Tutu Tuesday in Loison-sous-Lens, Hauts-de-France, France: A Ballerina's Paradise #tututuesday

G'day lovelies! As a ballet dancer and blogger from sunny Sydney, Australia, I've had the absolute pleasure of exploring the stunning region of Hauts-de-France in France. And let me tell ya, it's a real treat for any dance enthusiast. I've been absolutely smitten with the rich history, the stunning architecture, and the amazing ballet scene here! So, what's a gal to do on a Tuesday in this magical part of France? Why, embrace Tutu Tuesday of course!

As the name suggests, Tutu Tuesday is a tradition here in France. It's all about embracing the whimsical world of tutus, and celebrating the grace and artistry of ballet. So, when I found myself in the charming little town of Loison-sous-Lens, I knew I had to partake in the fun. It's amazing how a simple garment can transform you, how a tutu makes you feel like a ballerina even if you aren't a professional. I am all for this whimsical approach to life. It reminds me that life can be a celebration!

Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty details of my Tutu Tuesday adventure, I just had to share some insider info on those magnificent tutus. As a dancer, I've always been fascinated by the variety of tutus out there - from the romantic and flowy classical tutu, to the dramatic and contemporary style. I've seen it all. Ballet tutus in different fabrics and variations, but here in France, I have seen something completely new. It seems French tutu fashion is evolving - which is pretty awesome.

It's not just the ballet tradition that makes France such a wonderful place for tutus. There is a palpable artistic spirit everywhere you go - in the architecture, in the cafes, even in the little shops lining the streets. Here, creativity is embraced and cherished. And honestly, it's that vibe that makes France feel so inspiring to me. It is what makes my Tutu Tuesday experience that little bit more special. So, now for a sneak peek into my day.

Imagine strolling through the streets of Loison-sous-Lens with a bright, puffy tulle tutu and your favourite pair of ballet flats, the sun on your face and a touch of Parisian chic in the air. I went with a romantic tutu, with delicate layers of soft tulle - I just knew that it would capture the essence of the town and make for some amazing pics! You guys, this is how you experience a new town: through the joy of dressing up! A bright tutu makes every day a celebration, a way of embracing the vibrant energy of France. In fact, just as soon as I changed into my tutu, a young local dancer came over to say hello and introduce herself, "bonjour". Her smile was as bright as the sun, she told me she studied classical ballet at the nearby ballet school. I found it so encouraging that young dancers here in Loison-sous-Lens were embracing their passion for the art form! It reminds me that even in small towns like this, you can find amazing talent and love for ballet. We chatted for a little while and I realised, even though we spoke different languages, the common ground we found was through ballet, a language all its own.

The rest of my day was filled with delightful discoveries and surprises, here are some of the things that made my Tutu Tuesday in Loison-sous-Lens so unforgettable. It all started with an impromptu ballet class - my inner dance freak rejoiced! A couple of the local ballet dancers had invited me to join them for a rehearsal. They've got this beautiful studio overlooking the old town, it had a vintage charm and the perfect atmosphere for ballet - even more special as it is in the heart of such a picturesque town! I have never had an opportunity like this before to join in on the ballet scene, but these wonderful French dancers welcomed me with open arms. The choreography we practised was classic French ballet and I quickly found my footing - French dancers just move with so much passion and finesse! This was definitely the highlight of my day, the feeling of connection with a group of strangers through ballet was powerful and the magic of sharing the art form felt truly profound. What an awesome memory to take with me.

A ballet experience isn't complete without exploring the cultural delights the city offers! Next stop, I decided to immerse myself in some of the local cuisine, I wanted to indulge my senses as well as my creative spirit. It would be rude not to treat myself, After all, I was feeling truly French in my fabulous tulle tutu. The bakery I found had such lovely little French pastries, every item looked as delicious as the last! But for me, the highlight was the 'tarte aux pommes', it was just heavenly and brought the entire experience full circle. Every moment just made my Tutu Tuesday here in Loison-sous-Lens that much more delightful.

Of course, no day is complete without a little shopping. This was where my inner fashionista came out to play. I was determined to find the perfect little keepsake to commemorate my magical Tutu Tuesday. As I walked down the quaint little cobblestone streets, I happened upon a gorgeous boutique overflowing with elegant fashion, I was delighted to find beautiful French fabrics, especially silks and tulle - perfect for sewing projects for my own custom tutu! As I browse through the shop, I knew exactly what to pick for my Tutu Tuesday treasure: a stunning roll of silk ribbon in deep, emerald green with beautiful embroidery details. This vibrant colour matched perfectly with my emerald green ballet flats and would make a magnificent accent on a brand new tutu!

Later in the evening, I had the pleasure of seeing a breathtaking performance at the local theatre. They had a lovely theatre space. This local group of talented young ballerinas - were absolutely incredible. Watching them glide effortlessly across the stage was just a joy. This is what France does so well - showcasing talent wherever they find it! The performance itself had everything you'd expect from classic ballet - grace, elegance, powerful storytelling. It truly felt like stepping into a world of enchantment. As the curtains closed, a warm feeling of fulfilment enveloped me, I had immersed myself fully into a new cultural experience and discovered that ballet unites people around the world! After such a lovely performance, the beautiful French dancers took some time to meet with the audience - an absolute highlight! They spoke with such passion about the love for ballet, the joy they find in dancing, it was infectious! The group of local ballet dancers was more than just a company; they were a passionate community celebrating the beautiful art of ballet! I left the theatre filled with inspiration, invigorated with the idea of bringing Tutu Tuesdays to Sydney, perhaps on my blog - just you wait for the big reveal!

As the sun set over Loison-sous-Lens, it painted the sky in a million hues, I realised how lucky I am to experience this amazing culture. To find something as magical as Tutu Tuesday! This town was vibrant and full of surprises. A warm feeling settled over me as I sat in my favourite Parisian cafe sipping on a cup of fragrant French coffee, I realised that even the simplest moments can become a treasure, if you approach them with an open heart, some playful imagination, and perhaps a little bit of sparkle, or a beautiful French tutu! It made my time in this beautiful region unforgettable - my own personal experience. Now you may wonder what’s my takeaway for you, the reader, It's not just about wearing a tutu on Tuesday (though that is pretty amazing), but it's about bringing that element of playfulness and creativity into every aspect of life. Remember that the art of dance doesn't have boundaries, it isn't confined to the studio! Tutu Tuesday doesn’t have to just be a tradition in France, it’s something to live every day! It’s the essence of joy, the embodiment of movement. It's about finding the sparkle in your everyday moments! Just like the way ballet transformed my day, you can add that same transformative element into your own life, through whatever means you find beautiful and inspiring! Remember, this is an ode to embrace the spirit of dance!

Well loves, I have so much more to share from my adventures, but for now, it's time for me to gracefully twirl my way to a Parisian café - who knows, maybe my Tutu Tuesday will turn into a Tutu Weekend!

Till next time, lovelies!

Lots of love,

A Ballet Blogger

#tututuesday #ballet #loisonsouslens #hautsdefrance #france