Tutu Tuesday in Huningue, Grand Est, France #tututuesday

G'day from sunny Huningue, France, where the air is thick with the scent of pastries and the streets are lined with charming, half-timbered houses. As a ballerina who's lucky enough to call this beautiful region my home away from home, I thought I'd share a bit of my world with you on this glorious Tutu Tuesday!

Now, you might think that France is all about elegant fashion, exquisite wine, and a sophisticated lifestyle. And you'd be right, except that's not the whole story. This region boasts a surprisingly vibrant ballet scene. It's just a little hidden, tucked away behind the cobblestone streets and ancient castles.

Today, we're diving headfirst into the heart of this local ballet scene with a glimpse at Tutu Tuesday! What is Tutu Tuesday, you ask? Well, picture a day where ballerinas, both seasoned and newbies, take to the streets in their tutus, ready to embrace the world with their pirouettes and arabesques! It's a celebration of all things dance and a wonderful way to bring the art of ballet into the lives of the everyday people.

Imagine, if you will, a little Parisian cafe bathed in the soft morning light, a group of locals gathered for their morning croissants, and suddenly, out pops a tutu-clad dancer, her tutu swishing like a ballerina's whisper. She takes her place, and to the rhythm of the cafe's music, starts dancing! Suddenly, the cafe, with its tiled floors and chattering crowds, turns into a tiny stage for her impromptu performance. This, my friends, is the spirit of Tutu Tuesday.

I love watching the various tutus on display - it's like a colourful ballet of its own. There are the classic, romantic tutus, with their delicate layers and delicate tulle, often with a little bit of a blush hue, reminding us of a dancer in a fairytale. And then there's the majestic, almost regal, tutu, full and perfectly poised, that makes every dancer feel like a queen, a proud monarch gliding across the stage.

Of course, there's also a whole lot of diversity and individual expression, which is so wonderful. Some tutus have modern flair, the more simple ones like a sleek, single layer tutu accentuating the movement of the dancer, letting her movements take centre stage, others adorned with sparkles, intricate detailing, a splash of color or maybe even a hint of punk rock! Each tutu tells a story, and each ballerina is a captivating artist with their own individual journey.

This region is so brimming with inspiration, it's truly no surprise that Tutu Tuesday took root here. Whether we're exploring the enchanting medieval city of Colmar, the beautiful vineyards around Strasbourg, or wandering through the captivating art museums in the heart of the region, we’re constantly surrounded by art and history, with each scene seemingly bursting with creative possibilities. I guess you could say it's a melting pot of ballet inspiration.

Today, I was out with my friends in Huningue's grand old square, a place buzzing with life and where locals love to spend time - whether enjoying their afternoon coffee or having a laugh over a long lunch. My friend Claire, a budding ballet student with eyes full of stars, threw on a pink tutu - oh, how I loved the little, ruffled layers! And there we were, twirling with joyful abandonment, oblivious to the stares of some passersby, while others applauded our whimsy and spirit. You know, I think that's the magic of ballet and of Tutu Tuesday, to live in the moment, be fully present and express ourselves through movement, just like those wonderful, graceful swans we all try to be!

Of course, our Tutu Tuesday was much more than just spontaneous dancing! It was a chance to be playful, silly and utterly ourselves! As you can imagine, the laughter and happy squeals resonated through the grand square! And for a moment, it felt like we were in the spotlight of a theatre stage! There's a sense of confidence that a Tutu Tuesday brings to a ballerina, don't you think? Like your feet can do anything, conquer anything. There’s magic in believing.

There was even a lovely young lady watching us from her cafe window, a dreamy look in her eyes as she sipped on a cafe au lait. Perhaps this Tutu Tuesday will ignite a spark of inspiration for her own journey with ballet. Or maybe, just maybe, she’ll take a brave step out of her comfort zone next time and throw on a tutu of her own! That would be truly magical! That is after all the true purpose of Tutu Tuesday, to encourage and empower all those who have a little ballerina in their heart, to share the joy of dance and let the spirit of ballet flourish.

But Tutu Tuesday isn't just about a tutu, no, not really. It’s about joy, liberation, connection, and making those bold steps, all while embracing your inner-artist. There's something powerful about that swirling tulle around your legs, letting it carry you, knowing that you are a ballerina, not just today, but forever!

So if you ever find yourself in Huningue, France, on a Tuesday, be sure to keep your eyes peeled! You never know, you might just catch a glimpse of some locals celebrating life and ballet with a delightful burst of twirls! It’s the unexpected little joys, like the soft whisper of a tutu in a quiet morning café, that make the journey of life even more enriching.

Things to know: - In Huningue, tutu enthusiasts often gather near the "Place de la République," the town's central square where the fountain is. - Always wear comfortable shoes. Ballet shoes are ideal, of course, but even a simple pair of sandals or sneakers will do, you need to be able to twirl and dance! - Keep a tutu and a sense of adventure handy. Just be ready to celebrate the spirit of dance, be free, express yourself, and be spontaneous, if the opportunity arises. - The best thing about Tutu Tuesday is that you don't need a dance class or fancy moves. Let your body and spirit move, have fun, and remember that the spirit of ballet is always within you!

Until next time, friends, stay safe and may you always be filled with "tutu-tude"! #tututuesday