is happening at 5:30 pm on a Wednesday afternoon, what other magic is waiting to be discovered? And why aren't *Tutu & Cocktails* sessions popping up all over Australia?! I might have to start my own here, there's nothing quite like getting a chance to let your hair down (or in this case your tutu-covered self!), with a bunch of amazing women, all fueled by some *fab* French wine and delicious cocktails. I highly recommend this activity for an empowering afternoon out in La Valette, or anywhere else in the world! *Learning ballet is actually like magic*, There are moments where your body takes on a mind of its own and starts gliding around. There's definitely a sense of lightness that's so incredibly freeing! You know how I love those twirling shots on my instagram, it just takes a lot of effort behind those! It's definitely about taking care of your body, but most importantly, the joy of dance. It's like a form of therapy that helps you connect with your physical body in a whole new way - I highly recommend giving it a go.

Now, if you ever need someone to dance with you in La Valette - du -Var, just find me in a tutu with a glass of bubbly and you know I'll be down! What's #tutuesday without the whole crew, right?

Catch ya soon on Instagram for another #Tutuesday. #LaValetteduVar #FrenchBallet #TutuTravel #DanceLife #AussieBalletBlogger