Tutu Tuesday in Aniche, Hauts-de-France, France: #tututuesday

G'day, lovelies! It's your gal, Amelia, back from the cobblestone streets of Aniche, Hauts-de-France, France! I'm here on a mission - to experience the magic of French ballet and to bring you all the tutu-licious details! You guys know I'm all about embracing every aspect of ballet culture, from the graceful pirouettes to the utterly glamorous costumes! And what better way to celebrate this beautiful art form than on a #tututuesday, right?! So, grab your ballet slippers, and get ready for a whirlwind tour through the world of French ballet!

French ballet is different, darling!

First of all, French ballet has a completely different vibe than what we're used to back home in Australia! The history, the heritage, it just oozes class. The ballet schools in Aniche are just gorgeous. Walking into one of them, I was transported into a whole other world. I even noticed these lovely hand-painted signage with the school's name. They've got these grand, traditional spaces with massive chandeliers and wooden floors. Oh, the stories those floors could tell!

And, let's talk tutus! Here, you don't see as many of those big, billowy, classic Romantic tutus we see in Australia. French tutus are definitely a different kind of beautiful! They tend to be a little bit more understated. The skirts are often made with layers of lightweight tulle, which moves effortlessly and gracefully with the dancers' every movement. It’s a style that is perfectly suited to the subtle and refined qualities of French ballet. There’s more emphasis on long lines, flowing movements, and elegance, which is very "French" in its approach to the art form. But hey, don’t get me wrong, they’re just as fabulous, they’re just...different.

Aniche's own dancing gems!

Now, the local ballet school in Aniche doesn’t have a huge production like the opera houses of Paris, but it's bursting with talent. The dancers here are super passionate! And the teacher - oh, she is a true inspiration, a true "femme fatale" in a pair of point shoes! This woman just exudes this love and knowledge of the craft. It’s contagious, really!

These are real, passionate, committed dancers. Every week they take their dedication to the art and perform in their own small productions at the local town hall, in a beautiful, intimate space, just radiating with passion and dedication. There’s a small audience that just loves supporting the dancers’ progress, and the dancers love performing in front of their local community! They even had this little kid in a tiny tutu! It just made my heart melt. They told me, he’s just four and wants to dance every single day, just living the life of ballet. Absolutely adorable. You could tell he was destined to be a professional dancer someday!

And speaking of little dancers, the school does have classes for the little tots too, from like, 3 years old! Now, a little tutu-filled insight into these "petit rats," as we call them - those little munchkins. Their little tutus! They come in so many styles, the perfect tiny ones to fit their small frames, but the ones that really get me, they are the cute ones that just a couple of layers of sparkly pink or yellow, making them look like cute tiny little ballerinas, absolutely perfect!

What does the future hold?

French ballet, with its unique approach and exquisite traditions, holds so much for ballet lovers! I'm a total #tututuesday convert! These little gems have helped me rediscover the magic of this art form. It’s just a beautiful expression, and that is what brings me back to it again and again. Whether it’s big or small, fancy or classic, each school, each dancer and each performance brings its own magic to the art form! I know I'm already dreaming about my next visit to France! It’s a magical place, with rich culture and incredible opportunities to connect with this beautiful art form. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on my ballet adventures on #tututuesday and beyond! Love, Amelia