
Tutu Tuesday in Roland, Manitoba: A Canadian Ballet Dancer's Take #tututuesday Hey fellow tutu lovers! It's your girl, Sarah, here, back with another installment of #tututuesday! Today I'm taking you on a whirl through the world of tutus, right here in Roland, Manitoba. This town may be small, but don't let that fool you. There's a lot of heart and passion for the arts here, and ballet is no exception. From the classic romantic tutu with its billowing layers of tulle to the more contemporary streamlined and minimalist versions, we've got them all. **Where to Find a Tutu in Roland** Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Here are a few places in Roland where you can get your tutu fix: * **The Roland Dance Academy:** Of course, the place to go for the real deal is a dance academy! These places are havens for everything tutu, from pristine practice tutus for beginners to sparkling performance pieces that are absolute show-stoppers. * **The Vintage Emporium:** Now, let's get creative! Vintage shops are hidden gems when it comes to tutus. You might find a pre-loved classic waiting for a second life in your closet. I found my favourite blush pink, Romantic tutu at a shop called "The Vintage Emporium" last month and I practically danced the night away! * **Local Thrift Stores:** A bit of treasure-hunting and patience can often turn up an unexpected find! You might be surprised by what you stumble across in these tucked-away shops. You never know, you might find your next performance tutu on a rack in a thrift store! **Tutu Styling Tips:** Alright, now let's talk about how to make a tutu work for you, beyond the dance studio. Here are a few tips for how to rock a tutu, no matter where you are: * **Balance It Out:** The trick to looking chic in a tutu, even on an everyday occasion, is to pair it with a top or outfit that's understated and classic. For instance, try a sleek, black turtleneck and some simple, gold earrings with a classic tulle tutu, and voila, you have a look that's both edgy and elegant. * **Think About the Occasion:** A fluffy Romantic tutu with multiple layers of tulle may be great for a special event like a themed party, but a minimalist tutu, with sleek lines, is much more practical for a casual day out in town. **Tutu Culture:** Beyond the practicalities, let's chat about tutu culture. The tutu isn't just a garment; it's an expression of self and a symbol of something larger than ourselves. It's about taking a leap, going outside your comfort zone, and creating something magical. It's also a wonderful reminder that we're all capable of beautiful, transformative change, just like a caterpillar that emerges from its chrysalis and turns into a magnificent butterfly! For example, let's say you've had a really tough week and you just want to put on something fun that'll make you smile. What better than a sparkling, twirly tutu! Put on a tutu, get out of your head and dance around your apartment or go to your favourite local spot. It can bring people together, it can empower, and it's also just plain FUN. So go on, put on a tutu and be brave. I double-dog-dare ya! **My #TutuTuesday Look:** To finish up, I'll share what I wore for my #TutuTuesday adventure! I chose a sleek black tutu with minimal frills and a structured fit. Paired with a white, graphic tee shirt and a fitted denim jacket, I had a fun yet effortless vibe. It's also important to have some practical accessories like a ballet flat that you can wear when you're out and about. A comfy ballet flat is ideal because you can pop into the dance studio for a quick pirouette at a moment's notice, if the mood strikes you! Let me know in the comments if you wear a tutu, and tag me on Instagram using #tututuesday ! Let's bring some #tututuesday fun to Roland!