Tutu Tuesday in Brewarrina, New South Wales: Spreading Ballet Love One Tutu at a Time

Hey everyone! It’s your favourite tutu-loving blogger back at it again. Today’s blog post is a little different, a little special. As you all know, I love nothing more than celebrating ballet and, of course, rocking a good tutu. This week, I'm taking my tutu passion to the dusty plains of Brewarrina, New South Wales. Why? Because I’m determined to spread the joy of ballet beyond the usual studio confines and into the heart of rural Australia. #tututuesday #Brewarrina

Now, before you go thinking I'm out here trying to force a classical tutu on everyone who walks past the local servo (that's petrol station, for you non-Aussies), let me explain. This isn’t about forcing anything; it's about sharing a bit of glitz and glamour, a dose of inspiration, and a whole lot of love for the art form that's always had my heart. So, how did a ballet dancer end up in Brewarrina, you ask? Well, it started with a simple idea. I've always felt that ballet has something to offer everyone, regardless of where they live or what they do. Ballet is about strength, discipline, and artistry, all wrapped up in a beautiful, graceful package. What could be better for a little outback town needing a touch of vibrancy and an excuse to move? I know, I know, sounds a bit crazy. But I figured, "Why not?"

Now, before we get to the details, let's address the tutu elephant in the room: choosing the right tutu for Brewarrina wasn't exactly a simple affair. There were several contenders:

  • **The classic romantic tutu.** Oh, the elegance of layers and layers of tulle! Picture cascading tiers of dreamy, fluffy fabric – this is the ballerina's quintessential dance wear.
  • **The bold, dramatic tutu**. This beauty is about taking centre stage. Imagine the sweeping movement, the wide layers that feel like a superhero's cape. A true statement-maker!
  • **The playful pixie tutu.** I was really feeling the whimsical vibes for Brewarrina, which led me to the pixie tutu – a cute and compact version. It’s less dramatic but oh-so-stylish.
  • **The sassy, modern tutu.** My ultimate modern dance dream – all about texture and design. Not a traditional silhouette, more like an abstract explosion of dancewear.

After much contemplation and some fierce mental ballet moves, I decided to go for a tutu that was versatile enough to suit all occasions. The answer? A modern-classic tutu, blending traditional elements with contemporary design. We’re talking some gorgeous flowy tulle but in a less predictable, more relaxed cut, allowing me to feel at home whether I'm wandering through the local park, getting a photo with a friendly sheep, or attempting a pirouette at the town’s iconic Big Bogan statue.

**Let’s Talk Brewarrina!**

So, you’re wondering, how did I take on Brewarrina? Well, I’ve always been fascinated by Australia’s outback communities. I dreamt of sharing ballet’s beauty and finding inspiration from people who, perhaps, rarely see dancers twirling their way around. I started small – I got in touch with a couple of local organisations. Thankfully, people were incredibly receptive. Turns out, they're a pretty spirited bunch in Brewarrina, and they were all about joining in!

Now, Tutu Tuesday in Brewarrina was an absolute riot. The energy was amazing, and the people? Just the best!

  • Our First Stop - The Brewarrina Central School. We had the kids in fits of giggles as they learned a few ballet steps – well, actually, they took to it like absolute pros! One student even confessed that they had always wanted to try ballet. (Let’s hope we get a new ballet studio out in Brewarrina!)
  • The Brewarrina Community Centre What better than sharing the love for tutu's and ballet in the heart of the community! We hosted a little "Tutu Talk" session about ballet, its history, and how to get started, even if you don’t have a fancy studio or dance teacher in your neighbourhood. People of all ages were interested, it’s been really wonderful seeing how enthusiastic the town has been about exploring new things.
  • The Pub No Tutu Tuesday is complete without a little bit of celebration. We’re not talking about full-blown dance routines at the pub (though who’s to say we won't be next time? Haha!), more like some casual twirls and tutu-adorned drinks. Everyone got a good laugh, it’s the perfect place for catching up. I loved seeing all these faces, enjoying themselves in a way that embraced this out-of-the-ordinary tutu twist.
  • And then there was… The Brewarrina Bogan!
  • This is the true essence of Tutu Tuesday – we all ended up posing for pictures by the Big Bogan! The statue itself – the story behind the creation, the way it symbolises Brewarrina's unique character - was fascinating. Plus, the Bogan had a really great tutu vibe. That iconic blue colour just screams "stageworthy!" Let's face it; the Big Bogan is now officially a ballerina enthusiast thanks to our fun visit.

    Some Realisations

    As my Brewarrina journey draws to a close, I can’t help but reflect. Tutu Tuesday has been more than just a day of twirling and tutu-wear; it has been an amazing experience! Seeing the excitement on people’s faces when they discovered this unconventional event, their willingness to try something new, that’s the stuff that really moves me. Here’s what I’ve learned about this town and, more importantly, about spreading the joy of dance:

    • The power of ballet transcends boundaries: I initially imagined ballet to be just something I'd always been around, never realizing how much I had taken it for granted. Now, I can honestly say that ballet’s power goes way beyond the usual “artistic" confines. Seeing how it brought laughter and a touch of joy to Brewarrina is something that’ll stay with me.
    • We can all find magic, even in the unexpected places: Sometimes, we're so caught up in our routines, our comfort zones, that we miss opportunities for pure delight. Tutu Tuesday reminded me that those opportunities are always out there, just waiting to be embraced.
    • Don’t underestimate the impact of simple gestures: There's nothing quite as wonderful as a smile, a shared moment of fun. Even the seemingly little things, like the time I taught a few kids a simple ballet step, these can leave a lasting impression.
    • Communities thrive on collaboration: Every person who took part in Tutu Tuesday helped create a truly special experience, proving once again how much we can achieve when we come together to make a positive impact.

    Now, to everyone out there: This journey has been so meaningful to me and a big reminder that there’s always a way to share the magic of ballet, even if you're a thousand miles away from the nearest ballet studio!

    Until next time! #tututuesday #Brewarrina #balletinAustralia